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Zoomies/Clipping on Curve 5 Axis, Flow, Multi Surf, Port, Rotary and Swarf Operations

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Can't see most of the graphics on the subject toolpath types. And the fonts look like they're from V9. 😕 

Is this a known issue? I had it on the old laptop and on this new one with a completely fresh install. Win10 on the old one and Win11 on the new one.




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Oh man, that's an old problem...  I'm trying to remember the specifics, as I spent a lot of time on that about 6 or 8 years ago.    As I recall, Matt and I were completely unable to replicate it at CNC, and I was trying to do things like Mastercam on a Microsoft Surface and other low end hardware.  I'm pretty sure that I remember it coming in from one of the European resellers, but I thought we figured it out before Mick retired?  

What version of Mastercam, and what's your computer specs?  What video card are you driving off of?

I'm trying to remember if that was specific to a certain intel driver being installed in the system or if that was a different problem....

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30 minutes ago, Mr. Saturday said:

I'm running a Thinkpad








The Mastercam line didn't post, is this happening in 2025?

TIL that Intel has a new integrated graphics line this year.  Neat.  Here's a review for anyone else learning of it for the first time too:  https://www.pcmag.com/news/first-tests-is-intels-arc-good-enough-for-gaming-on-integrated-graphics

Looks better than HD/Iris, which is, well, not exactly a high bar to clear, but it's still something!

Either way, I probably can't help you here.. Perhaps someone in QC has tested on a machine like this at CNC but you are on unsupported hardware so they probably haven't.   We really didn't have much laying around CNC with integrated graphics chips when I was there.   I remember searching all over the building to test that old Intel Graphics not working with OpenGL applications thing from version V22-V26.  I think I found that Surface in the sales or marketing office.

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7 minutes ago, Aaron Eberhard said:

The Mastercam line didn't post, is this happening in 2025?


Thanks Aaron. I took the licensing image out. I'm on 2022 (24.0.17996.0).

I don't know how I missed this on the quote we got for this. We're not even close.

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1 minute ago, Mr. Saturday said:

Thanks Aaron. I took the licensing image out. I'm on 2022 (24.0.17996.0).

I don't know how I missed this on the quote we got for this. We're not even close.

If your maintenance is current, you can try it in 2025, but if my (very fuzzy about this issue) memory is right, it never got fixed because it could never be replicated in house. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Saturday said:

That might explain why my fonts look like they're from v9.1.

I looked for a noto font and coulnd't find one.

Take a look in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.  It will not show up if you try to search from C:\, because, well, Windows I guess..

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A dev clued me in to another one to look at- check for MS Sans Serif font on your computer. We were finding that this font was missing from some Windows 10 installs a few years ago and made a change to accommodate for this.. Also, what is your Windows scaling set at?

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I had another thought (and remember I'm grasping at straws here for ya!).  In windows, you can set the font scale itself separate from the "windows scaling" factor.   May be worth a check to see if Lenovo set yours high?

Right click on the "windows logo"/start menu > Settings > Accessibility > Text Size.

Make sure that the slider is all the way to left?

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