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2023 Stock Setup


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Why are we missing some of the old 2022 Features in stock set up?  Before you could click all entities and then it would give you a quick part size and location relative to Origin. You could select corners. Super simple for quick referencing of parts. Sometimes I just want a nice simple wireframe for my stock, don't always need a solid model.


Is there a way we can get back? I missing something or is this just another case of taking something easy away and replacing it with something more complicated?



Stock Setup.PNG

2023 Stock.PNG

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18 hours ago, #Rekd™ said:

This gives a rough idea of the new stock setup/ machine group setup. It is starting look more like NX?



We use both NX and Mastercam where I work, Mastercam for 5 axis and NX for everything else. One thing I really like about NX is the ability to specify clearance planes for your workpiece/stock in the MCS (NXs version of WCS) and have the ability to "inherit" said clearance plane inside of toolpaths. I haven't had the chance to download Mastercam 2023 yet, any chance that something like this exists in it? Or maybe has all along and I just never noticed? My Z zero is off the bottom 90% of the time and our parts are all different heights so I find myself forgetting to set a different height for the clearance plane because in NX I have it set to a generic value and its inherited by all the toolpaths so they'll always clear during retracts and what not. It sucks bouncing back and forth between two softwares but whatever. Just curious if you guys would know or not! Thank you!

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On 6/7/2022 at 2:08 PM, #Rekd™ said:

This gives a rough idea of the new stock setup/ machine group setup. It is starting look more like NX?




Still wish they wouldn't take some of the simple way of doing things away. I get the direction they are headed but.....

It would be easy for them to just incorporate the stock setup from 2022 IMO .


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On 6/8/2022 at 9:48 AM, StevenM said:


We use both NX and Mastercam where I work, Mastercam for 5 axis and NX for everything else. One thing I really like about NX is the ability to specify clearance planes for your workpiece/stock in the MCS (NXs version of WCS) and have the ability to "inherit" said clearance plane inside of toolpaths. I haven't had the chance to download Mastercam 2023 yet, any chance that something like this exists in it? Or maybe has all along and I just never noticed? My Z zero is off the bottom 90% of the time and our parts are all different heights so I find myself forgetting to set a different height for the clearance plane because in NX I have it set to a generic value and its inherited by all the toolpaths so they'll always clear during retracts and what not. It sucks bouncing back and forth between two softwares but whatever. Just curious if you guys would know or not! Thank you!

This I still don't understand, should be model/ stock aware by now. Hardest part of training new guys on mc especially if they came from a different software.

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2 hours ago, Gary said:

This I still don't understand, should be model/ stock aware by now. Hardest part of training new guys on mc especially if they came from a different software.

Oh yeah, this threw me for a loop having come from NX first then into Mastercam. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow!  I just switched to 2023.  Why is this so complicated now?  Before you could create a solid and click it and MC would use its dimensions to define the stock for posting.  I can figure out how make an awkward shaped stock model and use it to verify, but it won't post the overall dimensions.  Only if I use a bounding box, which is an inaccurate representation of my actual stock.  

So now I have to verify with a stock model then change to a bounding box before I post?  Am I missing something???


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12 minutes ago, TOM S said:

Wow!  I just switched to 2023.  Why is this so complicated now?  Before you could create a solid and click it and MC would use its dimensions to define the stock for posting.  I can figure out how make an awkward shaped stock model and use it to verify, but it won't post the overall dimensions.  Only if I use a bounding box, which is an inaccurate representation of my actual stock.  

So now I have to verify with a stock model then change to a bounding box before I post?  Am I missing something???


No, not really. They released a "new workflow", but without having it really give you anything new. Plus, they took some stuff away, all in the name of getting a new interface "done". But, they took away functionality, from the guys who use the software to make parts, day-in/day-out.

You can still show the "Red Dashed Wireframe" for your parts, but not easily.

When you go to the 3rd Page > Stock Setup, you can use the "Show Wireframe Entities" checkbox to show Wireframe on your screen. (Why, why, would that be "off" by default?)

Press the "Bounding Box" button, and you get the Bounding Box function panel. Here, you can press the "All shown" radio button, to actually get an XY bounding box, which will also include "Z" if your entities have any "thickness" to them. If you've only got "flat" wireframe, you'll get XY, but no Z. You can manually type in a Z Thickness if needed.

Now, you've "Defined" the stock, right? So, why isn't it showing up? Because you've got to use the "Stock Display" option under "Toolpaths Ribbon" to actually get that dashed box wireframe to show up. Brilliant!!! You can also use the "Stock Shading" button to toggle between Red Dashed Wireframe, and a translucent solid.

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Bold claim:

2023, is the new "X3". There, I said it...

5 hours ago, MrFish said:

Has anyone worked out if there is a way to “display” stock from the stock setup page like you could pre 2023 ?

You have to use the "Stock Display" button on the "Toolpaths Ribbon". You basically "set the stock size" in Machine Group Setup. But the display is handled on the View Ribbon.

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  • 9 months later...

Hey all, so I've finally reluctantly "upgraded" to 2023 and am also pained by the changing of stock setup options.

I found  a rather simple work around for the lack of the "Stock Display" option, which I toggle off/on many times a day.

Under Options, I added "Stock Display" to my "Quick Access Toolbar" so it's just constantly available up in the top left hand corner.

Another thing you can do is go to "Options" > "Customize Keyboard" > "All Commands" > "Stock Display" > add your own hot key, I chose the space bar just because I already use "S" to toggle shading off and on.

Mastercam, not setting Machinist up for success ever since 1983 :P 



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  • 1 month later...
On 7/6/2022 at 3:36 AM, So not a Guru said:

I haven't heard anything about 2023 that makes me want to consider moving to it.

This. A thousand times this!

We have it here but nobody wants to use it because, well... it's Mastercam. Why do all y'all think I kept using v9 for over a decade? :lol: 

Hey, CNC Software, how about listening to your users instead of your Marketing department when you do updates? Mkthx. 

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yea im done reporting how much people dont like the new stock setup, always falls on deaf ears, most people wouldn't even believe me if i told them how many mastercam instructors and mastercam users i have worked with have have voiced their issues with it directly to me. they have to be ignoring us all because there is no way they dont have these reports 

edit: i do love mastercam, dont get me wrong tho... but im not going to sugar coat the truth about this matter

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4 minutes ago, JoshC said:

yea im done reporting how much people dont like the new stock setup, always falls on deaf ears, most people wouldn't even believe me if i told them how many mastercam instructors and mastercam users i have worked with have have voiced their issues with it directly to me. they have to be ignoring us all because there is no way they dont have these reports 

edit: i do love mastercam, dont get me wrong tho... but im not going to sugar coat the truth about this matter

don't giive up Josh

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9 minutes ago, JoshC said:

people dont like the new stock setup

Hey, CNC Software, you seeing this? ^^^^

9 minutes ago, JoshC said:

always falls on deaf ears

Hey, CNC Software, you seeing this, too? ^^^^

9 minutes ago, JoshC said:

they have to be ignoring us

Hey, CNC Software, how about this? Are you seeing this? ^^^^

Time to step up your game. This ain't stinkin' rocket science. 

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There was a thread about how having people work from home during lockup caused a deterioration of work quality. Elon IMNSHO is right on when he says people need to be "in person". Failures on so many levels in those 2 years of our history will be written about for decades.

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