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Found 14 results

  1. Hello guys, I frequently use toolpath nesting with 100 to 200 different references, and to easily identify each part reference, I use the "Use part name as label" function. However, this function also includes the extension (.mcam) and other text, as shown in the attached image. In the image, you can see that I have manually edited the label to remove the extra text, so it only shows the part name like the blue label. I would like to ask if there is a parameter or another way to automatically achieve this result. I have attached an image to illustrate the issue. Thank you in advance for your help!
  2. I am working on trying to nest multiple parts (they are all different) and making sure the toolpaths are in a certain order. The program will need to use the same cutters, but at different times throughout the machining of the nest. Due to that fact, I have to manually sort the tool paths and add machining index numbers to every tool path one by one which is quite time consuming. I am just wondering if there is a way to add the machining index number for the order of operations to the tool path when you are programming the part, or at least a way to add the machining index numbers faster than one at a time? Thank you
  3. Hi All, Very new here. I'm trying to nest a lot of parts (~1500) and I receive the error shown in the attached image. "Fail Error - Overflow. Too many parts to be nested. [615]" If anyone can tell me what the part limit is that would be helpful. Initially I was using NestingWorks within solidworks but that cannot handle the high part numbers either. If anyone knows of a good workflow to get from a solidworks assembly to a labelled DWG file/files I can use NestFab as it doesn't have a part limit and is very fast compared to Mastercam or NestingWorks. My parts are all plywood of the same thickness. Once I have it nested I can come back to mastercam for toolpath stuff. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all. I'm learning how to use Mastercam for a Wire EDM, and I'm trying to learn how to use the nesting toolpaths function efficiently. I guess my question is this: Is there a way to nest your toolpaths so that all of the thread points start outside of the stock? In other words, is there a way I can avoid putting in pre-drilled holes when using this feature? I would like to be able to nest toolpaths in a way that the Wire EDM threads at a(n) point/origin outside of the stock and is able to guide/maneuver around all the different nested toolpath geometry. I'm trying to avoid predrilled holes as much as possible to maintain the integrity of the stock infrastructure. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  5. Version 1.0.0

    This tutorial includes a variety of projects that are using Nesting options in Mastercam to fit parts onto a sheet of material for best yield. You will learn how Nesting operates on geometry and how you can create and use tabs to assist in holding down the nested parts. You will also learn how Nesting operates on toolpaths and how you can use WCS (Work Coordinate System) to set the parts of an assembly in the proper view for machining.
    From $35
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. This tutorial includes a variety of projects that are using Nesting options in Mastercam to fit parts onto a sheet of material for best yield. You will learn how Nesting operates on geometry and how you can create and use tabs to assist in holding down the nested parts. You will also learn how Nesting operates on toolpaths and how you can use WCS (Work Coordinate System) to set the parts of an assembly in the proper view for machining.
  7. Mastercam 2017 Nesting Tutorial SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Imperial)  
  8. This tutorial includes a variety of projects that are using Nesting options in Mastercam to fit parts onto a sheet of material for best yield. You will learn how Nesting operates on geometry and how you can create and use tabs to assist in holding down the nested parts. You will also learn how Nesting operates on toolpaths and how you can use WCS (Work Coordinate System) to set the parts of an assembly in the proper view for machining.
    From $35
  9. Version v1.3

    This tutorial includes a variety of projects that are using Nesting options in Mastercam to fit parts onto a sheet of material for best yield. You will learn how Nesting operates on geometry and how you can create and use tabs to assist in holding down the nested parts. You will also learn how Nesting operates on toolpaths and how you can use WCS (Work Coordinate System) to set the parts of an assembly in the proper view for machining.
    From $20
  10. Version 1.0

    This tutorial includes a variety of projects that are using Nesting options in Mastercam to fit parts onto a sheet of material for best yield. You will learn how Nesting operates on geometry and how you can create and use tabs to assist in holding down the nested parts. You will also learn how Nesting operates on toolpaths and how you can use WCS (Work Coordinate System) to set the parts of an assembly in the proper view for machining.
    From $25
  11. Hi guys, Can somebody help me with my issue? I need to nest toolpath from sveral files with defined toolpaths. I have some parts where are defined the toolpaths from both sides. But the toolpaths are in two operation groups. When I import the file as a cluste the operations are splited in two clusters. I am not able to join both together in one part. I have checked previous versions and it works well in X6. From X7 the same function "Add operations cluster from files" behaves a different way. Is there a setting for this? Any idea? Thanks.
  12. hi. i know most users here do not use nesting, however i have a problem wit it and maybe someone has ran across it before. using mastercam x5/x6 router level 1 and same problem with each. i nest multiple square or rectangle geometry parts and set the spacing. when i go back and measure the spacing, all vertical distances are correct, however, all horizonal distances are off by .05. regardless of the number i set the spacing at, it is always the horizonal distance that is off by .05. is there a setting i am missing thanks
  13. I am using the nesting command to get many different part on to one sheet as efficiently as possible. the problem i am running into is that several of the sheets have parts that are very similar, and after they are cut out it will be hard to identify which part is which. I would like to set up the machine to go through and write with a marker an identification number before the part is cut out. The problem i am running into is when I nest the writing command (either engraving or contour) with the contour command for the larger part, the writing command doesn't stay inside of the part, and is just nested on its own. any advice on how i can end up with labeled nested parts?
  14. Good morning everyone. I've got a problem that I hope someone can help me with. I'm running version 9.1 on XP and the darn thing has a mind of it's own when it comes to nesting parts. I'll give grain direction to my parts, but on a lot of the parts it will flip them the opposite way so I have to manually translate, rotate etc and it takes forever. The older computer we had Mastercam on never had these problems, but this is a newer computer that had Windows 7 on it ( i think 64 bit version, but I'm not sure. I'm not to savvy on that stuff as the guy who worked here before me set it all up) that is now running XP and I'm wondering if that is the conflict. It's also a Hewlett Packard if that makes a difference.......

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