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Charles Davis

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Posts posted by Charles Davis

  1. Dear Folks,


    Thanks for your kind words.


    You can order the book from our web site at www.sandiegocadcam.com Mastercam Handbooks. Usually, Julie handles the book orders, so you can ask for her if you call the office.


    If you want a signed copy, just indicate that on the order form. I'm glad to do it, and I'm reasonably certain that won't REDUCE the value of the book. biggrin.gif


    If you are an experienced Mastercam user and plan to migrate to Mastercam X, I suggest you hold onto your dollars for a little while longer until Vol 1 of the Mastercam X version is available.


    All I can say is "You ain't seen nothin' yet". wink.gif

  2. If you parts fit within the envelope and you are dealing with relatively easy material (aluminum, etc), these are nice machines.


    I have many customers with them and no complaints. Some people actually prefer to work on the smaller machines since they are easier to set up.

  3. The Kerry speech was OK (B+). He fumbled some, seemed rushed, and ran long, but Bush is no great public speaker, so I can't hold that against him.


    The major problem I say is that Kerry keeps repeating the lie that Bush lied about WMD, which is proven by many, including the 911 commission, not to be true. So how can I trust a guy who lies about other people lying to advance his own political goals, when he knows full and well it isnt' true?


    We'll see what the Repub's do in NY. They have a lot of time to prepare. IMHO I think they will dissasseble the Kerry campaign piece by piece.

  4. Let's also remember what these people accomplished, having freed 25 million other human beings from tyranny.


    These people did not die in vain, but in a great and noble cause. Like their fathers and grand-fathers who helped free the world in the 1940's, they have given everything, but accomplished something truly remarkable.


    They will never be forgotten, not by us or by the millions of men, women, and children who they helped set free.

  5. Code Breaker, I agree. We have to let everyone speak their mind honestly. We can disagree without beating up the other person or resorting to personal attackes.


    If this forum is mostly Republican, I think it's because most CNC Programmers are smart, educated, logical and rational thinkers.


    You can't "feel" your way to a good machined part. You have to think it through.

  6. James,


    It is ironic. Clinton makes token appointments, and we get incompetent national embarassments like Madeline Albright.


    Bush puts brilliant people in the country's most powerful positions; Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, etc.


    Licoln freed the slaves. Republicans fought the Dems in the south to end Jim Crow laws.


    Oh, but Republicans don't believe in enslaving people with inefficient and ineffective government programs, so that makes us racists. Yeah.

  7. Convention Review:


    Clinton's speech was very good, 8 on a 10 scale. Despite what you think of the guy, he best articulates the Democratic message.


    There were several false premises in his speech, and I certainly disagree with many of his conclusions, but the guy is smooth.


    Also, he seemed to have a hard time being sincere when he was saying something good about Kerry. It looked like he had to really act to get the words out.


    [i wish Bush had 10% of Clintons' public speaking ability, and Clinton had 10% of Bush's integrity.]


    Edwards at first came off like such a huge fake. He ended up giving a decent speech. But he seems just like a "pretty boy" and I'm afraid a nice smile and pandering language won't defeat the terrorists. I can't wait to see the Edwards-Cheney debate.


    Obama (spelling??) gave the best speech. Hell of a guy: should be a Republican.


    Teresa Kerry was quit odd.


    Gore, Dean & Kennedy were just aweful. Gore still believes he won the election. Every time he repeats that lie, it degrades the country and our electoral process.


    Most of the Dem convention has been pretty lackluster and amateurish. They say they are the party of hope, but all I've seen so far is slandering and lying about Bush.


    If you look at the shots of the audience, I don't think I've ever seen such a motley lot. Most looked like old, worn out loosers with frowns on their face. It was depressing.


    I hope the Republicans do a better job. This convention has been boring.



    Clinton: A-

    Obama: A+

    Edwards: B


    All others not only failed, they have been expelled from school for academic misconduct.

  8. To tell you the truth, I don't care much about the "first lady". I'm a lot more concerned that a Kerry election will be seen as a victory and a sign of equivocation by the Islamic terrorists, and will embolden them to attack us.


    Look at what's happened since the Phillipines caved to the terrorists demands; they are kidnapping as many people as they can and offering those countries the same deal with the devil.

  9. I went to what I consider the most beautiful place I've ever seen, Zion National Park (actually Zion, Bryce, and Kolob Canyons) in Utah.




    This is a cheap vacation. You can stay the night in Las Vegas, and Zion is just a 2 hour drive up I-15.


    I try to hit it during the week when it's not as busy. Lots of foreign tourist, mostly from England, Germany and Japan.


    You can't leave this Earth without seeing this place. It will humble and inspire you.

  10. I think there is a chance (slight, but a real chance) that Bush could win California. If that happens, Kerry cannot win.


    I'm in the minority in thinking that Bush will win and the election will not be that close. I say Bush wins by a comfortable margin in the popular vote (58% or so) and an electoral landslide.


    The Republicans are also going to pick up more House and Senate seats.


    BTW: If you get a chance, watch the Dennis Miller show sometime on CNBC. Reasoned discourse delivered with great humor.

  11. We are the most powerful country in the world because we have the greatest natural resources, very ambitious people (we all came here from somewhere else, and that took stones), and the freedom to act on our dreams.


    Hitler tried to become the most powerful country in the world by conquering lands, enslaving people, and going genocidal on those he didn't like.


    If you can't see that difference, then I don't know what to say. It seems so obvious.

  12. The beam on a plasma is so narrow (.015 or so) that you can't use Backplot properly if you use the actual size of the beam.


    I used to program the plasma using cutter comp in control (the ONLY time I used cc in control).


    Program using a tool width big enough to see (say, .125 to .25).


    You can also create a custom tool that represents the entire torch head (just the part where the gas comes out) and this looks good and makes it easier to backplot the toolpath on large sheets.


    Hope this helps....

  13. The beam on a plasma is so narrow (.015 or so) that you can't use Backplot properly if you use the actual size of the beam.


    I used to program the plasma using cutter comp in control (the ONLY time I used cc in control).


    Program using a tool width big enough to see (say, .125 to .25).


    You can also create a custom tool that represents the entire torch head (just the part where the gas comes out) and this looks good and makes it easier to backplot the toolpath on large sheets.


    Hope this helps....

  14. Of course, if the U.S. tried him, I'm sure people would be bit^&ing that we weren't allowing/trusting the Iraqi's to manage thier own trial.


    As I recall, courts and law started in Iraq; I think they can handle it. It is important that the Iraqi's conduct this trial.


    I'm sure he will be given a fair trial and then taken out and shot; which is justice.

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