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Pause with Spindle Turning Until Cycle Start is Pressed?

Bill H

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I'm working on a lathe with a Fanuc 30i control and am testing an experimental device.  While this device is pressurizing, I want to pause program execution until Cycle Start is pressed.  The spindle must remain turning while pressure is building.  Since the time it takes to pressurize is variable, I can't just use a G04 command.  If the device works as it should, we'll automate the cycle, but for testing purposes I just want to keep it simple.  Any ideas how I can do this?  A macro of some sort?

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33=0        sets a variable 5o a value less than 1


WHILE[#33LT1]DO1. Starts a loop from DO1 to END1.  Executes the code between.  In this case a 5 second dwell every time the loop occurs


G4U5.(Build pressure while spindle turning)


/#33=1.  When block skip is on , this line is ignored.  This is the code that will cause the loop to be completed because #33 is no longer less than 1


END1.  End of the loop.  After the WHILE condition is made the code underneath END1 is executed 

You still need to have block skip on at the start of a cycle.  Then when you are ready to start after your pressure build you turn block skip off.  


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