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  • Birthday January 18


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    Where the Ind Revolution began

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  1. As you say, there was LOTS of "noise" about this back in the day. But what % actually used it, or needed it, or understood it etc?
  2. Hmmmm....I'm old enough to remember MANY requests going back to the X5 beta days which were spoken about as "great ideas", yet left on the cutting room floor.... And as for "feature fixes"....
  3. Project 3D the geometry onto the surface. Chain the paths and use centreline, setting to contour 3D (activating depths)
  4. Dang Scott. Sorry to read this and hopefully everything works out for the better
  5. No....you're not my boss!
  6. Slykdexia rules KO!
  7. Just checking - are you the machine operator at gcode's place who changed the Z global and argued with him to not change the tool length?
  8. Viewing this on the PeaSea, it shows "NEVER AND I REPEAT EVER" I have no need to click "expand". Wise words Ronaldo
  9. As it's the tool doing the cutting....and if you want it to cut either deeper or shallower....why would you adjust anything but the tool length (TLO or Wear) Temp adjusting global Z has it's place (basic 3ax paths!) but changing this obviously affects ALL tools....where you only want to adjust the one....
  10. Hmmmm...."integral spindle"....having been very badly bitten 20+ years ago with Hitachi machines, which all had integral spindles, when they need a rebuild it is mega-expensive. I really don't think you can beat a direct drive spindle with coupling - thinking Robodrill, Matsuura's, even my 15k rpm Feeler machines had that. Really simple and IMHO, technically far superior to keep the motor (many KW = heat) well away from the spindle bearings....
  11. I was thinking out loud, with not a lot of thinking! Wondering if the pdf is similar in construction, to a DXF - which is a text file containing all the data geometry. Because I know there is the "measurement" command within a 3D pdf, so you can measure distances etc. So I guess....the geometry within the file has to be "accurate"? But as the pdf is lots smaller than wireframe or model file, it can only be stripped out or compressed
  12. I wonder if this is anything to do with liability of data - "print is master"? They (Customer) may have been previously burnt by "designer" modelling inaccurate and machine shop making to model and it doesn't meet print....There was a TONNE (note metrico - larger than imperial :lol:) of this going on where "designers" didn't understand or couldn't comprehend the need for accuracy, or just didn't care. How accurate is pdf to cad - does that take the dimension to drive wireframe? Or pdf3d to model - again does this take the actual dims (unsure how smart a pdf is - prolly not?)
  13. Although my toolmaking apprenticeship, turned into Modelshop/R&D, that quickly turned into the DO at the age of 21. I was REALLY fortunate that my mentor agreed to take me under his wing - he told me "I don't think I can make a silk purse out of a sows ear, but I think I can make a sows ear purse out of you" But we'd hit it off early during my apprenticeship - while work experience in the DO, he gave me my 1st job which was to copy an existing print. Mylar, 5H and 2H pencils, rule ("we don't call them rulers in here as the Queen of England has F'all to do with this job") square, protractor, compass and the most important thing eraser - and away I went. The part was the base of an instrument which was square with the 4x corners turned off, and everything was about the C/L - and I thought I was doing okay when he said "that top right quadrant - tatty - have another go at it"....so the eraser got a hammering and 15 minutes later "that's good, but it shows up the bottom right quadrant - have another go at that"....so out with the eraser again and 15 minutes later rinse and repeat for the left hand side.... End of day I remember him saying "the cleaners will love you tonight - look at all that mess on the floor" But yes, printing was my downfall - CAD was a godsend. There's 2x real arts to being a drafty from a "picture drawing " perspective - neat printing, and the most important one having the initial visibility of first laying the job out in your head so you know you can then get all views and all dimensions on the sheet. As with everything now, things change and it's a lost art - but we now have the other extreme where "everyone can use a computer", so everyone thinks they can be an "engineer"!

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