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Simulation crashes


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't remember specifics, hopefully someone can chime in here, but I seem to remember MC2024 couldn't simulate unless a specific machine type was selected for simulation. I want to say this was only applicable to 5-axis machines, but I'm not 100%. I tried to find a thread about this, but I came up empty handed. It's possible this was a 2023 thing, I can't remember.

I also could just be flat out wrong here.

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I can't remember any issues specific to 2024 and simulation, but there was a discussion of some issues people have encountered in this thread, as well as how I troubleshoot it.

Luckily, if it happens every time, you'll be able to figure out the cause at least!  The worst is intermittent problems!

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Thanks for taking the time Aaron, unfortunately that's not what I was thinking of.

The biggest thing I remember is the fix was to go into simulator options and there was a specific 5axis machine you had to set so simulation could run. Now that I think about it more, it may have been when the new Machine Group Setup page was implemented. I rarely use simulation so it wasn't an issue that affected me.

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