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Found 7 results

  1. 456 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Catapult Project will feature Force and Newton laws, Building the Catapult and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of physics’ concepts related to Force and Newton’s laws of motion. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a Catapult followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. This STEM Curriculum Student Workbook is designed to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with student Worksheets that directly correlate to the companion “Instructor Guidebook” material. The material covered in this curriculum emphasises CNC mill, 3D printing and laser engraver applications in conjunction with any type of CAD package (For Example: Solidworks, AutoCAD, Catia, etc). Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  2. 312 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Ruler Project will feature Basic Measurement, Building the Ruler and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of mathematical concepts related to measurement and then describes the tools used in everyday measurement. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a ruler followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. This STEM Curriculum Student Workbook is designed to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with student Worksheets that directly correlate to the companion “Instructor Guidebook” material. The material covered in this curriculum emphasises CNC mill, 3D printing and laser engraver applications in conjunction with any type of CAD package (For Example: Solidworks, AutoCAD, Catia, etc). Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  3. 223 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Ruler Project will feature Basic Measurement, Building the Ruler and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of mathematical concepts related to measurement and then describes the tools used in everyday measurement. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a ruler followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. This STEM Curriculum Student Workbook is designed to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with student Worksheets that directly correlate to the companion “Instructor Guidebook” material. The material covered in this curriculum emphasises CNC mill, 3D printing and laser engraver applications in conjunction with any type of CAD package (For Example: Solidworks, AutoCAD, Catia, etc). Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  4. 219 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Ruler Project will feature Basic Measurement, Building the Ruler and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of mathematical concepts related to measurement and then describes the tools used in everyday measurement. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a ruler followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. The Instructor Guide is designed to walk the instructor through associated science and math concepts and to help provide instructional tips to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with Instructor STEM notes, science and math background information, rubrics for each activity, lesson plans, extension activities, tests, answer keys and much more. This curriculum is a companion guide and directly correlates with the “Student Guide”. The material covered in this curriculum will have an emphasis on Mill, 3D Printing and Laser Engraver applications in conjunction with any type of CAD package (For Example: Solidworks, AutoCAD, Catia, etc). Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  5. 293 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Ruler Project will feature Basic Measurement, Building the Ruler and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of mathematical concepts related to measurement and then describes the tools used in everyday measurement. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a ruler followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. The Instructor Guide is designed to walk the instructor through associated science and math concepts and to help provide instructional tips to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with Instructor STEM notes, science and math background information, rubrics for each activity, lesson plans, extension activities, tests, answer keys and much more. This curriculum is a companion guide and directly correlates with the “Student Guide”. The material covered in this curriculum will have an emphasis on Mill, 3D Printing and Laser Engraver applications in conjunction with Mastercam’s CAD/CAM. Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  6. 184 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Catapult Project will feature Force and Newton laws, Building the Catapult and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of physics’ concepts related to Force and Newton’s laws of motion. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a Catapult followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. The Instructor Guide is designed to walk the instructor through associated science and math concepts and to help provide instructional tips to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with Instructor STEM notes, science and math background information, rubrics for each activity, lesson plans, extension activities, tests, answer keys and much more. This curriculum is a companion guide and directly correlates with the “Student Guide”. The material covered in this curriculum will have an emphasis on Mill, 3D Printing and Laser Engraver applications in conjunction with Mastercam’s CAD/CAM. Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.
  7. 196 downloads

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a hands-on, project based curriculum that aligns with national standards. Projects are tailored to Secondary/Post-Secondary students and range from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. While a beginner project may take students through the basic steps, a more advanced project will investigate the concepts and principles behind each task, meeting the focus of true STEM integration. The Catapult Project will feature Force and Newton laws, Building the Catapult and Additional STEM activities. The project begins with a review of physics’ concepts related to Force and Newton’s laws of motion. Students will then be exposed to designing and manufacturing a Catapult followed by completing hands-on STEM-oriented activities, research and journal writings to enhance literacy skills. The Instructor Guide is designed to walk the instructor through associated science and math concepts and to help provide instructional tips to keep students excited and engaged in the activities. This material comes with Instructor STEM notes, science and math background information, rubrics for each activity, lesson plans, extension activities, tests, answer keys and much more. This curriculum is a companion guide and directly correlates with the “Student Guide”. The material covered in this curriculum will have an emphasis on Mill, 3D Printing and Laser Engraver applications in conjunction with any type of CAD package (For Example: Solidworks, AutoCAD, Catia, etc). Overall, this material is designed to integrate Science and Math activities into hands-on Engineering and Technology Coursework. To order this book, contact us here or visit our eStore here.

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