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Posts posted by CNCme

  1. Good Day,


    Dont complicate this...


    Just select a slot mill or create one

    and create undercut diam

    and circlemill from center and then verify

    the drill

    and slotmill and you will see...

    no surface need



    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the



  2. Good Day,




    I have been to training at both Macdac, and

    Services4automation, and Services4automation

    has the latest equiptment and the, IMHO, THE

    most knowledgeable staff of the 2. Its well

    worth the 3 mile ride down the road.



    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the



  3. Good Day,




    ...purchase with our distributor to include

    this post.





    Who might that Distributor be...have you talked

    to them latley...?


    I have found most resellers timely when asked,

    or have logical answers for project completion.


    have you inquired ?, and if you have, are they

    not taking care of your needs???



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  4. Good Day,






    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  5. Good Day,


    That would make you 10...( kidding? )


    My daughter is 12, she is using MC.


    In her 7Th grade, they have a class called

    Tech art, they are using somthing called

    Auto-sketch. The MC is helping her alot.



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  6. Good Day,


    26 now, or then ( in 1990 )




    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle



  7. Good Day,




    What kind of disks do you.... sell?



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  8. Good Day,


    What is this demo...is it a product

    by CNC software?



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  9. Good Day,


    When you open Mastercam It will say in the

    V9 splash screen that it is SP1...

    and I think when you run SP2 upgrade

    If SP1 is not in it will error out.



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  10. Good Day,


    Well Bruce, those 30,149 Corrupt entities

    were left behind


    I have learned again, Its a wounderful feeling


    Thank you +1 +1 +1 Bruce, Jay, and Thad, I love

    that multiple head theory.


    This forum is amaizing



    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the


  11. Good Day,


    I made a couple of these parts and they have

    all had geometry problems. I dont need these

    lines...I am only drilling the 7000 .036 diam.


    I want to move all the slots and rect. windows

    to a level so I can contour, chain, window

    all slots and rect. windows, if these line frags

    cant be filtered from the other lines they will

    also be chained in the window contour.




    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the


  12. Good Day,


    But I cant just remove the geometry that is

    associated with only the .036 diam.s?

    ( 7000 Diam.s )


    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the


  13. Good Day,


    Be careful about installing or rolling back

    Ver 9 . or having 9.0 and 9.1 on same

    box...If you uninstall one (V9) it will

    corrupt the other and a reinstall would

    run very slow.

    You will also need the solidworks add-on

    to be able to open sldprt 2004.


    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the


  14. Good Day,


    You need to upgrade to 9.1 SP2,

    the sldprt might be higher version

    than you can open.

    If you have a legal version in V9

    you should qualify, and have recieved, all V9

    upgrades up to V9.1 SP2


    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the


  15. Good Day,


    I have posted a file: skin_012.zip, on FTP IN

    MC9 folder

    If you look at the 7000 .036 diam. holes,

    each one consists of a 180 deg arc and 2 almost

    90 deg arcs and the rest is 2 small lines.

    ( an iges or a dxf conversion. )

    Also many various slots and fillet corner

    rectangles. I can change levels by mask

    arc, radius, so I can put all arcs on their

    own levels for machining. But when I try to

    change levels of the lines ( slots ) so I can

    chain, contour, by window (so I dont have to chain one by one ) I get all those little

    distorted .036 diam. lines that came with

    the change level line...the mask does not

    filter line lengths...how can I bring the

    good slot line geometry and filter or delete

    the, .036 diam. junk grometry.


    Thanks in advance


    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle

  16. Good Day,


    Danny...get creative, make it happen


    Like my boss used to say...

    (Waitco Machine, Devens MA )


    Bill Waite, used to say after I was encountering

    problems with a 1.5 meg NC code file...that

    I created.


    Whats a matter, ITS just a couple numbers..!!!



    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle

  17. Good Day,


    Does Anyone, after completing a program (complete thru NC code ), go back and grind

    and hack through rough or not perfect areas

    To improve or find better methods?

    I understand, in this competitive world we

    have created for ourselves, that it is not

    possible to spend time, that is so-called

    "non-productive", to "play" or research

    the many combinations of a particular module.


    Some of the programs I write are just fragments

    of other programs and become passages and stepping stones to seeking greater Knowledge in MasterCam.


    Contracting for 20 to 30 manufacturing facilities

    I have found a wealth of unlimited information

    to fuel my imagination, AND, also to fuel all the great minds that I encounter here, on this forum, every day.


    The Science Of Mastercam, as I call it, is not

    so much about THE money anymore...

    Even though we still need to make money to live,

    Its about helping "US" "YOU" "ME" to help

    us ALL Understand.


    I am humbled to be a part of IT all.


    Tony G.


    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle

  18. Good Day,


    Many things I learned in machining, as most

    people on this forum, Have been self taught.

    Start by removing the comment from the " O "

    word line...and then the % sign...

    I never type the prog # before I hit Read,

    Execute,...I let the machine pick-up

    the Prog # from the Program...and then

    try something else...and when you find the right

    combination, you will never forget.


    Hack it out...Dawg


    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  19. Good Day,


    Prog looks OK... how much reads in @ control?



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  20. Good Day,


    Can you put the NC file on the FTP site

    to review, with NC file name of course.



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  21. Good Day,


    In a true Thread mill...

    As the tool goes up from the bottom,

    8 arcs are usually used per turn, every arc

    has a different arc center.

    I believe thelix uses straight line moves,

    or can it output arcs?? I thought thelix

    was prompt driven...I believe if you use

    geometry, it is considered a 3D toolpath



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  22. Good Day,


    The file Is X_AXIS_ROT.zip on FTP


    THanks in Adv.




    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  23. Good Day,


    VMC to 0 is for horizontal

    The royary table is mounted at the back

    of the mill table. Tombstone pointing out...

    is this rotating around the Y axis



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  24. Good Day,


    I am getting a error posting, trying to mill a

    feature from a side Cplane, and trying to produce an "B90" output... I have changed rot_on_x to 2,

    (about the Y ) do I need anything else...

    ( 9.1 SP2 uning Mpfan )





    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


  25. Good Day,


    Win Xp or W2k does not have an issue with black

    cursor with GF MX...Olny Win 98 and some ME

    I had GF MX series with ME for years and

    had no problems



    Tony G

    Almost Employed Senior Programmer

    N.E Massachusetts - Southern New Hampshire


    End mills and tooling are like The "AMMO"

    And coolant and chips are like the enemy

    Under your boots as you advance in the

    Manufacturing Battle


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