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How to prevent open edges and model errors in PrusaSlicer when drawing in Mastercam?


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I'm a relative novice at using Mastercam and I have been drawing up YuGiOh deckboxes to print on my Prusa i3 MK2 just for fun. I went to slice my model in PrusaSlicer and I notice that there are some errors on the model; in particular, it said something about open edges. Now, I have never really done any work in Mastercam before aside from for my job. I can describe how I made the model, and maybe that will provide some insight as to why there are open edges and how to fix them.

First, I made the wireframe. I found the dimensions for a different deckbox, and that made mine ~ 3.5in x 2.5in x 4in with the lid included (not 100% sure about the final dimensions but there we go). After that, I used the Extrude feature quite a lot- I used it to extrude the main body of the deckbox and I also used it to cut into the deckbox to give it that big cavity in the middle. I also used it to extrude the main solid for the lid about an inch, then I cut into it with another extrude operation, this time at -0.8in to give it a 0.2in solid "bed" if you will. That way, it isn't too flimsy and it can withstand being dropped. Finally, I extruded the lip where the lid meets the deckbox body and added a chamfer. That's it.

All that to say, I really want to know why there were open edges because I want to start modeling things in Mastercam more. I want to start being able to make my own models!




If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be fantastic. Thank you for reading, have a great day.


EDIT: Added the .stl files, as I realized I forgot to attach them.

deckbox lid v2.stl deckbox v2.stl

Edited by nholcom
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You may have to play with the .stl export tolerance a bit to get a good clean model out.

I brought them into Magics RP and it also shows open edges and it won't repair them...not all of them anyway.

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