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Everything posted by randymcdermott

  1. Thanks for the response Michael. After doing that then removing the drive and re-inserting it i think (it's been a while since I had to) Windoze re-assigns it the next available letter again. With USBDLM.INI residing on the thumb drive, every time I plug it in, it automatically gets set to F.
  2. Good morning all. I was using both Mastercam hasp and thumb drive in the 2 ports on the front of my PC. Every day I use Winzip to backup my CAD/CAM files on on my thumb drive. That's done with a batch file that relies on the thumb drive being consistantly F:/. I found an INI file that when saved on the thumb it tells Windows to make the drive letter F. If this is of interest to anybody copy all of the text from the next ";" down, paste it to a blank text file, name the file "USBDLM.INI", save it to your thumb drive and under "[DriveLetters]" change "F" to any available drive letter you want. I got around my bump problem by plugging the hasp into my USB hub. Seems to be working OK now. Thanks to Todd, Sheffer & Mike for taking the time to help. Randy ; This is a sample for an USBDLM.INI ; Create a new USBDLM.INI or rename it to USBDLM.INI [settings] DeleteMountPointsOnRemoval=1 ForceDriveLetters=1 WriteDebugInfo=0 ; on removable drives only this section is used! [DriveLetters] Letter1=F Letter2= Letter3= ; multi slot card readers can be remountet in one folder per slot ; within a base folder on a NTFS drive: [MultiSlotCardReaders] BaseFolder= ; Letters can be defined per USB port. ; Get the port name by attaching a drive to each port ; to configure and then run the ListUsbDrives tool. [DriveLettersUsbPort1] PortName= Letter1= Letter2= Letter3= [DriveLettersUsbPort2] PortName= Letter1= Letter2= Letter3= ; for USB CD or DVD drives separate letters can be configured [DriveLettersCDROM] Letter1= Letter2= Letter3=
  3. Thanks guys. I'll juggle usb devices tomorrow and get back.
  4. Thanks for replying Todd & Sheffer. When I said "bumped" I meant electronicly not physically.
  5. Hi Guys, Windows still sees it but the light goes out and MasterCam doesn't see it. Works Ok when I pull it out and re-insert it. Any ideas? Randy
  6. Went to the local clinic last night. That doctor did'nt know what it might be either. I'll see my GP and ask him to refer me to a brain guy. I was kind of hoping I could get some pills. Matt: I tried a gell pack ergonomic mouse pad. Didn't help. That "Assistive Mouse Adapter" could be the last resort. Interesting. I'll close this issue now and thanks a lot guys!
  7. Can you get it from being called a jerk? That's happende a lot over the years. I was a machinist up untill 6 years ago. Maybe it's just catching up to me.
  8. Mowens: Had a Logitech MX1000 up untill 2 weeks ago very comfortable but it went wonky. I took it back to the store (still under waranty) and was told they dont make them anymore. They replaced it with a Logitech G7 (more expensive but less comfortable). The one thing that's better about it is that it comes with 2 rechargable batteries. One stays in the charger and when the mouse dies you just swap them. No more forgetting to put the mouse in the charging station once a week at night.
  9. Hi Gcode, We're getting a bit off topic in my off topic topic but I personally don't mind whatever it costs me for "free" healthcare instead of having to pay for private healthcare insurance which may or may not pay out in the event of a cataclysmic medical condition or worse, if one can't afford premiums, one has no recourse but to sit down and wait to die. Granted, our government has made doctors reluctant to stay in this country by forcing cost caps on them thereby making it hard to find a doctor that is'nt too busy to see you. In the event of an emergency however one may have too wait at the hospital for longer than than we did 20 years ago but I still prefer our system.
  10. Terry: Do you still have her number? Hardmill: No doctors in my area (Toronto Ont.) are taking new patients but I think I'll go to a clinic and see what they have to say. Steve: Bought a trackball about 2 weeks ago. Tried it for about 1 hour and my thumb went for a dump. I found it too hard to control movement. Maybe I didn't giv enough time but I took it back to the store. Kannon: Cool! Work the PC with my feet thereby freeing up my hands to do what I'd rather be doing with them all day. Mowens: What mouse are you suggesting? Mat: Thanks for the input. 90rsgnuguy42: Tell me your symtoms and I'll pass them along
  11. Think something like a Spaceball (joystick) would help? Gee... can't wait for what's going to be said about "joystick".
  12. Don't know what else I can say...but I'm still listening .
  13. Well I must say I'm flaberghasted at the suggestion that I may NOT be doing enough of that (if I understand correctly).
  14. Hardmill: You might be right. Mark: What's too easy?
  15. Hi Hardmill. Doc says he does'nt know. I told him about Yips (which he had'nt heard of) and he said that makes sense.
  16. Thanks Brian. That will be my last resort. I'm useless with my left hand but I guess that would be better than having to find another line of work at 55.
  17. 'Afternoon People, My problem is probably akin to "Yips" (a condition some golfers have that causes an involintary hand or arm jerk at the last second befor a putt). It started happening about 2 years ago and is getting worse. The only time it happens is when I'm using a mouse. My family doctor says it's nothing to worry about but it gets annoying when I am in Windows Explorer and instead of opening a folder I drag and drop it into another folder (for example). It can be up to 5 seconds of jerking befor I can position the cursor on an line endpoint to select it. Often when I'm about to click a button I get a single jerk and I end up clicking the button next to the one I wanted. I haven't screwed anything up because of it but I can see it happening one day. Does anybody have a solution/suggestion?
  18. That's possible Chuck. I think I'm getting old. In the meantime I've jsut pointed MR1 to the files I need on my I:/ drive. I don't often use MC so when I do I'm usually in poop. I'll sort it out later. Thanks guys, Randy
  19. Thanks for the quick reply James. I'm reluctant to try that 'cause I'm missing the exe from I:/mcamx. If you think uninstalling will put it back I'll give it a try.
  20. My bad: I had MCX on I:/ (secondary hard drive in my PC) and I'm not sure but I might have told MR1 to install to C:/ (which didn't have MCX on it previously). Changed MCX shortcut to target I:mcamxmastercam.exe instead of C:mcamxmastercam.exe and found out mastercam.exe is gone from I:/mcamx. Did MR1 do that? I suppose all my settings are still intact on I:/ but how do I get it all back together on C:/?
  21. All good advice in the preceeding. I've heard it said that in a lot of cases the decision to hire is made in the first 2 minuits of your interview and it is best if you can take control of the conversation for those 2 minuits. Best of luck! Randy
  22. 'Morning Group, I'm using Mastercam X SP1 and Solidworks 2006. My MastercamDirect only shows "File Save" in the drop down untill I disable MastercamDirect (under Tools/Add-Ins) then re-enable it. I then get both Mastercam X and File Save but not Mastercam V9.1 (which I still have installed. Randy

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