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Posts posted by JasonL


    Dim chains() As Mastercam.Database.Chain


    chains = ChainManager.GetMultipleChains("Please select Geometery to build taper off of")


    For Each c As Chain In chains

    c.Direction = Mastercam.Database.Types.ChainDirectionType.CounterClockwise




    Sub GetPeninsulas(chain As Mastercam.Database.Chain) ' one letter at a time




    Dim curves() As CurveGeometry = ChainManager.GetGeometryInChain(chain)


    For Each cs As CurveGeometry In curves

    If cs.GetType = GetType(ArcGeometry) Then

    cs.Selected = True


    End If



    Dim geo() As Geometry = SearchManager.GetSelectedGeometry


    For Each cs As CurveGeometry In curves

    Highlight(cs, True)



    End Sub


    Sub Highlight(c As CurveGeometry, display As Boolean)


    c.LineWidth = 3




    If display = True Then

    If c.GetType = GetType(Mastercam.Curves.ArcGeometry) Then

    Dim a As ArcGeometry = CType(c, ArcGeometry)


    ElseIf c.GetType = GetType(Mastercam.Curves.LineGeometry) Then

    Dim l As LineGeometry = CType(c, LineGeometry)

    Dim m As Double = (l.Data.Point2.y - l.Data.Point1.y) / (l.Data.Point2.x - l.Data.Point1.x)

    Dim Angle As Double = 180 - Atan(m) * 180 / PI

    m = Round(m, 5)

    MsgBox("Slope is: " & m & vbCrLf & "Angle is: " & Angle)

    End If


    MsgBox(" ")

    End If



    c.LineWidth = 1


    End Sub


    Sub PrintArcData(ByVal a As ArcGeometry)


    Dim s As String = "Center Point: " & "( " & Round(a.Data.CenterPoint.x, 5) & " , " & Round(a.Data.CenterPoint.y, 5) _

    & " , " & Round(a.Data.CenterPoint.z, 5) & " )" & vbCrLf

    s = s + "Start Point: " & "( " & Round(a.EndPoint1.x, 5) & " , " & Round(a.EndPoint1.y, 5) & " , " & Round(a.EndPoint1.z, 5) & " )" & vbCrLf

    s = s + "End Point: " & "( " & Round(a.EndPoint2.x, 5) & " , " & Round(a.EndPoint2.y, 5) & " , " & Round(a.EndPoint2.z, 5) & " )" & vbCrLf

    s = s + "Radius: " & Round(a.Data.Radius, 5) & vbCrLf

    s = s + "Start Angle: " & Round(a.Data.StartAngleDegrees, 5) & vbCrLf

    s = s + "End Angle: " & Round(a.Data.EndAngleDegrees, 5) & vbCrLf

    s = s + "Sweep Angle: " & Round(a.Data.EndAngleDegrees - a.Data.StartAngleDegrees, 5) & vbCrLf


    End Sub


  2. I am working on a net-hook that will analyze chains of lines and arcs that make up letters, which we use for milling embossings, and then create new geometry based off of the original geometry. In order to do this I need to iterate through these entities and run a lot of math on their data(ex. start/end point for lines; start/end point, center point, start/end angles for arcs).


    I have the net-hook printing all of that data just to check and make sure it was capturing those values correctly and I noticed the arc center point was not correct. When I do a standard mastercam analyze entity function, it reads it correctly but not when my nethook reads it. I also noticed this only happens when the arc viewnumber is anything but 1. I tried to have my nethook change these arc view numbers before it read the data values but it just ended up moving the arcs themselves. The start and end angles are also off, as if the view its measuring in is tilted. One thing that I find strange is that the start and endpoints are correct. My only guess is that the "Data" object for the ArcGeometry class takes into account this arc viewnumber. I also have no idea what an arc view number is.


    I guess I just need to figure out how to read this data from the correct view?





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