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Thank you all for the help with this everyone, especially @Colin Gilchrist for really going into depth! Very informative. I have a purchased post with good support so I think Ill get them to do the mods for me, but having a framework for getting this functionality is fantastic.
Thanks Again!
Wow that is a powerful tool and honestly something I never knew about! To be honest we do a lot of prototyping work so in this case I am looking for something a little more plug and play that won't require clicking and "permanently" modifying every toolpath I generate that needs this change, but I am certainly going to use this feature. Any ideas for a more plug and play solution to this without direct editing to the toolpath?
I have some TSC endmills that I often use that want TSC during the helix into a pocket but once the helix is done and it is doing the 2D High Speed I want to then turn on flood coolant as follows:
M51 (TSC) -> Helix into pocket using 2D high speed entry -> M08 (Flood) and M51 (TSC) ->Rough the pocket after entry.
The reason I don't want the flood on during the entry as it can push chips back down into the pocket, but often I need it on after the tool reaches full depth.
Since the Before, With, After coolant functionality is not super useful to me as is I am curious if it could be remapped such that
--"before" = Before cutting
--"With" = after entry helix motion but before the rest of the cutting
--"After" = after the toolpath is complete (used in niche cases to clean off chips form a tap etc.)
Has anyone done anything like this before or is there a better way of going about this?
Thank you
Has anyone else watched this video from Caminstructor? The part at 11:54 is concerning.
In Summary, If you are trying to define stock on a part not aligned with the Top Plane, it now forces you to create duplicate versions of your Custom Plane, one where you would normally put it and the other at the correct angle but sharing its origin point with the top plane.
This seems like a step backwards for Mastercam 2023 or a huge oversight before releasing. I know it takes time to get used to new things but I am not seeing how these added steps of creating duplicate planes out in space has any potential upside. All this achieves is an extra 10 button clicks on every new setup and a more messy planes tab. If anyone from Mastercam or any users on this forum can explain the potential benefits of this new method that I am overlooking it would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe its not the end of the world, but it is at least an extra few steps and headache during setup of every new project not using the Top plane. It is hard to justify the maintenance costs this year if basic things like this are a step in the wrong direction.
I have a complex part with a lot of datums and features with true positions that will needs a growth coating after machining. The model I have is the final part after coating. Is there a good way in Mastercam to "shell" 0.001 off all surfaces of a model to represent the part pre coating so I can program to this model without having to think about how much stock to leave on each feature? The model is too complex to recreate from scratch without a huge amount of work. I have done this in Solidworks in the past but it does not seem to be liking this model. Thanks for your help!
I assuming you are talking about a P3 polygon that is similar to a Reuleaux triangle. It is a triangle of constant width (I assume one of the companies you are referring to is General Polygon?). Modeling a Reuleaux from scratch is well documented if you look it up, they are made up of large arcs in a "venn diagram" configuration so if modeled correctly it should create relatively good code out of MC, not tiny linear moves. I am not 100% sure that a P3 is modeled the same way, if it is splines you may need to filter the code slightly get less linear moves. We have milled tight tolerance profiles like this without to much issue, If it is the male profile, you can simple Mic across it along the high points as if it were a tight tolerance boss. If you are trying to cut a female P3 a mating part or gauge is helpful. Let me know if this helps.
I am making some modifications to my lathe post processor and would like the post to output the tool nose radius in a comment so I do not need to manually type the radius. I am using a MPLFanuc post with some basic modifications to it. Is there a command I can call to get this information from Mastercam? I would like to have a similar comment for grooving tool width as well if this is possible. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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