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Everything posted by civiceg

  1. Still having issues with 3 +1 simulation. Our post handles the retracts when indexing. Can't get machine sim to retract between rotations. False collisions.
  2. ISO is the minimum, every contractor we deal with has there own audit.
  3. I always check the major diameter of the tap, mainly because we do a lot of STI tapping and its sometimes hard to read the shank. If its a super critical part I will tap a test piece of material and check the thread with a gage, along with the minor. Most jobs, I just check the first thread in the machine and let her rip after that. Another reason I always check the first thread is that we have alot of over sized taps for jobs that get plated. It burns me up when an operator just throws a part in inspection. So now they have to reinspect the part for a good first piece. Not to mention inspection should be the second line of defense for bad parts, not the only person checking the damn thing.
  4. I switched over to the exact trackball pictured, roughly a year ago. Constant panning and zooming have really highlighted my issue. I am on a computer a good 12 hours everyday, most days more. That compounded with lifting and spinning wrenches, hand surgery in my 30's is looking promising.
  5. I am in the same boat, just don't want to pony up with the cash. Last few weeks my wrist has been killing me. Any issues with wrist pain?
  6. 2.5 hours is impressive. Still a chip or burr under the part and vac will drop in no time, no matter how elaborate the fixture. Waiting 10 or so minutes after loading to make sure you don't have a leak wouldn't hurt. I work at a shop where the majority of our fixtures are vac, we have had multiple instances where parts were not loaded correctly. The parts did not come off, but the 7 gallon catch tanks were 90% filled with coolant due to leaks. This usually happens when sucking down sheet metal blanks that are not properly deburred. I have seen machined parts hold 27 inches of mercury over the weekend, with the pump off. It can be done, I don't doubt it, but I wouldn't trust an operator with it unless the part was also mechanically secured. So even if the vac failed its not ending up in the isle.
  7. On board vacuum charge tanks scare me, charge the tank and part and send her in. So any leak and there always is, makes it unfavorable for long cycle times. I am sure its fine with short cycle times and small parts that wont make a large bang when they come off. We looked into a continuous system for our 6 pallet hmc. Big money for a system that is continually charging each fixture. Locally there was a shop where a part lifted and cut the operator quite badly (almost in half). Which is why I always try to have bolts or mitee bites on the part as well as vacuum with a pocket for the part to sit in.
  8. By checking the pitch, major and minor diameters of the gage. Reminds me I need to buy a set of thread triangles.
  9. Yes, your assumption is correct. I have always had it set to 2 mm. Although I have never done any production tapping with a peck. 0.5 seems like too small of an amount for a coarse pitch. Just curious, guess I could start decreasing it.
  10. What do you guys have your backup distances set to and do you change them often?
  11. In Opti rest you have your most updated stock model being selected as your tool path to calculate stock? Also could you try using all of your previous ops to calculate the stock for your new tool path. The only issue I have had using stock models and Opti rest was using a hollow tube. I could not get it to recognize it. Maybe because your stock is somewhat undercut????
  12. First time doing the zip to go. LARGETCOLUMN.Z2G
  13. Yes I have a file for some tombstones I just machined, but will have to wait until Monday.
  14. It happens in both, but only shows collisions in machine sim.
  15. Main issue is with tools not retracting between rotations. Verify does not alarm out. I have taken proven programs from x6 and tried this. Its not noticeable, unless I stop on tool changes or operations that should be rotating. Top world view. Front, right, back, and left tool plane and construction planes, for the horizontals. So is there a simple solution? thanks
  16. Unless you can rig it yourself, I agree. But the whole "used up" thing, depends what kind of work you do. Its nice to have a cheap spindle to do weldment work on or nasty fiber glass parts. That way you dont have a 400k spindle tied up waiting on inspection etc. .02
  17. edit, Im pretty sure it was because I brought in a file from a coworker who has his posts linked to the server, where as I have them copied over to my c drive. Our server goes down from time to time, so I prefer them to be on my own computer.
  18. I kept trying to use the multiplier. Was not effecting it. Which made me start rechecking everything. I was pulling the post from the server while modifying the one on my c drive. I don't know how it was switched, but its happened to me before. (fs2 18 0 4 0 4t #) This would make be believe that its shifting the decimal point, not actually multiplying. It worked the other way too, after I selected the correct post. Thanks for the suggestion
  19. I am using a mpmaster x6 mill post. I am trying to make the p value for G82 go (from .01 to 100). All the other posts at my work look like this fmt "P" 18 dwell$ #Dwell fs2 18 0 4 0 4t # I have tried changing the mpmaster post to this and it seems it is not responding to the fmt line. No matter what value I change it to, the P value remains unchanged. Logically .01=P100 does not make sense (.1 should be p100), but this is how 20 years of programs have been done, so I need to have my new post reflect it. Any info would be great, thanks
  20. missed the post from Jparis....
  21. So he could find someone who has a older HLE from a few years back. I am pretty sure I have one that came with an x5 book.
  22. The older versions of HLE disks that are given away with the In House Solutions books no longer work? Or its just not offered as a download?
  23. Support for D shaped holes or any funky undercut shapes would be awesome. Just had to transform an under cutter toolpath today, to get reverse step cuts. Not a problem but retracting for every step kinda sucks.

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