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could not load file or assembly 'CliProjectTemplate.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found

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Hi i have tried to open my mastercam add on it works is debug mode but not in release node can somebody help me for this?

for my cliprojecttemplate output directory is x64\$(Configuration)\

platform toolset Visual Studio 2022 (v143)

use of mfc Use MFC in a Shared DLL

optimization was Maximum Optimization (Favor Speed) (/O2) i have changed it to Disabled (/Od

Whole Program optimization was Yes (/GL) i have changed it to no

preprocessor definitions WIN64;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG;_AFXEXT;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)

Runtime library Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)

Debuggable assembly Yes (/ASSEMBLYDEBUG)

Linker optimization Ref = Yes (/OPT:REF)

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1 hour ago, BarisGuzel said:

Hi i have tried to open my mastercam add on it works is debug mode but not in release node can somebody help me for this?


If you go into your project property page. At the top left what is "Configuration" set to? Dropbox Picture Link

Have you added include directories or additional library dependencies?

If the configuration is set to "Debug" and you've made changes, then those same changes must be made to "Release" as well. You can set the configuration to "All Configurations" and it will apply changes to both debug and release.

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17 hours ago, Jake L said:

If you go into your project property page. At the top left what is "Configuration" set to? Dropbox Picture Link

Have you added include directories or additional library dependencies?

If the configuration is set to "Debug" and you've made changes, then those same changes must be made to "Release" as well. You can set the configuration to "All Configurations" and it will apply changes to both debug and release.

Hi, thank you for responding to this topic.

I’ve already checked the include directories and additional library dependencies.



I’ve also tried running the project in Release mode. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. I ran the project in Debug mode using the Visual Studio debugger, and it worked. It successfully called Mastercam from sdk/x64/debug/mastercam.
  2. I tried opening Mastercam from the SDK folder manually, but it didn't work and gave the following errors related to missing DLLs:
    • The code execution cannot proceed because psbodyshop.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
    • The code execution cannot proceed because PSKERNEL.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
    • The code execution cannot proceed because mcexcell.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
    • Repeated: The code execution cannot proceed because mcexcell.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
  3. I built the project in Release mode, then opened Mastercam from the Mastercam folder (not the SDK folder). While Mastercam opened, it gave an error: cliprojecttemplate.dll or one of its dependencies was not found.
  4. I’ve tried all configurations, but nothing has worked so far.


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20 hours ago, Jake L said:

The only time I've seen the debug build execute correctly but the release build not, it was the issue above. If all the files in your debug and release configurations match, then I'm not sure what would cause this. Hopefully someone else can help out here.

I have send the required DLLs to my colleague's computer and then it worked so probably the problem is related with my computer environment.

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