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victor nguyen

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Posts posted by victor nguyen

  1. Hi !

    I've contacted directly to my local MC9 dealer and got 100% supports , the problem solved , they told me just changed Leadin/leadout to macth the backlot , then the post came out very close the way I want , Customer Satisfation ...

    One Again Thank you Bryan Johson North Texas MC9 support and dealer , And To All MC9 support team .

  2. Hi

    if I deleted "W0." on that line , I've got error as

    Combined Mill and Lathe Post Processor Version 9.19 © Copyright 1992-2004 CNC Software, Inc.

    Processing file with MPLFAN...

    Variable not defined:

    Post line number 1256

    Program execution halted due to error(s) in .pst

  3. Hi!

    thank you very much for quick responding , I found the in the MPLFan post ,It's under (Start OF File and Tool Change set up ) please , tell me how to edit , what's part of the line tobe deleted ?


    [ 09-13-2006, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: victor nguyen ]

  4. HI!

    Thank you John , I just found anather way by select (misc value and set Work pos to 0 , then G54 gone , Default is 2)

    I need one more help on G28 (reference home )

    Some one tell me How set (G28 ref home) after post it's G28 U0 only , instead G28 U0 W0 . Because some machine got long bed , it's wasting time to all the way home , then back forward for next tool , I just move out a few inches , then starting next tool .

    Programmer's rules is very trict to save their job , doing axactly the way they want .

    Is there any body know how to set G28 U0 only after post instead G28 U0 W0? Please , tell me , Thank you .

  5. Hi

    I found the way to set coordinate , but could not get grid of G54 , because the sofware creator did not put on the post . MC default

    -1=G54 , 1=G55,2=G56 , if I set 0 , or -2 It's still G54 .Is there any body know How scrip or add more # on the MPLFan to get grid G54 after post?

    Any helps will be great .

  6. hi Mike

    I have post MR0304 and lathe Misc integger as below

    -1=ref return/tool offset pos

    0=G50 with X and Z home pos

    1=X and Z home pos

    2=WCS G54, G55 ... base on MC setting

    I changed -1 to 1 for ref return/tool offset,

    Then posted again , But it does not work , G54 still in there and G01 still created extra line instead pleace G01 right on ( G01 Z-6. or whatever Z- negative sign ) intsead

    G01 Z0.


    Please ! Some one tell me how to get grid G54 as option , And pleace G01 and feed rate are right on the starting cut line as (G01 Z-6. F.01)After you post every time . Thank you

  7. Hi Michael!

    Thank you very much , you made one part of them right , I changed csss as you note , the post terminate G97 and all it's line as rpm and M03 .

    Please ! I need some more help ,Please, some one tell me How to edit MPLFan remove G54 from the post? And place G01 right on Z- line instead one line ealier , no need extra line for me , and very tired to edit starting up each tool for 6 or 7 tool for single program , and over 10 cnc lathes machine ,I could not count how many time I have to edit over over again.

    Once again I appreciated any helps

  8. Ok , I typed them below

    (rough tool )

    GO T0101

    G97 S275 M03

    G00 G54 X6.250 Z.1 M08

    G50 S1250

    G96 S450

    G99 G01 Z0.F.01


    That's axactly Mpl fan on my mc9.1

    the way I want them below

    G0 T0101

    G50 S1250

    G96 S450 M03

    G00 X6.250 Z.1 M08

    G01 Z-6. F.006

    It's semple like that , most of machine they have the extend home position ,then no need G54

    only 2 home position in same program , then need it, G97 option I used for center drill or drill ,

    if there is option I can switch G96 or G97 is the best ,spacially on G01 place right on z-6. line , if it place on Z0 or Z.1 it cut on the air ,and the groove cut back out , it just straight back out better move one side then bakc out and we have one more axtra line , one program there many axtra line move like this

    It will confuse the operator . I would be better if we have more option starting up program for older machine or new machine or custom starting up as they want

    please helps me fix that , thank you very much

  9. Hi!

    Please! some one tell me How can I edit the starting up program as the way I want on the

    MPLFan ,lathe packet MC9.1 . I swithed around cimcoedit and other, but starting up program was the same .

    Because ,many machine's program start up is difference , I have to edit each tool , and trim unnessary G code and G01 place on Z- line insead Z+ as MPLFAN does . The MPLFAN start up only one style , I want to set each machine have starting up as I want when post it and I do not edit each line .

    It would be nice to have trim and neatly program , Any helps will be great of my apreciation

  10. Hi !

    I've got it worked , I've drawn radius with the arc radius , polar and gave coordinate demension, instate of fillet radius, then It worked fine .

    Once again Thank you very much all of your helps very helpfull , MasterCam support teams ...

  11. Hi!

    Please! someone help me make slotmill !

    I drawn rectangular shape with radius both end ,

    look like keyway , and mill the slot ,

    I've select circlemill , then slotmill , then filled out parameter , then click ok to create tool pathes. every time it pope up window message as ( slotmill ! boundary must consist of two parallel line conected by ares . use create/retangle with rectangular shape set to obround).

    I've did used that, but it still pop up massage and did not created any tool pathe .

    Please! some one help me this , and this very urgent , I have to work these on morning.

    I appreciate any helps .

  12. Hi!

    Thank you very much for quick responding , I've used MPLFAN to post . Can you tell me more step by step to locate (pfr l# Format feedrate for lathe).

    I've edited MPLFAN post , then searched line by line from begining to bottom , I'm sorry , I could not find that line , only found (fprmtbl 104 4 # thread cut parameter).

    please ! give me once more try , Thank you

  13. Hi !

    Please ! Someone help me this , Any time I posted the threads cutting , longhand , canned , or box , the letter E allway showed for the lead instead of the letter F , ( lead =.0625 , then the post should appear F.0625 , instead of E.0625

    Most of machine did not recognite the letter E .

    I have to edit it by manually.

    Please! someone tell me How to edit the post of MC9 , so it came out the letter F ,Instead letter E ,after I posted ?

    Any helps will be great of my appreciation .

  14. Hi !

    Thank you very much Rich and Dave for quick response . It worked OK now , I select None on Roll around corner , the tool goes square , the All , it roll around corner , but the corner is still square , because I looked in the post it shows 4 radius on 4 corner , I though it trim the corners . Sorry for my mistake

    Once again Thank you very much MC 9.1 support teams .

  15. Hi !

    please! someone tell How to control the radius corner on MC 9.1 on the Mill mode . I have 2" square , used .5 diameter end mill , contour around the square without any radius corner . I selected WARE for cutter comp , and turn on or off lead in/out .

    Any time when the tool contour the square , it automatically trim 4 perfect square corner to .25 radius , all 4 corner .Even I did not fill any fillet around corner .

    Please ! someone tell how to set the MC 9.1 to get perfect square corner as you want . Can you try some experiecment .

    Any helps will be a great my appreciation .

  16. Hi Gary!

    Thank you very much for your helps, It worked ok now , I did axactly steps as you told , then It worked right away . Once again thank you very much all of MC9 support team ...

    What MC9 worth money is it $$$$$$$$$$

  17. hi John!

    I tested both MPFan , and MPHass , it've got the same , I used cimcoeditor , click at Sceen , configuration , and look all the MC9 system configuration , but could not find it . It must be some where or it hide in the software the way it build .

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