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Posts posted by JoeyW

  1. Greg,


    Change recongnition uses the system tolerance in your config file. Changing the system tolerance to .005" will allow change recognition to ignore any change smaller than .005". I would recommend creating a special config file just for doing this, as changing your system tolerance will also change all the other tolerances (eg. chain tolerance, etc). Having 2 or 3 config files will allow you to switch between different tolerances easily.

  2. Thanks to Jim Evans @ CNC Software. The email you sent me totally explained how to get what I wanted. All I was missing was that I had to define all the parameters, and then just use the variable to code out the one I want.

    Thanks Again. I'd be pretty lost without this site.

  3. Since everyone here is so supportive, I've got a question. I've had a little bit of experience custimizing and creating posts. But the one thing that I have never been able to do is post out additional tool information from the nci file, namely the 20007 section that lists flute length and overall length. I know that your supposed to use the "rpar" commant but there must be something I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me with this or even better, show me an example.



  4. I think what Dean is referring to is true "Windows" style menubars with pull down menus and toolbars that you can drag and place to any part of the screen. Alot of other CAM programs have already gone this root, but MC menus still have a DOS feel to them.

    As for suggestions, I would really like to see the size of the tool holder in verify and backplot be represented by the values that are entered in the Tool parameters window.

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 04-09-2001).]

  5. I'm trying to create my own setup sheet using the mill.set as a template. Do anyone know if it is possible to post out the "Manufacturers Tool Code" and "Chuck" feild values from the Define Tool window? This would really be of benifit to me.

    Also, is it possible to post out all the dimension info that you enter in Define Tool window (eg. Holder Dia., Overall length, etc.) to a setup sheet?

    I thank you in advance.

  6. This has been something that has been bothering me too but I never knew there was a way to get rid of those extra lines.

    I tried playing with the filter command but the lines are still in the NC code. Any suggestions or hints of what settings to use.


  7. I know living in Minnesota you must get used to getting left out in the cold smile.gif

    Actually I'm surprised no one else has commented on this topic. Being able to define your own custom profiled tools is something that turned me onto MasterCAM, as apposed to just sticking with my older system.

    Two area that I would like to see MC develop are creating irregular shapped material in verify, and using the fields in the define tool window to create the profile of my custom tool for both backplot and verify. I know that V8.1 address the part about using irregular shapped material (I think its heading in the right direction), but I'd like to know if the development guys at CNC software have anything more planned for the define tool window and what is the intended purpose of having all those fields in the first place if they can't be used to their full potential.

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 03-13-2001).]

  8. GOOD QUESTION! This topic has been touched on many times in this forum, but never resulted in a definate answer. I've only been using MC since V7.2, but there has been a few updates since then and this topic has never really been addressed. Whats the point to having all those fields in the tool definition anyways? Most of them aren't used in creating tool geometry in backplot or verify, and you can't output these values in you setup sheet for you operators.

  9. I use something similar to what Dave suggested, except I used a Misc. Drill Parameter value (drl_prm1). When I enter 99 it codes out a G99, when I enter a 98 it codes out an G98.

    It looks like this:

    pdrillref # Determine G98 or G99

    if drl_prm1 = 98, drillref = 98

    if drl_prm1 = 99, drillref = 99

    if drl_prm1 < 98, drillref = 98

    if drl_prm1 > 99, drillref = 98

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 02-16-2001).]

  10. I didn't mean to drag this topic on for so long.

    I downloaded the current Ctour8.dll patch and then it worked just fine. Thanks to everyone for you input. I've created a lot of 4-axis positional programs for our horizontal machine with no problem, but was never able to get the table to rotate in backplot lke everyone said it could. Having the tombstone rotate rather than the tool rotating doesn't help much in terms of verifying if the program is correct or not, but it looks a lot cooler for demos. Thanks again.

    Keep those tombstones-a-turning!

  11. Actually, I noticed that when the Ctour8.dll patch runs, that when MC crashes. I'll try downloading the new one.

    Kenneth, My T&C planes are both the same. I am using named veiws for my T&C planes They all have the same origin, so i don't think thats the problem. I'll let you guys know how the new Ctour8.dll works.


  12. Cadcam,

    I think what gary is trying to say is that he wants to see Autocad's style of pull down menus and configuable tool boxes (which is in line with most Windows programs). I know MC is moving towards a truly Windows looking format in terms of dialog boxes and such, especially with V8. But it is still pretty DOS looking to me. Pull down menues would be a definate plus!!

  13. Kenneth,

    Thanks for the explaning it for me. i forget to turn on my axis rotation in the tool path parameters page. However, when I do turn the rotation axis on and set it to rotary axis positioning and rotate about z, when I go to regen the operation Mastercam crashed on me. Actually good old Dr. Watson pops up forcing me to crash. I've tryed this several times but with the same result. Help confused.gif

    MC V8.0 L1 running NT4 SP5

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 02-09-2001).]

  14. Just to clarify... a hemstitch is refering to finish machining a surface (like a swept, lofted, ruled.. WHY) where you are making very fast back and forth moves with a very small stepover. This is a very general definition of a hemstitch. This type of surface machining is mostly required in manufacturing small airplane parts,so the term is usually associated with the aerospace industry.

    Sorry, I can't help you Krystof. I haven't touched surfacing since my days of using Smartcam. AH, those were the days!

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 02-16-2001).]

  15. Sorry FukNRekd, I wish I could be of some help to you. I have my own video card problems too. Lately I've been doing a lot of "hard core" 3D solid stuff in Mastercam and Solid Works. Both programs have crashed on me several times. Its not the CPU freezing up, its the graphics getting all screwed up and fuzzy (or disappearing altogether), which leaves me to suspect the video card I have can't cut it.

    I know there's been a lot of debate over this issue in this forum before. But mainly people have talked about relativley older cards like Matrox millenium G400 or older Nvidia cards. I've narrowed it down to four video cards that I'm considering upgrading to:

    - Elsa GLoria III 64MB DDR RAM

    - Matrox Millennium G450

    - 3D Labs Oxygen GVX1 Pro

    - Nvidia Quadro 2 Pro

    I just wanted to know if anyone has much good/bad experience using these newer model cards (like FukNRekd is having with his card).

    Using MC V8 Level 1 + Solid Works 2000 on PII 400MHz, 64Mb RAM running Win NT4.0 SP5.

    Thanks smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 01-30-2001).]

  16. Are you sure that the black squares are coming up in your .pst (post processor file)? Why would you be transfering this file. I've experienced those black squares before but on my .nc or g-code files that I sent to the machine and back to our DNC. As far as I understand, they are created by the CNC controller. Something left over from the old paper tape days. I've heard you can stop it from doing it in the parameters, but I've never found out how.

    As for the "spaces must be padded here"... where is this comment coming up?

  17. Kurt,

    In the operations manager, click the right button on mouse to bring up menu bar. Select 'Save to library...'

    Then select the operations you want to save to the library. You can save just the cutting methods (speed, feeds, DOC), with or without the geometry. I recomend you have each part into a different library file name (the .OP8) file. That way you can keep track of all your files.

    To call up the saved operations library, open your new part file, go to operstions manager, right click and select 'Get from library...' Easy as pie.

  18. I can't seem to be able to reproduce what your getting. Is it possible that you can sent me your mill.set so I can have a look.

    Just out of interest, why do you like the "N" line numbers printed with your setup sheet? Also doesn't the brackets and line numbers clutter up your setup sheet.

  19. The first step is to get your hands on a Matercam Post Processor users guide. Like James said, this is available from your Mastercam dealer. Try to get the most current one you can. I learned from a V5 Post manual, which was able to teach me the basics. V7 and V8 use the same basic math calculations and variable definitions.

    The rest is trial and error, at least until you understand how the post processor works. Change settings in your post and see the results in your coded program. The biggest secret to eiting your post is to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR POST!

    [This message has been edited by Chip Maker (edited 10-06-2000).]

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