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Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial (Metric)
Published by In-House Solutions Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-77146-666-0
Click here for a free sample!
Note: All books are print to order. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
The Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial contains several tutorials that provide concise step-by-step instructions on creating 3D wireframe and solid geometry. Illustrating a variety of useful Solids commands, users can expect detailed coverage to include Extrude, Loft, Revolve, Sweep, Boolean Add and Remove, Fillet, Chamfer, Shell, Trimming, Creating Solid patterns, Changing a Solids colors and creating solid geometry from surfaces. You will also learn how to manipulate a solid by using commands from the Model Prep menu such as Push-Pull, Move and Split Solid Face.
About Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial (Metric)
This is the print version
Published by In-House Solutions Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-77146-666-0
Click here for a free sample!
Note: All books are print to order. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
The Mastercam 2018 Solids Training Tutorial contains several tutorials that provide concise step-by-step instructions on creating 3D wireframe and solid geometry. Illustrating a variety of useful Solids commands, users can expect detailed coverage to include Extrude, Loft, Revolve, Sweep, Boolean Add and Remove, Fillet, Chamfer, Shell, Trimming, Creating Solid patterns, Changing a Solids colors and creating solid geometry from surfaces. You will also learn how to manipulate a solid by using commands from the Model Prep menu such as Push-Pull, Move and Split Solid Face.
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