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Tranform/Translate drill toolpath

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I'm stuck... If I create a drill toolpath in Toolpath Group #1 and post it posts as expected. Now if I create a Toolpath Group #2 and Transform/Translate the previous drill toolpath it does not post out correctly. I think the issue is in the pdrlcommonb section. I know it is not retaining the clearance plane, but I just cant find where. Thank you for your help in advance.


How it should look

X-3.525 Y0. Z2.
G98 G81 X-3.525 Y0. Z0.73 R1.0051 F10.

How it posts

X-3.525 Y0. Z2.
G00 Z9999.
G98 G81 X-3.525 Y0. Z0.73 R9999. F10.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drilling
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pdrill0$         #Pre-process before drill call
      sav_dgcode = gcode$ #Capture gcode for 5 axis drill

pdrlcommonb     #Canned Drill Cycle common call, before
      if sav_dgcode = 81,
        if drillcyc$ = three, drlgsel = fsg1(-ss$) + drillcyc$ * two
        else, drlgsel = fsg2(dwell$) + drillcyc$ * two
        if clearflg = one & clearstrt = zero, drillref = zero
        else, drillref = one
        if absinc$, result = force(refht_i, refht_i)
        else, result = force(refht_a, refht_a)
      result = newfs (two, zinc)

      if drillcyc$ = 3,
        if mi6$, use_pitch = 1
        else, use_pitch = sav_use_pitch

      feed = fr_pos$
      pbld, n$, sgabsinc, e$

      if cuttype = one,
        initht_a = initht$ + (rotdia$ / two)   #Initial Height Abs
        refht_a = refht$ + (rotdia$ / two)     #Reference Height Abs
        tosz_a = tosz$ + (rotdia$ / two)       #Top of Stock Abs
      if cuttype = three,          #W is the current position during Gcode 11, it give refht for drill5ax
        initht_a = w$ + (initht$ - refht$)     #Top of Stock Abs
        refht_a = w$                           #Initial Height Abs
        tosz_a = w$ + (tosz$ - refht$)         #Reference Height Abs
      if cuttype = zero | cuttype = two,
        initht_a = initht$                     #Initial Height Abs
        refht_a = refht$                       #Reference Height Abs
        tosz_a = tosz$                         #Top of Stock Abs
      if sav_dgcode <> 100 & fmtrnd(initht_a) <> fmtrnd(prv_zabs) & opcode$ = 3,   #if using a ref point you need to update the XYZ coord before calling the drill cycle
        [                                                                        #this applies to ref points with opcode 3 only
        zabs = initht$
        zinc = initht$ - prv_zabs
        sav_gcode = gcode$
        if convert_rpd$ = one,
          gcode$ = one
          feed = maxfeedpm
          ipr_type = zero
        else, gcode$ = zero
        pbld, n$, sgabsinc, *sgcode, pxout, pyout, pfzout, e$
        gcode$ = sav_gcode
      if cuttype = one, zabs = depth$ + (rotdia$ / two)          #Depth Abs
      if cuttype = three, zabs = w$ + (depth$ - refht$)          #Depth Abs
      if cuttype = zero | cuttype = two, zabs = depth$           #Depth Abs

      #INCREMENTAL (references absolute calcs)
      if drillref = 1,       #(Inc from refth)
        initht_i = initht_a - refht_a                              #Initial Height Inc
        refht_i = 0                                                #Reference Height Inc
        tosz_i = tosz_a - refht_a                                  #Top of Stock Inc
      else,                  #(Inc from initht)
        initht_i = 0                                               #Initial Height Inc
        refht_i = refht_a - initht_a                               #Ref Height Inc
        tosz_i = tosz_a - initht_a                                 #Top of Stock Inc
      zinc = zabs - refht_a                                                    #Depth Inc  

      if haas,
        result = nwadrs(stri,peck1$)
        result = nwadrs(strj,peck2$)
        result = nwadrs(strk,peckclr$)

    pbld, n$, sgfeed, e$

prdrlout        #R drill position
      if absinc$ = zero, refht_a, !refht_i
      else, refht_i, !refht_a

pdrlxy          #Drill XY coordinates
      if force_dpts, pfxout, pfyout
      else, pxout, pyout

pdrill$          #Canned Drill Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, [if dwell$, *dwell$], *feed, strcantext, e$

ppeck$           #Canned Peck Drill Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, *peck1$, [if haas, *peck2$, *peckclr$], *feed, strcantext, e$

pchpbrk$         #Canned Chip Break Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, *peck1$, *feed, strcantext, e$

ptap$            #Canned Tap Cycle
      #RH/LH based on spindle direction
      if rigid_tap, pbld, n$, *sm29, *speed, e$           #Rigid Tapping
      if use_pitch = 0,
        pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
          prdrlout, [if peck1$, *peck1$], *feed, strcantext, e$
        if metvals, pitch = n_tap_thds$  # Tap pitch (mm  per thread)
        else, pitch = 1/n_tap_thds$       # Tap pitch (inches per thread)
        pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
          prdrlout, [if peck1$, *peck1$], *pitch, !feed, strcantext, e$

pbore1$          #Canned Bore #1 Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, [if dwell$, *dwell$], *feed, strcantext, e$

pbore2$          #Canned Bore #2 Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, *feed, strcantext, e$

pmisc1$          #Canned Misc #1 Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
        prdrlout, shftdrl$, [if dwell$, *dwell$], *feed, strcantext, e$

pmisc2$          #Canned Misc #2 Cycle (User Option)

pdrill_2$        #Canned Drill Cycle, additional points
      pcan1, pbld, n$, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, dwell$,
        feed, strcantext, e$

ppeck_2$         #Canned Peck Drill Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, feed, strcantext, e$

pchpbrk_2$       #Canned Chip Break Cycle

ptap_2$          #Canned Tap Cycle
      pcan1, pbld, n$, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, strcantext, e$

pbore1_2$        #Canned Bore #1 Cycle

pbore2_2$        #Canned Bore #2 Cycle

pmisc1_2$        #Canned Misc #1 Cycle

pmisc2_2$        #Canned Misc #2 Cycle

pdrlcst$         #Custom drill cycles 8 - 19 (user option)
      #Use this postblock to customize drilling cycles 8 - 19
      #if drillcyc = 8, pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl,
      #  prdrlout, dwell, *feed, strcantext, e$
      if drillcyc$ = 8,
        sub_prg_call = peck1$
        pcan1, pbld, n$, *sg00, *sgabsinc, pfxout, pfyout, pfcout, pindexdrl, strcantext, e$
        pbld, n$, "M98", *sub_prg_call, e$
      else, "CUSTOMIZABLE DRILL CYCLE ", pfxout, pfyout, pfzout, pfcout, pindexdrl, e$

pdrlcst_2$       #Custom drill cycles 8 - 19, additional points (user option)     
      #Use this postblock to customize drilling cycles 8 - 19
      #if drillcyc = 8, pcan1, pbld, n$, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, dwell,
      #  feed, strcantext, e$
      if drillcyc$ = 8,
        sub_prg_call = peck1$
        pcan1, pbld, n$, *sg00, *sgabsinc, pfxout, pfyout, pfcout, pindexdrl, strcantext, e$
        pbld, n$, "M98", *sub_prg_call, e$
      else, "CUSTOMIZABLE DRILL CYCLE ", pfxout, pfyout, pfzout, pfcout, pindexdrl, e$

pcanceldc$       #Cancel canned drill cycle
      result = newfs (three, zinc)
      if drillref = 0, zabs = initht_a               #Make the initht the modal Z value
      else, zabs = refht_a
      prv_zia = zabs
      prv_gcode$ = zero
      if cool_zmove = yes$ & (nextop$=1003 | (nextop$=1011 & t$<>abs(nexttool))), coolant$ = zero
      if drillcyc$ <> 8, pcan1, pbld, n$, "G80", scoolant, strcantext, e$
      pbld, n$, sgfeed, e$
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