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Posts posted by Leandro

  1. Mike:

    We engrave tire mold with letters 0,15" height.

    We make our own tools. For this we use a Carbide rod 1/8". Grind a plane to 1/16" and grind the tip in a certain angle. If you need a picture I can send it to you.

    We make our own letters and create the sepecific .DAT file. There is a recently topic about this.

    For machinig you will need ver high speed.

    In standard machines we use a multiplier and the tool runs to 25000 rpm.

    Now we have an engraving machine that works to 50000 rpm.



  2. Jim:

    Did somebody test metric version of Mastercam ??

    Did somebody test Mastercam with other Windows Lenguajes than English??


    MXC3 give me feed outputs in inches but when I recalculate with the speed & feed calculator it turns in to metric. I need metric. I think this is a big mistake. A "metric user" find this in a couple of minutes.


    Some features that are part from Windows not works well. For example I can not set my CD to send my files to Mis documentosREDLAN....

    I had to map the Network folder and send it there.For example U:

    The Mastercam Update feature never works in Spanish Windows. Not in X,X2 even in X3.


    Some of this problems are minor and really don´t need to fix but the feed problems is complicate to find a workaround. I need to went back to X2MR2 till this is fix.



  3. Colin I check your suggestion but I think parameter 1053 is outputing the "Machine Group".

    Actually I´m looking for the "Toolpath Group".


    But following your suggestion I found the "Toolpath Group" under parameter 20018 but I cann not take it for that what I need.


    Thanks anyway and I´m looking forward for any idea.

  4. For example for the Machine Group the parameter is the 19248.

    I take this code for output the directory where will be placed my nc file in the CNC machine.


    Now I'm looking for the parameter from the Toolpth Group.


    ¿Did somebody know the number?



  5. Wai. Wait. Wait.

    I have got different configurations.

    Actually this is the most important function for different Machine and Control definitions.

    I have one configuration for my xxxxor control and anotherone for my Simens control.

    I can not change my .DEFAULT file in one of my differnet machines it will not mach.

    ¿What cann I do? Wait three month for a SP?

    I don´t think this right.

  6. Thanks Guys.

    Chris, yes there are a lot of sizes, brands and different marks.

    Material is usual SAE 1020. Rubber is not like plastic. Ther is usual to weld some parts and engrave again (e.g. plies Polyester,steel,nylon etc)

    A lot of tread pattern are of aluminum (a lot casted but also engraved). Now the tendence in bigger molds is to engraved steel. But this molds are very expensive

    Matt I have got a lot of pictures if you want just send me an email I will send you ([email protected])


    Now to my question.

    Today for engrave this I do all this procedure.


    I create a surface with the caviti profile.

    I create an offset from the outer boundary from the letter. (0,5 x Tool radius)

    I trim-surface the surface to get a surface from the letter.

    Now I machine with a 5ax- Flowline and later a 5ax-Curve for get better boundaries of my machined letters


    A lot of steps.


    Mark could be engraving Add-on a solution to aboid all this steps ??

    Supports engraving 5-axis??


    Did somebody have any example about this kind of engraving. Or how works engraving



  7. Jhon this is almost the complete code


    fmt X 2 x_ini_rosca #Diametro inicial de la rosca

    fmt Z 2 z_ini_rosca #Z inicial de la rosca

    fmt Q 2 x_fin_rosca #Diametro final de la rosca

    fmt R 2 z_fin_rosca #Z final de la rosca

    fmt B 2 ap_rosca #Profundidad de pasada

    fmt E 2 ap_min_rosca #Profundidad minima de pasada

    fmt D 2 dist_seg_rosca #Distancia de seguridad en la rosca

    fmt L 2 dem_acab_rosca #Demasía de acabado de la rosca

    fmt J 2 z_salida_rosca #anticipo de salida de rosca

    fmt C 2 paso_rosca #Paso para rosca en G86

    fmt I 2 prof_rosca #profundidad de la rosca G86




    z_ini_rosca = thdz1$ + thdzclr$



    z_ini_rosca = thdz1$ - thdzclr$


    pg76$ #G76 threading


    gcode$ = zero


    x_ini_rosca = thdx1$ * 2

    if thdz1$ > thdz2$, dir_rosca_neg

    else, dir_rosca_pos

    z_fin_rosca = thdz2$

    ap_min_rosca = thdlast$ * 2

    dist_seg_rosca = thdxclr$

    dem_acab_rosca = thdlast$

    z_salida_rosca = thdpulloff$


    if thdface$ = zero, copy_x = thdx2$

    else, copy_z = thdx2$

    if thdface$ = zero, copy_z = thdz2$

    else, copy_x = thdz2$


    nstart_cnt = zero

    while nstart_cnt < nstarts$, pg76nstart


    prv_gcode$ = -1





    !gcode$, !xabs, !yabs, !zabs, !xinc, !yinc, !zinc



    z_ini_rosca is formatted.


    Did I need to declare dir_rosca_neg and dir_rosca_pos too??


    Thanks in advanced



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