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G Caputo

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Posts posted by G Caputo

  1. We have cut this before dry, never had a problem. Keep a class D fire extuinguisher handy. If it does ignite, like stated before the coolant only acts as an accelerant. Same with water. the bigger the chips, the less likely of a fire. The thin chips are what lights very easily. (end mill chips). Keep the speeds up to avoid making direct heat. Keep the machine as cleaned out as possible to avoid having a "pile" of chips to burn when running the part. We do mostly work with steel here so when we get something as soft as this, it is a treat to see the machine flying. And most importantly, take some of the chips home and burn them in a safe area as to not catch anything else on fire. Great for starting bonfires, etc. biggrin.gif



  2. Rory,


    Probably the biggest hurdle I have had and am still trying to overcome is the machinists and forman on the floor. It seems that they always want to nitpik every chance they get. "Why is it doing this? blah blah blah". Knock on wood, but I have only scrapped one part in the 1-1/2 years I have done this, which does help in keeping everyone in harmony together.


    We have a machine team meeting once a week, and for the last 6 months, I have been bringing the prints on what I will be programming and we all discuss different time saving ideas on how to do a job (set ups, tooling, etc). This has been a huge benifit for coming up with ideas and for keeping everyone on the same page.


    We use one server specifically set up for our cnc files, along with a database for the machine, job number, program number, print number etc. This was in place before I went to the "cam castle" as everyone calls it.


    Another thing we do is right a procedure called an "a" file which explains each set up, tools used and operations. Basically a set up sheet (and when I get some time and brains to figure out how to get mastercam to do it I will, this is still our old school method).


    We also have a spreadsheet set up that our formen enter what jobs need programming and there priority and I work from there to give them programs.


    I program 5 horizontals that I know very well which is also a big benefit.



    As for programming at the machine, I dont know your work. But I frown down on this. Nothing can really be hand typed in faster than wipping something up in mcam.

    I still have to agree, yet disagree on this though. If it's a simple to medium part, that I don't have to have a "formal" program for i can crank it out in a hurry at the machine control. And no way am I bashing Mcam, I said formal, meaning program, run and get it done. That is the biggest hurdle I am and still trying to overcome is all of the extra "secretarial" work I have to do so that just about anyone can do the job with what I provided them.





  3. Thad,


    Not the way it sounded. My point is, if I am at a bar and I am smoking, don't come in and sit next to me and tell me how I am offending you by doing so. If I walk and and sit next to you and you don't smoke, you have every right to ask me not to smoke. I feel that a bar and cigarettes just go hand in hand, so if I was to move to the other end of the bar, I don't feel that there would be a problem at that point. I feel people are under the assumption that bars are usually a smokey place. And if you were at a non smoking bar (that the owner decided to do, not mandated by the government) I obviously wouldn't be coming into that establishment if I wanted a cigarette with my beer.



  4. I smoke and I drink and am still searching for the eternal buzz. I have been close before but just can't manage to hang on to it.


    On drinking... I just drink beer, nothing else, last shot I had was 10 years ago when I got married. I do NOT drink and drive. If I want a few beers I stay at home and do it or go out with my wife and she drives. If she doesn't want to go out, she drops me off and comes back and gets me (she is THE greatest).


    On smoking... Yes, I do that to. What is the difference between secondhand smoke and all the pollution we have in the air? There are like 3 counties in this state that have to be emission tested. Is all of that from the vehicles we drive? Doubtful, how about all the steel mills, generating stations and the refinery around here. Stop and go traffic makes more pollution, how about figuring out ways to make the roads less congested so whatever vehicles are on it are always moving. If you don't want to smell my smoke don't go to a bar and sit next to me. If someone wants to open a bar that is non-smoking that is there choice, but it should not be mandated by the government. curse.gif


    Isn't it all about respect for the people around you? My in laws bought a new house just under a year ago, everytime we go over there, my mother in law gets out an ashtray, everytime I want a cigarette, I go outside. If I am in my car with someone who smokes I will have a cigarette, if they don't smoke or I am in there car, I won't have one. It's really easy and simple to be considerate of others. I could just go off on how I feel about this subject, but I will shut my mouth and get back to work.



  5. Billet,


    It could be mcam or it could be the inventor file itself. Sometimes you will get errors trying to bring them in (rarely though), like too many parents and so on. In that case we (the engineers and I) swap the file back and forth a few times suppressing features ubtil we find what is causing the error, then I create that geo in mastercam.


    If you could put the file you want converted onto the FTP, I could try and convert it and at least narrow down if it is mcam or an inventor related issue you are having. All I pull in off inventor files are solids and a wireframe, nothing else.



  6. Code,


    Try the file need_fillet_1 and see if this will work for you. I created geo on level 44 and extruded a boss. This is the only way I can think of at the moment. And sorry it's not zipped, just got this puter a couple days ago and I haven't got it on here yet.




  7. What version of inventor are the files from and what version of design tracker do you have installed? Also do you have the proper patches from this site installed on your computer for the service pack of mcam you are running?

  8. Billet,


    Just a stab in the dark here, but do you have Inventor installed on your Mcam computer? If not do you have the latest design tracker or assistant or whatever it's called installed? I used sp2 and never had a problem converting .ipt's.



  9. How about UBB help for idiots? (yes, that's me).



    You are just a wealth of knowledge, thanks for taking the time to share as always. cheers.gif I learn more than MC on this board and it's great that everyone in here shares so much knowledge. Have a great weekend all.

  10. All our bar mills our shut down by e-stop. The power switch on the pendant just turns on the 120 to the machine. All of our machines have pc's on them. The machine itself can be off and we still have access to the control and the PC. To completely power down the machines you have to pull the breaker on the wall. Our floor bar has a on/off switch built into the control and the german guy who trained me on it said the e-stop is exactly what it is, an emergency stop only.

  11. CQualls,


    That is exactly what I was trying to get it to do! I will definitely look over the different settings you changed and read the help to learn more about what I was doing wrong. Thanks a bunch for your time, effort and knowledge. It is very much appreciated. cheers.gifcheers.gif



  12. Hi all,


    I am having a problem with 2 surface finish contour operations. I have a casting coming in that should have approximately 1/2" stock on all surfaces, that I am trying to program to +1/8" to send out to get the deep holes put in. I have two operations that crash into the face instead of using the entry line length of 3.25" that I have entered. This only happens on 3 depths of cuts, all the rest are fine.


    I have uploaded on file on the FTP in the mcam9 folder named "GREG CRASH.zip". The operations where I am having the problems are #2 at Z-6.0725, Z-6.9655 & Z-7.1441 and operation #10 at Z-9.7228, Z-9.8986 & Z-10.0745 depths.


    The tool I am using is a 5" carboloy octomill that I have defined as a bullnose cutter. I am running mcam 9.1 MRO304 from a fresh install with all the patches.


    If anyone would please look at this file and tell me what is causing this, it would be greatly appreciated.




  13. Thanks gentlemen. I guess I will let the sytems administrator put it wherever she wants then when the 2nd replacement for this computer comes in again. I got to play with it for about 30 minutes before it went up in smoke frown.gif


    Thanks again,


  14. Hi all,


    When you install mastercam on a computer, is there a difference between putting it in c:program filesmcam9 vs. c:mcam9? Is there security or any other issues involved if I don't have administrator rights? I have no clue, so I'd thought I'd ask.




  15. jbel,


    Not trying to get into a slugfest with you on this one. A small car will not suit my needs, but I do drive with my wife everyday, to save on gas. My truck gets 11 mpg and it's got a 33 gallon gas tank, I have put gas in it twice this year. There are ways to save on gas, move closer to work, carpool, buy a moped, get a job closer to home, plan all your trips appropriately... These are things we can control to save money on gas, the rest is out of my hands. I was just making a point of the small car thing, no dig on you, and no I don't appreciate going to the pump and dropping $70 to fill my truck either.


    And toolfab, last time I was in SC they were only $20. I'm always shopping around to save a buck and to make a buck.



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