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alloc_surf_data_ptr doesn't work for trim_type

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The first time alloc_surf_data_ptr is called, it does not allocate memory and the pointers remain null.

The problem is ONLY for TRIM_SURF. No problem with other surface types.

If I repeat the call with the same parameters then the memory is allocated:

	// Make TrimSurf
	ent eTrimSurf;
	memset (&eTrimSurf, 0, sizeof (ent));

	surf_type& sTrimSurf = eTrimSurf.u.sf;
	sTrimSurf.s.type = TRIM_SURF;
	eTrimSurf.refs = 0;	

	// Fill in general trim surf stuff and allocate space for trim surf data...
	trim_type& trim = sTrimSurf.u.trim;

	trim.psf = pParentSurface;
	trim.outer_trimmed = false;
	trim.n_pts = 0;

	trim.c_ptr = nullptr;
	alloc_surf_data_ptr (&sTrimSurf);

	// TODO: alloc_surf_data_ptr does nothing the first time it is called
	if (trim.c_ptr == nullptr)
		alloc_surf_data_ptr (&sTrimSurf);
	ASSERT (trim.c_ptr != nullptr);

	if (trim.c_ptr == nullptr)
		return nullptr;

This seems like an easy workaround and in most cases it works, but there are cases where the memory is corrupted and an invalid object is written to the database and/or there is a memory leak at the end.

I think this is a bug in the chooks SDK. I'm using 2024, haven't tried 2025 yet.
Has anyone else run into this problem and have a better solution?



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