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NOTW Programmer

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We have a Mazak Variaxis I800, the guys at the floor only have the option to use Restart 2; this is non-modal. I emailed Mazak and they said that Modal Restart cannot, i.e. Restart 1, cannot be used due to the explanation below. Anyone have any say on this, seems like the machine would be able to pick up and read all the previous codes no problem. The Mazak Manual even offers the option and does not warn about any complications.

G54.2 - Dynamic Offsetting II
Restarting in the program cannot be executed inside of G54.2 mode.

G54.4 - Work Position Error Comp.
Restarting operation from a block in the mode of workpiece setup error correction begins with a movement to the accordingly corrected position and to the position without correction, respectively, in the case of using the [RESTART] and the [RESTART 2 NONMODAL] menu function.  

G05P2 G61.1 - High Speed Smoothing 
Alarm is generated.

G43.4 - Tool Tip Point Control
Alarm is generated if restarting is done inside of G43.4 or on the line of cancelation, G49.

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Simply go to your EIA monitor screen, press "Search", then type in the tool number and the staged tool number (e.g. T6T or T6 T, keep in mind the spaces if you use them)  press "input" (it should search for it and highlight it in the EIA monitor screen) then, hit the right-most arrow key til you find "Restart 2 Nonmodal" click it then hit "cycle start."


Your dynamic compensation and 5 axis codes should be present after each tool change. If you search for the tool change and start from there, you can just pick up your calculation codes and completely bypass the headache. 


Another thing I do is mark the tool changes with "N" codes. i went thru the post and deleted all the other "N" codes except for when a tool change happens then i can simply search for the "N" number instead of searching for a tool change line. Just in case i have to run a tool multiple times in an operation. 


if this doesnt help, or if you have more questions shoot me a P.M. and i will try to help further.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I understand correctly, you should be able to restart prior to the codes above being read, but not afterwards.

what I mean by that, is the machine needs to read those codes in order to run/calculate correctly. Since those codes are typically recalculating positions and feed rates at every line of code involving movement, you probably cannot skip down through moves and have it just pick up and know where it should be.

In these circumstances, you can probably only start at tool change positions where these are typically set and read.

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  • 6 months later...

If I understand correctly, you should be able to restart prior to the codes above being read, but not afterwards.

what I mean by that, is the machine needs to read those codes in order to run/calculate correctly. Since those codes are typically recalculating positions and feed rates at every line of code involving movement, you probably cannot skip down through moves and have it just pick up and know where it should be.

In these circumstances, you can probably only start at tool change positions where these are typically set and read.

We don't want it to pick up and go, the machine would need to know where it is at. Every machine I have run so far is able to read through and restart mid-program. Seems to me that starting off at a tool change is a workaround being that there realy isn't a tool change at such location to begin with. The point I want to restart from is perhaps a spot where the operator wanted to check something or if a tool got dull towards the end of a 30 minute cycle.


Anyone ever experience G61.1 alarms during 5axis moves ?

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