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MOD function for Fanuc controls

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Looking for some help. I have an idea of what the MOD function does but I can't seam to find it in the control books. I am trying to help a bud convert an Okuma program over to Fanuc. Please if u could let me know what this is used for and application I would really appreciate it or if it can even be done.

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  • 6 years later...

Sorry to resurect a dead thread but this is one of the first links that comes up with google search. YoDoug is erroneous. in his example #500 will return 2. 10/4 is 2.5 but MOD does not return the decimal, it returns the reaminder. 10/4 is 2 with a remainder of 2. Not trying to russel any feathers but this post lead me down the wrong path and i want to help anyone who may be lead here as well!


I'm sure it was just an honest easy mistake. No Shade!!

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