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Simple Shop floor system?

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Hello everyone,
   I have a friend he is looking for a simple job shop controlling manufacturing system.  Honestly, most of them are very expensive and I remember back 10 years ago I saw a system called as "JOB SHOP MANAGER" (can't remember the full name).  It is based on Microsoft Access.  If anyone who knows about this, would you guys give me some info like screenshots or some info link?

 He needs to schedule the job, the setup men would scan the barcode into the system, so he sees how the job flows on the floor.  It also generated "TRAVELER" as well.

Thanks a lot.

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Paul Van Meter is the co-founder. Great people, great system, affordable, easy to deploy and maintain.

Users interact with the system, using a web browser, so nothing to deploy for the user (don't have to install endless windows applications).

Track and record all things, like materials, tools, programs, operations, routers, etc.

You could still generate paper travelers, if you want, but they could also interact with any device. Phone, tablet, computer, etc., so you can update/track and notify the whole shop in real-time.

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8 hours ago, Colin Gilchrist said:


Paul Van Meter is the co-founder. Great people, great system, affordable, easy to deploy and maintain.

Users interact with the system, using a web browser, so nothing to deploy for the user (don't have to install endless windows applications).

Track and record all things, like materials, tools, programs, operations, routers, etc.

You could still generate paper travelers, if you want, but they could also interact with any device. Phone, tablet, computer, etc., so you can update/track and notify the whole shop in real-time.

Tha k you, Colin.

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