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Everything posted by Millertime

  1. Thanks for the feed back . Played with the setting a bit more to see if there was something else that would be causing this and found that if I have tool contact point checked in the tool containment params tool path will cut to zero regardless of how much stock I leave. Change it to tip and stock to leave values are recognized. I think this might be file specific since I imported the operation into another file Selected dives and avoidance geometry and toolpath verified correctly.
  2. Using Mastercam 2020 Tool path is Highspeed Raster. When I select all machining surfaces and set my stock to leave (.010 on floors .010 on walls) For avoidance I have 3 surfaces selected (my fixture ) floor and wall stock is set to zero . Run verify and backplot and toolpath is going to zero on all machining surfaces !! Been out of the loop on this forum for quite some time not sure if this is a glitch with this version.
  3. +1 on that Collin I do the same here works great. The only problems I have doing this is when I import It resets My Coolant and Air blast to Ignore on both.
  4. Don't use any of there standard ballnose endmills but for specials they are the go to guys..
  5. Seco Fraisa YG1 Are pretty good cutters
  6. give this a try when you import the operations you need to disable duplicate tool checking.
  7. Using x7 mu1 to program this plate. Cleared out channel with op9 going -.010 p/s . Ran verify on it and does not show red on the compare? A little worried about not being able to catch a gouge if verify compare is not working properly.Anybody run into this? Also if you delete all ops except for op9 and run verify it will compare properly. I attached a screen shot and the file. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!!! BAD VERIFY.MCX-7
  8. See file . I turned off rest passes and changed bitangency angle to 175. PENCIL PROBLEM.MCX-7
  9. +1 pocket is doing what it is supposed to do. I added some depth of cuts and wrote a blend for the top. Are you asking how to ruff the top profile? TEST.MCX-7
  10. Even though it did not work properly. It was nice to at least see If you had coolant on or off with out going into your'e parameters to check.
  11. you should be fine using cutters mentioned .I have cut a bunch of this stuff and I treat it Like hi hard p-20. Drills and taps fine. I have found it to be more stable than p-20 when removing large amount of material.
  12. Try defining your tool length as the amount of flute you have. Then create a holder and put the rest of your non cutting tool geometry on the holder. Check gouge check setting and specify the clearance you want.
  13. within a thou is correct. Also try high speed scallop with rest passes to a tool dia you will get a better path.
  14. We run our mastercam seats off a server and all our config files machine definitions and posts are on a seperate server wich crashed today and will not come back up!!!! We try to launch mastercam and it crashes becaues its looking at the server that is crashed that contains our machine definitions and and posts and configs. We have those definitions and files needed backed up on a usb stick. We loaded those configs and machine definitions on my c drive. The dilema is how can we change the destination that mastercam is looking for those files without actually launching mastercam? Thanks
  15. Rotary, I have it set to as defined no luck.
  16. Trying to get a thread mill path to show up in verify.Created a custom tool It backplots correct. verify settings are set to make true threads set to as defined tool tolerance set to .001. tried turbo tried preview nothing works what am I missing?Running x6 mu2.
  17. Looks like a opti area to ruff this to me.On the gouging try setting the refinement params to normal,better, and turn on smoothing.
  18. Are you doing a waterline with rest passes to a tool dia? If so you will have better luck using a stock model or youre .062 ball op as youre rest ruf previous op.also you might need to mess with adjustments to remaining stock params. (Start with use remaining stock as computed) If it over cuts switch to( adjust remaining cuts to ignore small cusps) and set youre adjustment distance to 75% of youre previous tools doc.
  19. Collin, Next time I run into this problem I will send It to QC. +1 on the opitmize cut order in x7.
  20. I do the same but if you have some real shapy stuff it becomes very time consuming breaking up youre toolpaths like that. I hope mastercam works on the tool path a bit there are a few things in my opinion that could be better. For instance if you are doing a core that has different bosses at different z levels the tool alot of time starts at a lower z level cuts down for a bit then hops up and cuts from top down. I havn't found any way to control that. Dont get me wrong it is a nice toolpath when it does what you want especially for mold work.

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