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Mastercam SIM Number



  1. Version 1.2


    These are the files used in Mastercam 2018 Training Books and eBooks. Click the "Download this file" button to the right to download a .ZIP file containing all files used in all In-House Solutions books for Mastercam 2018. These files are refenced in the following titles: Mastercam 2018 ATP KCD Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 ATP Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 CAD Import and Mill Advanced Toolpaths Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 CAD Import and Mill Essentials Toolpaths Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Design Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 for SolidWorks Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 1 Files Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 2 Files Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 3 Files Mastercam 2018 Lathe Professional Courseware Files Mastercam 2018 Lathe Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Lathe Training Tutorial Files METRIC Mastercam 2018 Mill Advanced Professional Courseware Files Mastercam 2018 Mill Advanced Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Mill Advanced Training Tutorial Files METRIC Mastercam 2018 Mill Essentials Professional Courseware Files Mastercam 2018 Mill Essentials Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Mill Essentials Training Tutorial Files METRIC Mastercam 2018 Multiaxis Advanced Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Multiaxis Essentials Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Multiaxis Essentials Training Tutorial Files METRIC Mastercam 2018 Multiaxis Professional Courseware Files Mastercam 2018 Nesting Projects Files Mastercam 2018 Project Workbook Files Mastercam 2018 Router Training Tutorial Files Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial Files METRIC Mastercam 2018 Tool Manager Tutorial Files
  2. Howdy everyone. Recently just began converting our shop from X5 & X6 to 2018. We are mainly equipped with Haas including a Mori and Roku Verticals + Mitsubishi Wire & Sinker machines. There is 4x and some times 5x work done. When it comes to making changes in a Control Definition for the Generic Haas posts in 2018, do all of the options and settings that can be manipulated actually make changes or set flags and parameters in how the post should be outputting code? I have read through lots of Colin's info on how everything interrelates and best practices, but I seem to notice that certain changes made in either the MD or CD don't have any effect on how the code gets posted while others do. If I hand edit the post, it behaves the way I want it....most of the time. Some of the modifiable items in the MD & CD seem to work, and others don't. I end up manually making the changes in the post directly, but I noticed in the 2018 Haas 4x or 5x post that it specifically warned to not make changes directly in the post and to use the CD & MD. Has this been addressed elsewhere on the forum? If I am not imagining this, does this go back in previous versions? I started in school on X7, and have used professionally x5 through x9. For the MD and CD, if some options do work and others don't, does there exist any kind of list of options to ignore in the MD or CD (I understand that you should have the MD correct for your machine for verify, simulation, etc). Am I making sense?
  3. (In MasterCam 2018) Help me, When creating the Code does not go all the marked operations at once... Sometimes an operation goes alone after all the others have been processed, creating a g1 code for just one, and this operation has nothing different, it has the same tool, the same parameters, etc... 01.mp4 02.mp4
  4. hi all. new here, looking for some solutions or possible new ideas we haven't tried yet. got a new system, acer predator with win 10 pro (and home in another workstation) geforce gtx 1070, tried running mc2018 and it's crashing/freezing about 5-10 min in. previous old workstation worked fine with x8, x9, 2017, and 2018 too. uninstalled off old machine to install on new machine (only one seat for our company) and it crashes. also had lower geforce gtx 970, radeon 6450, and gtx 640 cards previously. things we've tried: update video card (released 09/29/2017) update all windows patches/service packs update 2018 patch 1 (released 08/29/2017) update visual c++ update msoft .net framework running part off of parts server and on local machine only running simple box/rectangle type parts turn off firewall / security settings swapping out video cards with old ones or lower level ones swapping out video cards with recommended one (mcam recommends nvidia quadro but doesn't specify which one? we tried the k620) disconnecting from the servier swapping out monitors to hdmi only swapping out monitors to dp only nothing works! it still crashes! that being said, we have it running 2017 fine, however the part its running is off the local machine, not off the server either. any help, tips, tricks or ideas are greatly appreciated!! TIA
  5. Version 1.1


    Mplmaster is based on CNC Software's master lathe post - Mplfan - but offers additional features. eMastercam.com is operated by In-House Solutions Inc. - Authorized Canadian Distributor. Please do not email post requests or support questions. For post requests or support contact your local reseller. Click the download button above to download Mplmaster for 2018. It's our master configurable lathe post. You may also read instructions for: Installing a post Email feedback to our Post Department.
  6. Hello Noticed this with 2018 and now also on 2019 version. Have configured when creating a new WCS also T and C plane follows, just like I want it. Continuing from that and creating a new machine group it changes the T and C plane to TOP plane, why? For me when importing operations I want it to stay on the planes I already created once before otherwise I manually have to change the parameters on all imported operation. This was never an issue on X9 for example. Perhaps not a big deal if you work on a larger project but atleast when creating 50+ WCS everyday its alot of modding. Any idea why mastercam reverts back to TOP plane when starting a new machine group? Matias...
  7. Guest

    Porting Tools Library

    I was in need of a couple of porting tools this morning....I remembered the standards were up on the FTP...so I grabbed those(credit to the person who originally posted them)..... These are the SAE standard tools I converted them to 2018....here's all the files for the geometry and the tool database... If it saves anyone a few minutes, here you go... https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pysfkllw1045ht/2018 SAE Porting Tools.zip?dl=0
  8. I have a part that has a lot of wavy 3d work on the Top. I would like to set the part up at a slight angle in order to avoid engaging with only the tip of my ball mill. Is there a way to set set up '18 to compensate for the part sitting at say a 15 degree angle? Thanks in advance for any help
  9. I have a part that has a lot of wavy 3d work on the Top. I would like to set the part up at a slight angle in order to avoid engaging with only the tip of my ball mill. Is there a way to set set up '18 to compensate for the part sitting at say a 15 degree angle? Thanks in advance for any help
  10. I'm using Mastercam 2018 and I am trying to rename the the NC name after merging two Mastercam files together in my Chook. I want to change the name to something different than the original MC file name. I cannot seem to figure out how to do this. I have tried renaming the NCI name but that doesn't change it. I don't see a way but I think there must be. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hey first time posting so if this isn't the correct place forgive me. I want my post to have custom code before every tool change. is there a way to make this happen I'm using 2018 with cimco
  12. First post! Hello Folks! Amateur programmer here only using mastercam for about 3 years now. A lot of the older guys like to have me do all the research on issues with their software. Let me get straight to the point. We have about 8/9 PCs around the shop running mcam, and 5 of which are full time including myself. Recently with the install with 2018 being released I installed it on all of our machines. Some programmers are not so quick to jump into the new release as others. Myself, I jumped right in. I encountered an issue with printing from and through phone calls back and forth, sessions with our re seller we were unable to come up with a solution or reason for the issue. Basically it would only print the top maybe 10% of the page and cut off the rest. Long story short I just resulted to printing to a PDF and then printing from there. Short work around, but work around none the less. I was the only one having the issue until a second machine started having the same issue. After some use and a few weeks went by one of our machines had encountered an issue where we would open MCAM 2018 and nothing would happen. No splash screen, nothing. Yet after some investigation opening the task manager mastercam would still show up in processes but nothing would be open. After working with our reseller and going back and forth with them attempting to fix the issue for days they were unable to figure out the issue or why this was happening. The reseller even got CNC Software involved and they couldnt figure it out. Our short term solution was to choose a system restore point previous to the issue. It has since happened three other times. Once more with the same machine and twice on another. Now this time the system restore point has not worked. These are just happening at random times upon closing/opening or on restart. Wanted to post here to maybe see if anyone else is having similar issue or may have suggests of us. Much appreciated! Sam
  13. we have just installed 2018 design, and everytime I am finished with a drawing, and close mastercam. Mastercam comes up with a message that something has gone wrong, and mastercam is restarting.. This is slowly driving me mad. Anyone else having this problem...Might do a fresh install, if this is only me. Thanks guys
  14. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Multiaxis Essentials Training Tutorial is intended for the advanced Mastercam user looking to learn Mastercam Multiaxis programming. A firm grasp on both 2D and 3D machining is required and can be attained by completing the Mill Essentials and Mill Advanced Training Tutorials. The Intro to Multiaxis Training Tutorial covers the different applications that are available by configuring the Rotary Axis Control page including: Rotary axis positioning and Axis substitution. The book also covers the Multiaxis Classic family toolpaths: Rotary, Curve, Swarf, Flow, and Msurf. A special tutorial is dedicated to teaching how to drill and circle mill holes using Multiaxis toolpaths. Specific parameters such as Cut patterns, Tool Axis Control, Limits, Collision Control, Linking and more are described in detail. The contents also describe how to verify the toolpaths using the new Machine Simulation module that combines toolpath backplot mode and material removal mode with collision detections.
    From $39.99
  15. Version 1.0.0

    Intended for the advanced Mastercam user, this book contains new projects demonstrating a variety of Advanced Multiaxis milling applications. The initial tutorials introduce Mastercam’s simplified multiaxis user interface featuring custom application toolpaths, and they later transition to the more advanced interface. Topics include Tool Box toolpaths such as Projection, Impeller floor surface and Impeller blade swarf finish toolpaths. From the Wireframe toolpath family, you will learn how to use Parallel to multiple curves and Morph between two curves. You will also generate rough and finish toolpaths from the Surface/Solid toolpath family, such as Morph between two surfaces, Parallel cuts, Swarf milling and Parallel to surface. Additionally, a special project is designed specifically to familiarize you with different Collision control strategies and how to verify the toolpaths using the new machine simulation module that combines toolpath backplot mode and material removal mode with collision detections.
    From $39.99
  16. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 3 provides an academic approach to teaching Mastercam Multiaxis. The material intertwines conceptual subject matter with practical applications most suitable for intermediates or individuals that have completed Volume 1 and Volume 2. This book teaches Multiaxis and advanced toolpaths.
    From $39.99
  17. Version 1.0.0

    Ideal for industrial training settings, the Mastercam 2018 Lathe Professional Courseware offers an in-depth look at Mastercam lathe geometry and toolpath creation. Training exercises and drawings covering the 2D geometry functionality are provided to promote learning through practice. Additional Mastercam files are also provided along with guidelines for creating the toolpaths to machine each part. Advanced toolpaths such as the Misc Ops and C-Axis toolpaths are also described within this book.
    From $39.99
  18. Version 1.0.0

    The tutorial consists of part-oriented tutorials intended for the advanced lathe user that wants to learn how to program lathe parts that include milling operations. You must have the Mastercam Lathe and Mill Software in order to use this tutorial. You will learn how to create the more complex 3D geometry and Advanced C-Axis toolpaths. The tutorial also covers toolpaths that support the Y-axis rotation and examples on how to use the Mill toolpaths on a Lathe with Live Tooling.
    From $39.99
  19. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Lathe Training Tutorial consists of part-oriented tutorials, and practice exercises that provide users with an excellent foundation in Lathe. The material emphasizes the machinability of parts with suggested fixtures, setup sheets & more. The Lathe Training Tutorial is ideal for beginners and current Mastercam users alike. Step-by-step tutorials introduce 2D geometry creation along with detailed coverage of 2D toolpaths such as Face, Rough, Finish, Drilling, Grooving, Grooving on an angle, Inside Boring, Cutoff, Threading and Canned Cycles for Rough and Finish. Details on Stock Transfer, Stock Flip, Stock Advance and tailstock toolpaths, in addition to instruction on importing a SolidWorks file and using the Turn Profile command to create Geometry and a VTL tutorial are also found within.
    From $39.99
  20. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 2 provides an academic approach to teaching Mastercam 3D modeling and machining. The material intertwines conceptual subject matter with practical applications most suitable for intermediates or individuals that have completed Volume 1. This book teaches advanced 3D CAD modeling and machining.
    From $39.99
  21. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Handbook Volume 1 is an excellent resource that teaches the theory of Mastercam Mill and Solids. The material intertwines conceptual subject matter with practical applications suitable for beginners and intermediates alike. You not only learn how to use Mastercam, but why things work as they do. This book teaches basic/advanced principles of 2D CAD modeling and machining.
    From $39.99
  22. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Mill Advanced Training Tutorial contains projects and accompanying practice exercises that span a wide degree of complexity. It is strongly recommended to have a good understanding of 2D machining (provided in the Mill Essentials Training Tutorial, for example) before beginning this book. All of the parts are designed with machinability in mind and include suggested fixtures and tool setups. Clearly laid out objectives and dimensioned step previews make it easier than ever to follow along. The content covers 3D wireframe, surface geometry creation and solid creation, Surface Finish and Roughing toolpaths. An emphasis is put on the advanced Surface High Speed toolpaths, STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification. Also covered is how to create and manage Stock models in the Toolpath Manager. Machine Simulation is used to check for collisions between the part, the tool and any of the machine’s components.
    From $39.99
  23. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Mill Essentials Training Tutorial features concept-filled tutorials, challenging practice exercises and short quizzes following every tutorial providing a very comprehensive look a virtually all aspects of 2D machining. This book begins with the absolute basics by introducing the Mastercam user interface and it will have you creating geometry, drilling and creating contour toolpaths before you know it. Its gradual progression lends way to more advanced concepts such as multiple setup scenarios and 2D High Speed Toolpaths. All of the parts within the book are designed with machinability in mind. A multitude of topics are covered including 2D geometry, solid geometry, tool settings, stock setup, drilling, tapping, contouring, pocketing, circle milling and slot milling. You will learn the 2D High Speed Toolpaths such as Dynamic Mill, Area Mill, Dynamic Contour, Peel Mill & Blend Mill, how to import a solid and machine it and using the WCS in multiple fixture applications.
    From $39.99
  24. Just wanted to let the community and moderators know that the most current update of Windows 10 completely disabled both Mastercam 2017 and 2018 HLE Edition for my desktop computer. Upon startup after successfully running though a few processes mastercam will stop on line commands and not progess any further, the blue wheel of death shows up and the only way to end the program is with Task Manager. Saw a suggestion on a thread saying that rolling back the update could fix this problem and after trying this fix it seemed to correct both of them so that they now load and run correctly. Is there any solution for this problems if I was to update back to the most current update? I tried the NVIDIA driver fix but it didn't seem to work, i'm not actually sure if my computer is running an NVIDIA drivers. This is a problems that needs to be fixed. Thanks, Robert.
  25. Hey every, So, I upgraded to 2018 today, and after a bit of a rocky start I've come across a problem. The problem I'm having is with chaining Wireframe, I've used mastercam for over 10 years and know exactly how chaining wireframe behaves. In 2018 it is not behaving the same. I click on my line at where I want it to start and which direction, and it puts the start point 2 entity's away chaining in the wrong direction. So I think "Oh my chain must have a gap". So I trimmed everything and it's fine. Yet it still won't chain correctly. I can correct it after I chain, but If i have to correct it EVERY chain that doubles my programming time. I played around with the options under the chaining tab and nothing changed, I played with the chaining tolerance under Chain Manager and nothing. Any Ideas? I imported the geometry to 2017 and it works as it should there.

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