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Posts posted by huskermcdoogle

  1. Thanks Allan,

    I'll shoot a mail to my reseller about this when I'm back at work.


    I would want it to break up based on the Z direction which would be good for 99.9% of cases. XY then Z- or Z+ then XY. Clear as mud right.


    Any light that you can shed on the variables to read to achieve this? The logic itself shouldn't be bad.



  2. has anyone done any work with the settings on the "Liner" page of the Control Def.


    In early X days I spent a lot of time messing with these settings but have been running default settings for years now..



    It seem that the right settings on this page might have prevented this..


    .but the results I got with my experiments years ago lead me to wonder if these settings even do anything


    I have break rapid moves turned on. But I wonder if this is something the post should look at? Does a MPMASTER read this, or is this NCI related.



  3. Am I missing something...start of tool why not have xy position, then zrapid in on a separate line?

    Then z retract, xy position, z rapid in again?



    This is not on start of tool, but rather between operations with the same tool.

  4. Husker,

    Do you look on Practical Machinist?


    If you do, Walt@SGS would sort it for you (asuming the bearings are ok).




    Walt wouldn't be able to get it fixed for us fast enough. (Need to deliver parts Monday!) Not to mention it has a small crack in it next to a drive key. We sanded out most of the crap, and brought it down the the plating (spindle has been out to rebuild before). Then lapped it for a few seconds with a new holder to get out the final high spots. The machine came with bad bearings and the spindle taper was pretty rough when we aquired this machine, so after only two years it is a pity this will need a new spindle again. Final result on the taper is that it runs slightly less than a thou at twelve inches g/l. Bearings don't sound terrible, but you can feel a little grumble when spinning it by hand, but it comes and goes randomly. I can accept that for 25 open tolerance parts. No boring involved, and no super tight Z blends or anything. So I don't think I will have a problem getting some parts out the door, just hope the spindle doesn't lock up in the process. Drawbar fingers will all need to be replaced as well. They are pretty chewed up, though I can imagine I have pulled worse ones out of running machines before... I am about to go out and cut a part with it and see what I get...


    Wish me luck



  5. In response to my own thread where I was having trouble with MCAM posting things inconsistently from one instance to an other, is there a way to flag with the post any XYZ, XZ, or YZ combo rapid move, maybe toss in a M00 when that happens? So you don't get any surprises during proveout. Then you turn off the check once you know where they are or may be (safe ones) and post normally.


    Just thinking. Hopefully we can come up with something to prevent this from happening again.


    We have lapped the spindle, <.001" at 12 inches. Gonna have to be good enough till this order is done. Then out comes the spindle. Big Plus face is boned, slight crack at the drive key. Gonna probably need to replace the spindle, may not be able to be rebuilt. If it can it will probably go on the shelf as a spare.


    Just plain a bummer situation.


    Thanks for any help in advance.




    It will stick out like a sore thumb in backplot if you turn trace mode and rapids on.

    I also have a full seat of Cimco Edit ( with backplot ) and review the posted code with that.


    Are you running MU1?? I haven't seen this in X6MU1. I'm not saying it's fixed.. just saying I haven't

    got bit by it lately


    Yeah I had verified my backplot a few days ago, was good then. But didn't post it then, I just posted it today. And oh yes it stuck out like a sore thumb upon reviewing the backplot to see the problem area.


    I am running MU1


    Thanks for the sympathy. I called the bossman and he is in the I don't care what you have to do to that spindle to get the parts out the door mode. "I don't care if you have to die grind out the bad spots to be below the contact, we need to ship 25pcs. on monday" :rant:


    :crybaby: SPindle :wallbash:

  7. Well this puts me in a pickle... I tried and tried to get the thing to output right, so for chucks, just like any other time mastercrash gives me trouble, I close the window, reopen, and voila! It works properly. Now I am really really really really mad.


    I am going to attach some code. Posted without any changes in the operation manager or hand edits.


    You tell me what you think...


    I $h!t you not I did not play with this at all other than, open the file, regen (tried that before to no avail), and post.


    It's not just the first oops...

    Good Code...

    Blows Up Spindle



  8. I noticed a while back that one of my files wasn't taking my ref points on the beginning of an op. I use these to get a tool over in XY before diving in Z. Strictly a safety thing for z clearance on approach, then the retract in the op keeps the tool inside the cavity. This said the file was coming from X4 to X5, and this ceased to work on the ops that came with the X4 file. At the time I ended up re doing the operation to get it to work right, posted and went on my merry way.


    Well lets just say this reared its head again, and I had no reason to look into this area of my program because it was all proven from before, just re post and go. But the act of updating the file from X5 to X6 has caused this to stop functioning again... Now I think I will need a new spindle. My longer than necessarily practical 1" insert mill just made a dive at 25% through a wall in the casting at an angle (in z-). Had I been in 100% I would probably been fine as it would have over torqued out... But being in 25%, I broke the TRK, and the holder spun in the spindle for a few more revs than needed.


    Now I can't get the ref points to work at all on the ops, new or old. I am out for blood now. I just blew up the only machine in my shop because of a stupid bug. A Bug that has now cost the company I work for 30 grand.


    Thanks CNC for screwing up a perfectly good functioning operation. I love your software, but the deeper and deeper I get into it, and the more you try to help us by adding functionality, the more and more I need really good third party verification. This should not be the case. BTW, I contacted my re-seller about joining the beta so I could help find these things, but they have not contacted me back since the initial response. I truly do understand what you are up against. I want to help, I really do. But if you or your partners turn it down, I can't.


    If anyone can help me on this issue with a solution, I would appreciate it, but currently I am going to go back to a full retract over each boss in the cavity, not a huge thing, just lots of wasted motion. I don't think I can get my machine running again though short of getting a regrind in...


    My pucker factor is currently through the roof. I don't know how to approach the boss man now. We really needed these parts, now I won't have them for weeks.


    Looks like I need to put on the maintenance hat.




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  9. I can test an X5 file with my GTX580Ti if you want. and compare it to yours.

    but it would have to be a test of strictly the GPU, our pc specs aren't identical,


    What does your pc have under the hood?


    I am thinking more RAM would be the answer to my speed issues not video card...

  10. You're the prime candidate for a higher end Quadro.


    The better question is, without spending the money for a high end Quadro, would it actually improve my performance / shading time???


    Anyone with a hot-rod card care to test a file?

  11. Working on a 8MB file (parasolid model converted to surfaces) and dynamic rotation hicups for a split second here and there.



    I dream of having 8MB files....


    Current file is now pushing... drum roll please... 104MB... Turning on shading takes about 6 or 7 seconds, but I aint counting :whistle:.


    Dynamic rotation works fine as long as I turn down the chordal deviation and whatnot. I usually remove any wire frame that I don't need. This file before I removed the wireframes was 200MB plus change. I used to import with wireframes, now I don't, now I create them as needed. Helps keep things moving.


    I have an ATI FirePro V4500 (FireGL). Works well, though verify sluggish at best... I have never had good experiences with verify except back in the days of simple billet 2.5D work before dynamic mill... At which point it was the deal. Though surfacing would take things to a crawl.





  12. I am guessing you are trying to figure out how to wire it in with the pallet changer and all.. So you can pallet change without having to unhook and hook back in? How are you dealing with your vacuum lines?



    Good Luck.




  13. Ati drivers are notoriously bad. This is the main reason that I will never buy an Ati card again.



    If the pc is a dell and you are using the dell ati drivers, dump them and go to a non bastardized ati driver and you will get better results using acceleration. I do not have it diabled and successfully use an ati card. But I had to dump the most recent dell driver to use it.




    P.S. I am using driver version 8.701.0.0 from ati...

  14. Reko, X+ offers many cool tools, setup sheets just being one of them. Allowing you to call up the chain manager whenever you want is another. Totally unrelated, other than you can do both with X+.


    EDIT: IIRC, it used to be just a setup sheet. As time went on, various functions have been added and bundled together into a single "app." It will add a toolbar or dropdown menu to MC and you can use the features that you like. I was kinda late to the X+ setup sheet game so I could be a little off. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.





    I jumped on X+ solely for the chain selection tool. The Bandwagon for setupsheets hasn't invited me on yet :crybaby:. Don't really need setup sheets yet, but I can imagine it will be soon in my future.

  15. Why hasn't this been incorporated into MC yet? It was in V9 (and all previous versions) and someone decided it wasn't needed any longer when X came out. I bitched about it back then. Selecting chains is HUGE in my opinion. The current MC options for selecting chains, which I'm very familiar with, do not offer the same functionality. Since it has been removed, Takashi Sato from AI solutions has created an addon, Verisurf has created an addon, and who knows who else. Can no one at CNC Software read the writing on the wall?





    Chain Selection is now back in X+ for X6. I missed it so... But now its back. :thumbsup:

  16. Anyone else notice that feed rates kind of do what they please in Circle Mill? Say I have the override set for semi and regular finish passes to like 60 and 30, and had the roughing set at 100 (main operation feedrate). It will do that just fine the first time, sometimes. If I then change the roughing to 75 or something. It will still post out at 100 even through there are no feedrates set to 100 anymore. Solution here has been to uncheck the roughing, regen, then recheck the roughing, and regen, and it will be fine. I have also had it where it wouldn't do my feed overide for the finish pass at all even though it was checked. Can't remember what I did to get around that, but there was something. I use circle mill alot, and the feed rate override is nice when it works, but has proven to be a little frustrating, because you have to check it each time or you won't get the output you intendid.


    BTW X6



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