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Pro Tip Swarf with and without tilt lines.

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2 minutes ago, #Rekd™ said:

It would seem like their government is subsidizing?

Of course they are.

That is how the Japanese destroyed the American television industry in the 1960's

They sold TV's in the US for $500. Japanese consumers paid $1500 for the same set, subsidizing losses on sets sold in the US. 

People today have never heard of the great old American TV manufacturers, RCA, Zenith, General Eletric. 


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100% ChyNuh subsidising - one of my Customers back 10 years ago was getting pressure to go there for parts from corporate as corporate had "their own factory "  :snort:

And then they looked at total batch size, no guarantee of mtl quality, no treatments, middle-man% etc etc - but yes, they were categorically told it was Gov subsidising from the "in country own factory" :double snort: 

Edit:- ref the "how do we know it's the right mtl" - my Customer even got as far as offering to supply material and ship to ChyNuh. I asked, "how do you know they'll use it'.... reply was "errrr, well, that's a very good point" :rofl:

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