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  1. So far in my testing, Mastercam 2025 is massively slower on this file compared to previous versions. ~30% slower than 2024. With that big of a drop, I expect this is unintended. 1-2% here and there for extra goodies in the toolpaths, sure, but this is a huge chunk of time! No idea why this is the case. The last op to complete in this file, the OptiRest, its the one increasing calc times. Oddly, the OptiRough is relatively the same, so the stock model is causing it? Hopefully patch 1 fixes whatever is going on here. Should also note a new item shows in the log for 2025... UBVS started mw/moduleworks:customer/mastercam/release_2025 Can't point fingers without knowing more but when something new shows up and suddenly things slow to a crawl, makes ya wonder. To put everyone at ease who is testing with 2025 and seeing slower times than expected, its not your rig! Here's some numbers from my build, same rig for all tests.... 2020-3:12 2021-3:00 2022-3:10 2023-3:34 2024-3:36 2025-4:48
  2. Well that's concerning. I don't remember getting any emails from you about this. The entire point of our 'Ask Instructor' is for when you get stuck you can reach out to us and we help you through your troubles. Yes, Mastercams trimming of arcs is terrible. Please don't blame us for that, we don't have any control over its behaviour. We address this in many of the videos we create when going through trimming arcs. Again, if you're stuck, there's a button right in the lesson that connects you with us. I'm pretty quick to reply.
  3. You can record a keystroke macro and trigger it from a keyboard shortcut or custom mouse button. I have an mmo mouse I use for things like this. I think some non mmo still have the ability to do this as long as you have an extra button??
  4. GPU rarely gets used for any toolpath calculations in Mastercam. It should get used when you start rotating the model about. Still, even at system idle, there should be some load on the GPU. What are you using to monitor the load on the GPU? Another thing to check, Power Plan. Make sure you are on high performance there. Also, if you just installed it, maybe a restart or two is needed for windows to recognize it correctly.
  5. Different builders may use different components. A computer from Dell or Lenovo may have the same CPU but are attaching them to a different mother board, may have different types of ram used (speed and manufacturer). For extra reassurance, try and find out what all the components are not just the CPU and video card. Windows Home vs Pro....no difference for Mastercam. Main difference is Pro has some extra security features (bitlocker) Gaming vs Workstation. Typically only difference is the video card. Still in the boat that workstation cards are of no benefit to most Mastercam users. If its your bosses money, get a quadro. If you do extremely complex parts, get a quadro. If you are on a budget, GeForce will get you more bang for your buck. That 4080 is a beast and your looking at $$$$ to outperform with an equivalent Quadro card. Lenovo is a large company making computers for all levels of users. I'm sure their budget offerings will have mixed reviews. This being a higher end system, should be getting what you expect. Still, I would shop around some. Should be some other options at that price range.
  6. I have a link on our blog... https://blog.caminstructor.com/whats-the-best-computer-for-mastercam
  7. If you can hold off another year, the 15th gen intels could be worth the wait. All just speculation until a chip is released and tested, but the hype 'Arrow Lake will make major leaps in single-threaded performance' is enticing seeing as the 14th gens are pushing 6Ghz now. And, with DDR5 another year older, maybe it'll be getting a bit better. But if you have to upgrade now, as others have mentioned, don't get a laptop unless you absolutely need mobility. Towers are key to airflow and heat management. CPU, get the latest i9. Ram, you probably don't need more than 32GB, not many do, and its an easy upgrade later if you find you need it (the 32GB setup will be faster unless you're maxing out ram). Video, no one has proved to me you need a quadro for Mastercam. If your company is footing the bill, go get an RTX A5000 anyway, if you're on a tighter budget, an RTX 4070 will be plenty.
  8. HLE cannot, to my knowledge, convert from .mcam to .emcam. I would guess a Save As was done in HLE and the original file exists somewhere...or was manually deleted?
  9. I would suggest 2022 or 2024. Either jump into a better implementation of the new MGS or don't touch it at all.
  10. All those extra goodies they put into the toolpaths every year take extra time to calculate, eg leads, retracts, etc. In my limited research, I've found 2021 to be the fastest version...at least for this benchmark file. Things may be different with other toolpaths and other systems. Question is, are you ok with with more toolpath control in exchange for calc time? I think we mostly are, specially if we are running the latest and greatest CPUs which make this lost time almost a non factor...think running mcam2021 on an intel 10th gen (greatest CPU at that time) vs mcam2024 on intel 13th gen (best now). The newer chip is so much faster that the toolpath with more information to crunch will take less time. Numbers for me today with this file, sample size of 1.... 2021 3:25 2024 3:40
  11. Do you have a 3D license? File works here on both 2023 and 2024...and everything before those. Would be very surprised if it just 'broke' for no reason.
  12. Ever since the last couple windows updates I can't even use Code Expert, crashes on launch. (I'm not an update roll backer so I'm stuck with broken CE) Solution seems to be use Cimco. Doesn't crash. Loads faster. Bonus, no splash screen. Or just don't close Code Expert. Then you don't have to wait for it to load every time you post.
  13. During the plane edit, you can grab an arc in the gnomon and rotate 180. Not an instant flip but still gets the job done.
  14. A visual for anyone looking into this...

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