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Get Euler Angles from .nci file


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Dear all, 

Is it possible to calculate the Euler Angles (or the rotation matrix - three (or at least two) vectors defining the tool orientation) from a 5-axis .NCI file?
I can reach the tool axis (Z vector) but it is not enough to define the complete matrix, I need at least one more vector.
Also, is there some information in the .NCI file that tells me if the machine will privilege the rotary or the linear axis? 

Thank you in advance.

Best regards, 
Bernardo Freire

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39 minutes ago, BernardoFreire said:

Dear all, 

Is it possible to calculate the Euler Angles (or the rotation matrix - three (or at least two) vectors defining the tool orientation) from a 5-axis .NCI file?
I can reach the tool axis (Z vector) but it is not enough to define the complete matrix, I need at least one more vector.
Also, is there some information in the .NCI file that tells me if the machine will privilege the rotary or the linear axis? 

Thank you in advance.

Best regards, 
Bernardo Freire

Euler angles should only be needed at the start of the 5X path. Those angles can be calculated using the WCS Matrix (3 Vectors, arranged at right angles, to form a 9 variable Matrix). The WCS Matrix is output on the 1027 NCI Line. The Toolplane Matrix is output on NCI Line 1014.

It is important to understand how your machine parameters are set, as this will effect how the Euler angles are interpreted. I believe the default rotation is XZ'X''. (X, Z prime, X double prime). These 3 sequential rotations are used to orient the Feature Coordinate System. (G68.2)

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Typically when people talk about "Euler Angles", it is because they want to output "3 + 2" program paths. This allows the machine to position to "fixed angle pair", and then the machine can perform "planar cuts", which includes the ability to output 2D Cutter Radius Compensation.

For "live 5-Axis tool paths", these are typically Vector based. There are really two different formats for these Vector-based paths; either you are outputting the two rotary angles and XYZ, or you are outputting vector format, which is XYZ IJK. (The IJK is a Unit Vector, relative to the machine coordinate system.)

What NCI data are you trying to interpret? Is it Planar (Toolplane based), or Vector based (G11)?

It sounds like you are attempting to build your own 5-Axis Post, but you are starting with a 3-Axis Post. That is a lot of work to attempt. 


I would recommend contacting your Mastercam Reseller, to obtain a copy of the Generic Fanuc 5X Mill Post. This Post Processor is easy to configure (for an experienced Post Developer). This "master 5-Axis Post", can be configured for any 5-Axis machine type. (Gantry, Trunnion, Mixed-Mode, and even Nutating Machines can be configured. )

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1 hour ago, Colin Gilchrist said:

I would recommend contacting your Mastercam Reseller, to obtain a copy of the Generic Fanuc 5X Mill Post.

this post can be downloaded from Mastecam.com for free once you have registered and have a working username and password

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