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I want to add in my post cycle Tap with Peck. I want to specify a depth of -20. peck 2 and I want to will recieve code code

( 5.00 - 0.8. TAP-RH SPIRAL YG-1  IPI )
T12 M6
G0 G90 G54 X-45.065 Y17.257 S300 M3
G43 H12 Z25.
G99 G84 R2. Z-10.  F240.
X-45.065 Y17.257 Z10.


or I want to specify a depth of -21. peck 3 and I want to will recieve

T12 M6
G0 G90 G54 X-45.065 Y17.257 S300 M3
G43 H12 Z25.
G99 G84 Z-7. R2. F240.
X-45.065 Y17.257 Z-14.
X-45.065 Y17.257 Z-21.

How I need to change my post?

Now i have post

pdrlcst11            #Canned Tap Cycle with Peck
	  result = nwadrs(striz1, peck1$)	
	  result = peck1$
	  result = nwadrs(striz2, peck2$)	
	  result = peck2$
      result = newfs(17, feed)  # Set for tapping Feedrate format
	  pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, "G84", pxout, pyout, pzoutz, peck1$,
        prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$
		n$, [if dwell$ > 0, "M00"] e$
		n$, [if peck2$, *pfxout], [if peck2$, *pfyout], [if peck2$, *peck2$], e$
		n$, [if dwell$ > 0, "M00"] e$
		n$, pfxout, pfyout, pfzout, e$
		result = nwadrsval ("Q", peck1$)
		result = nwadrsval ("J", peck2$)
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  • 3 months later...

VK-8, do this...

#Region, ptap$            #Canned Tap Cycle
ptap$            #Canned Tap Cycle
      MR1Value = opinfo(15200, 0)
      #RH/LH based on spindle direction
      [if (MR1Value = 1) & iRidgidMCode > 0, *iRidgidMCode, e$]          #Rigid Tapping
	  if (MR1Value = 1) & iBeginningPitchTapGCode > 0 & (tool_typ$ = 4 | tool_typ$ = 5), *iBeginningPitchTapGCode, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, "BEGINNING PITCH TAP", no_spc$, scomm_end, e$           #Rigid Tapping
      if use_pitch = 0, 
          [if MR1Value = 1 | not(MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0) | MR1Value > 2, pcan1, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pfxout, pfyout, pfzout, prdrlout, [if iBeginningPitchTapGCode = 0, *feed], [if iPeck1field > 0, *peck1$]],
          #[if (MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0), pcan1, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, prdrlout],
          #[if iPeck1field > 0 & not(MR1Value = 2) & (tool_typ$ = 4 | tool_typ$ = 5), *peck1$], 
          [if (MR1Value = 1) & (iBeginningPitchTapGCode > 0 | iEndingPitchTapGCode > 0), pitch = 1/n_tap_thds$, *pitch], 
           if MR1Value = 3, 
            use_pitch = 1,
            result = newfs(2, n_tap_thds$), 
            result = nwadrs("E",n_tap_thds$),
          #[if not(MR1Value = 2 | MR1Value = 3) & peckclr$ = 0, *feed], 
		  [if MR1Value = 3, no_spc$, ", R1"], strcantext, e$
        if metvals, pitch = n_tap_thds$  # Tap pitch (mm  per thread)
        else, pitch = 1/n_tap_thds$       # Tap pitch (inches per thread)
        pcan1, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
          prdrlout, [if peck1$, *peck1$], *pitch, !feed, strcantext, e$
      if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, pHaasPeckTap
#EndRegion, ptap$            #Canned Tap Cycle


#Region, ptap_2$          #Canned Tap Cycle
ptap_2$          #Canned Tap Cycle
      if (MR1Value = 2 & drillcyc$ = 3 & iPeck1field > 0), "(*)", e$
      if MR1Value = 1 | not(MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0) | MR1Value > 2, pdrlxy, e$
      #if MR1Value = 1 | not(MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0) | MR1Value > 2, pcan1, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, strcantext, e$
      if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, pHaasPeckTap2
#EndRegion, ptap_2$          #Canned Tap Cycle

#Region, pHaasPeckTap            #Canned Tap Cycle with Peck Inc
pHaasPeckTap            #Canned Tap Cycle with Peck Inc
      MR1Value = opinfo(15200, 0)
      pdrlcommonb #Maps and calculates XY, depth, R-height, etc.
      #RH/LH based on spindle direction
      result = newfs(12, feed)
	  if MR1Value = 2 & drillcyc$ = 3 & iPeck1field > 0,
        result = force(refht_a, refht_i)
        #"REF HEIGHT:", ~refht$, e$
        #"TOS Z:", ~tosz$, e$
        #"DEPTH:", ~depth$, e$
        #Set zabs & zinc, from tosz minus peck1
        zabs = tosz$ - peck1$ #Set first peck depth
        zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
        zinc = zia - prv_xia
        #So, now we've set the first peck depth, for output in pfzout
        result = newfs(2, iPeck1field) # Text size
        result = nwadrs("Q",iPeck1field) # Text size word
		if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, *refht$, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, "HAAS PECK TAP MODE", no_spc$, scomm_end, e$
        *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, *iPeck1field, no_spc$, scomm_end, e$
        total_depth = tosz$ - depth$ #Get total depth of hole
        full_pecks = int (total_depth / peck1$)
        total_depth = fmtrnd(total_depth) #round
        peck1$ = fmtrnd(peck1$) #round
        last_peck = frac(total_depth / peck1$)
        #result = mprint("Last Peck")
        #result = mprint(last_peck)
        #result = mprint("total depth")
        #result = mprint(total_depth)
        #exitpost$ #skip the while loops below temp.
        if full_pecks = one & last_peck > zero, #two or more pecks, remember 1st has already been output!
          #output last peck only
          zabs = depth$ #Set peck depth
          zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
          zinc = zia - prv_xia
          pcan1, pbld, n$, sgdrlref, sgdrill, pxout, pyout, pfzout, pcout
          prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$
        if full_pecks > one & last_peck,
          full_pecks = full_pecks - one #subtract 1st peck
          #while loop to output full pecks - one
          while full_pecks >= one,
            #full_pecks is the counter for the loop, must evaluate to Zero eventually!
            zabs = zabs - peck1$
            zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
            zinc = zia - prv_xia
            sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, strcantext, e$ #SECOND
            full_pecks = full_pecks - one #decrement counter
          #output last peck only
          zabs = depth$ #Set last peck depth
          zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
          zinc = zia - prv_xia
          sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, strcantext, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, "ENDED", no_spc$, scomm_end, e$
          #after loop exit, output last_peck
        if full_pecks > one & not(last_peck),
          full_pecks = full_pecks - one #subtract 1st peck
          #while loop to output full pecks - one
          while full_pecks >= one,
            #full_pecks is the counter for the loop, must evaluate to Zero eventually!
            zabs = zabs - peck1$
            zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
            zinc = zia - prv_xia
            sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pcout, e$ #, no_spc$, "(STARTED)"
            #prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$
            full_pecks = full_pecks - one #decrement counter
      if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, *refht$, e$
	  if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, *initht$, e$
#EndRegion, pHaasPeckTap            #Canned Tap Cycle with Peck Inc

#Region, pHaasPeckTap2
      MR1Value = opinfo(15200, 0)
      pdrlcommonb #Maps and calculates XY, depth, R-height, etc.
      #RH/LH based on spindle direction
      result = newfs(12, feed)
      if MR1Value = 2 & drillcyc$ = 3 & iPeck1field > 0,
        result = force(refht_a, refht_i)
        #"REF HEIGHT:", ~refht$, e$
        #"TOS Z:", ~tosz$, e$
        #"DEPTH:", ~depth$, e$
        #Set zabs & zinc, from tosz minus peck1
        zabs = tosz$ - peck1$ #Set first peck depth
        zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
        zinc = zia - prv_xia
        #So, now we've set the first peck depth, for output in pfzout
	  ToolSequenceNumber = t$
	  ToolSquenceFirstTimeUsed = finc(3, t$)
	  *ToolSequenceNumber, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, sOperationComment, no_spc$, ", CUT#", no_spc$, sToolPathNumber, no_spc$, scomm_end, e$ #Mid tool sequence
	  *t$, "M6", ptoolcomm, e$ #Mid tool sequence
      "G0 G90 G17", *g_wcs, "M19", e$
      pfxout, pfyout, *speed, *spindle, e$
        "G43", *tlngno$, *initht$, e$
        if MR1Value = 2 & iPeck1field > 0, *refht$, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, "HAAS PECK TAP MODE", no_spc$, scomm_end, e$
        *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, no_spc$, scomm_str, no_spc$, *iPeck1field, no_spc$, scomm_end, e$
        total_depth = tosz$ - depth$ #Get total depth of hole
        full_pecks = int (total_depth / peck1$)
        total_depth = fmtrnd(total_depth) #round
        peck1$ = fmtrnd(peck1$) #round
        last_peck = frac(total_depth / peck1$)
        #result = mprint("Last Peck")
        #result = mprint(last_peck)
        #result = mprint("total depth")
        #result = mprint(total_depth)
        #exitpost$ #skip the while loops below temp.
        if full_pecks = one & last_peck > zero, #two or more pecks, remember 1st has already been output!
          #output last peck only
          zabs = depth$ #Set peck depth
          zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
          zinc = zia - prv_xia
          pcan1, pbld, n$, sgdrlref, sgdrill, pxout, pyout, pfzout, pcout,
          prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$
        if full_pecks > one & last_peck,
          full_pecks = full_pecks - one #subtract 1st peck
          #while loop to output full pecks - one
          while full_pecks >= one,
            #full_pecks is the counter for the loop, must evaluate to Zero eventually!
            zabs = zabs - peck1$
            zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
            zinc = zia - prv_xia
            sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, strcantext, e$ #SECOND
            full_pecks = full_pecks - one #decrement counter
          #output last peck only
          zabs = depth$ #Set last peck depth
          zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
          zinc = zia - prv_xia
          sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, prdrlout, strcantext, no_spc$, "(ENDED)", e$
          #after loop exit, output last_peck
        if full_pecks > one & not(last_peck),
          full_pecks = full_pecks - one #subtract 1st peck
          #while loop to output full pecks - one
          while full_pecks >= one,
            #full_pecks is the counter for the loop, must evaluate to Zero eventually!
            zabs = zabs - peck1$
            zia = fmtrnd(zabs)
            zinc = zia - prv_xia
            sgdrlref, sgdrill, pdrlxy, pcout, e$
             #prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$
            full_pecks = full_pecks - one #decrement counter
#EndRegion, pHaasPeckTap2
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