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MC hates VBS for-next

John T.

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Heres a combination of code I've taken from the forum. The problem is, the tool list doesn't work. It will print the header info, but not the tool list. Any ideas why? Also, do you get formatting characters in the header in Word? I do, can't seem to turn it off.





'///////////////// My Global Variables //////////

Dim wordDoc




' -- Start Script

Call Main()



' ////////////////////

' Sub Declaration

' ////////////////////

Sub Main()

' -- Add code here...


Dim nCount ' number of operations

Dim nToolNum ' tool number

Dim nOpNum ' operation number

Dim nIdx ' array index

Dim nX ' for loop counter


Dim arrToolNumber() ' array of tool numbers

Dim arrToolComment() ' array of tool comments

Dim arrToolDiameter() ' array of tool diameters

Dim arrToolFluteLength() ' array of tool flute lengths

Dim arrToolLength() ' array of tool lengths


On Error Resume Next


'open Word

Set wordDoc=CreateObject("Word.Application")

If Err Then

ShowString"could not get an instance of Word"

ShowString"Error #" & CSstr(Err.Number)& " "&Err.Description



With wordDoc






.ActiveDocument.Words(1).Text="Plastic Ingenuity Operations Sheet"&vbNewLine&"Tool Number"&vbTab&"Tool Desc"&vbTab&"Diameter"&vbTab&"Flute Length"&vbTab&"Overall Length"

End With

End If


' get the number of operations

nCount = GetOperationCount("")


' show us the number of operations

ShowString "Number of operations: " & nCount


' resize the arrays

ReDim Preserve arrToolNumber(nCount)

ReDim Preserve arrToolComment(nCount)

ReDim Preserve arrToolDiameter(nCount)

ReDim Preserve arrToolFluteLength(nCount)

ReDim Preserve arrToolLength(nCount)


' init the index

nIdx = 0


' get the id of the first operation

nOpNum = GetFirstOperationID("")


' loop as long as there are operations to get


' get the tool number using the current operation

nToolNum = GetToolNumberFromOperationID("", nOpNum)


' copy tool data into our individual arrays

arrToolNumber(nIdx) = nToolNum

arrToolComment(nIdx) = GetToolComment(nToolNum)

arrToolDiameter(nIdx) = GetToolDiameter(nToolNum)

arrToolFluteLength(nIdx) = GetToolFluteLength(nToolNum)

arrToolLength(nIdx) = GetToolLength(nToolNum)


' increment the index

nIdx = nIdx + 1


' get the next operations

nOpNum = GetNextOperationID()

Loop While(nOpNum <> -1)


For nx=0 To (nCount-1)




If askYesNo("close Word?")=mcMSG_YES Then Word.Quit

'End If


If IsObject(Word) Then

Set Word=Nothing

End If


' Next

End Sub


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I made some edits to get this to run under Word 2003 for me and did a little re-arranging, it *might* work under Word 2000+ let me know.


I noticed in your script that you did not define the function WriteToWord() also there is a typo in that call for the variable arrToolDiamter(nX)should read arrToolDiameter(nX) and no constant values were declared for the Word enums.



'///////////////// My Global Variables //////////

Dim wordDoc


Const wdAlertsNone = 0

Const wdWindowStateMaximize = 1

Const wdLine = 5


' -- Start Script

Call Main()



' ////////////////////

' Sub Declaration

' ////////////////////

Sub Main()


On Error Resume Next


Dim nCount ' number of operations

Dim nToolNum ' tool number

Dim arrToolNumber() ' array of tool numbers

Dim arrToolComment() ' array of tool comments

Dim arrToolDiameter() ' array of tool diameters

Dim arrToolFluteLength() ' array of tool flute lengths

Dim arrToolLength() ' array of tool lengths

Dim idx



' get the number of operations

nCount = GetOperationCount("")


If nCount = 0 Then ShowString "No operations found in current drawing": Exit Sub



For idx = 1 To nCount

' get the tool number using the current operation

nToolNum = GetToolNumberFromOperationID("", idx)


ReDim Preserve arrToolNumber(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolComment(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolDiameter(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolFluteLength(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolLength(idx)


' copy tool data into our individual arrays

arrToolNumber(idx) = nToolNum

arrToolComment(idx) = GetToolComment(nToolNum)

arrToolDiameter(idx) = GetToolDiameter(nToolNum)

arrToolFluteLength(idx) = GetToolFluteLength(nToolNum)

arrToolLength(idx) = GetToolLength(nToolNum)




'open Word

Set wordDoc = CreateObject("Word.Application")


If Err Or wordDoc Is Nothing Then

ShowString"could not get an instance of Word"

ShowString"Error #" & CSstr(Err.Number)& " "&Err.Description

' -- Bail

Exit Sub




With wordDoc






.ActiveDocument.Words(1).Text="Plastic Ingenuity Operations Sheet" & vbNewLine & _

"Tool Number" & vbTab & _

"Tool Desc" & vbTab & _

"Diameter" & vbTab & _

"Flute Length" & vbTab & _

"Overall Length"

End With


End If



For idx = 1 To nCount


Dim strText


strText = arrToolNumber(idx)& vbTab & _

arrToolComment(idx) & vbTab & _

arrToolDiameter(idx) & vbTab & _

arrToolFluteLength(idx) & vbTab & _



Call WriteToWord(strText)





If IsObject(wordDoc) Then

If askYesNo("close Word?")= mcMSG_YES Then wordDoc.Quit

Set wordDoc=Nothing

End If



If Err Then

ShowString "Error raised " & Err.Description

End If


End Sub



' ////////////////////' Sub Declaration' ////////////////////

Public Sub WriteToWord(strOutText)

Dim wordCounts


With wordDoc

.Selection.MoveDown wdLine, .ActiveDocument.Words.Count


.Selection.TypeText strOutText

End With


End Sub

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Thanks for the script, Mick. It does run under word 2000.


The Word code was copied from another user here who used a sample code from you, way back when the VBscript upgrade was coming out.


What are Word enums?


Now to study the script, and see what I can learn, and what my next steps will be.


Wish I knew more about object model programming. I'm just copying that too.



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What are Word enums?

They're the enumerated constants (but not enumerated variables) that you're using for the Word object. It just makes things less cryptic. For example, when you use this code with Mick's enumeration constants:



Const wdWindowStateMaximize = 1

' lots...

' of...

' code...

With wordDoc


.WindowState=wdWindowStateMaximize ' start Word maximized

it's a lot more readable than:



With wordDoc


.WindowState=1 ' start Word maximized...apparently


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I have question about the Op_Id




' get the number of operationsnCount = GetOperationCount("")

If nCount = 0 Then ShowString "No operations found in current drawing": Exit sub

For idx = 1 To nCount ' get the tool number using the current operation

nToolNum = GetToolNumberFromOperationID("", idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolNumber(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolComment(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolDiameter(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolFluteLength(idx)

ReDim Preserve arrToolLength(idx)

' copy tool data into our individual arrays arrToolNumber(idx) = nToolNum

arrToolComment(idx) = GetToolComment(nToolNum)

arrToolDiameter(idx) = GetToolDiameter(nToolNum)

arrToolFluteLength(idx) = GetToolFluteLength(nToolNum)

arrToolLength(idx) = GetToolLength(nToolNum)


Is the op_Id(idx above) always in an incremental mode? If I delete a toolpath #2, will the Op_Id still return in 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,3,4,5?? headscratch.gif


Please advise. Thanks

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