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future of mastercam

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On 7/31/2024 at 5:07 PM, injustice said:

Does Mastercam job has a future??

should i change my work field?

in need of serious advice from professionals??

No future. Mail it in now and get out while you can. :rofl:


I gotta ask... why would you tie a career to a single tool? I mean let's say for example Starrett went out of business... OK... you're not going to stop being a machinist for that reason are you? Same thing with CAD/CAM. And don't let the additive manufacturing sycophants scare you either. Is the face of manufacturing changing? Yes. It has been changing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and it will continue to change and evolve long after we are gone.

Never tie your career to a single tool and you'll be fine as long as you like the work. If you're just a squatter (clock puncher) or renter (enjoy it but you're not all in) in this career field then you probably should consider something else. The future is going to require people that are all in with regard to their own skill development and embracing the changes that are ahead.

All in or all out all the time.

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16 hours ago, cncappsjames said:

The future is going to require people that are all in with regard to their own skill development and embracing the changes that are ahead.

I would say this statement is as true now as it will be in many years.

As I have said to different people along the way, "no, I am not worried about finding a job, I have a skill" I have honed that skill over many years to get where I am at...

For people who go "all in" and be adaptable and learn new things, machining/manufacturing will provide a solid footing.

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9 hours ago, JParis said:

For people who go "all in" and be adaptable and learn new things, machining/manufacturing will provide a solid footing.

This would be considered a "life hack" for the younger generation. For a lot of us "boomers"... it's just who we are. :coffee:

Part of the reason why when a new software version is released I think we should uninstall the old version and install the new version is BECAUSE stuff could go completely sideways. Oh sure, We're  gonna complain. LOUD and repeatedly. 100% gonna do that. It's who we are. :rofl: But... the professionals amongst us are  gonna work the problem AND complain. It's multi-tasking at it's finest. Again, becauae it's who we are. :D

On a personal note, that seemingly small thing forces me into new things regularly. It's a small thing but it helps keep up the the progression. Keeps my skills relevant, my mind as sharp as it can be, and professionally moving in the right direction. I'm in my mid-50's. I need every little thing I can do to keep my mind active and learning.

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