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Mike Mattera - TFM

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Posts posted by Mike Mattera - TFM

  1. It doesent sound like you picked the Multi-Line icon on thr Ribbon bar. If you did it works the same way (last point = next start pt.) As for entering the coordinate... hitting the space bar and then X,Y is really not That much different.


    Make sure you've selected the "zig zag" looking icon on the ribbon bar.


    Mike Mattera

  2. I have a FX 5700 and an FX 5900. They've been pretty good cards. I know I should get something faster (and I will) but all my CadCam applications have worked well with them.


    Mike Mattera

  3. So if I understand this....

    Your outputting DXF from ProE and the geometry is not connected. This has what to do with Mastercam?


    Wouldn't it make sense to contact the ProE user forum.


    Not trying to be an A$$ or anything, but it seems like your asking the wrong group.


    Mike Mattera

  4. Sounds like you need to create a new CPlane to bring it to where you want and then select the toolpath.


    I'm not sure what you mean by Curve Contour Or Face Toolpath. By Curve contour I assume you mean Toolpath - Contour and selecting a 3D curve. Those are both very different and I dont see one as a substitute for the other.


    As for learning Mastercam, you might want to click on my link below.


    Mike Mattera

  5. If it's choppy it's because of the tolerance. I would project splines. Or you can do the toolpath in 2D and project the toolpath (Toolpath - Project) onto the surfaces for the 3D cut.


    Mike Mattera

  6. Sorry it's pwrtt. This is the section from my posts.


    Mike Mattera


    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    tcnt : 0 # Count the number of tool changes-Used for Tool List

    opcnt : 0 # Count the number of operations -Used for Tool List


    fmt "TOOL" 18 tnote # Note format

    fmt "DIA OFFSET D" 18 toffnote # Note format (use fs 1 0ln)

    fmt " LEN OFFSET H" 18 tlngnote # Note format

    fmt " DIA " 19 tldia # Note format (use fs 0.3t)

    fmt 18 opcnt # Operation counter


    pwrtt # Tool table at start of file

    tnote = t

    toffnote = tloffno

    tlngnote = tlngno

    opcnt = tcnt + 1 # operation counter = tool counter +1

    if t >= 0,


    "(", "OP", 35, *opcnt , " IS ", *tnote, " -",*tldia, " - ", "OPERATION IS ", *sopcode,")", e

    "( ", *toffnote, " -",*tlngnote, ")", e

    "( ", "TOOL TYPE = ", pstrtool, ")", e

    tcnt = tcnt + 1



    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  7. Daves' got the right idea. A little more bulkie. But thats what I do with my USB devices.


    Pete's point is that when the device registers with Windows, It's seen as a security device. Making a USB that can be seen as a Security device and a Storage device sounds like problems waiting to happen.


    It's like having an 8 track, cassette, CD, DVD, MP3 player built into your Phone, PDA, with a tooth brush, hair trimmer and Swiss army knife attachment. You could do it, but "should" you do it.


    Mike Mattera

  8. If you do a test, it's not about the mold, It's about the tolerance for the cut. If they use your part and set the tolernce to .010", they will probaly process faster.


    Compare apples to apples. Same part, same tolerance.


    Mike Mattera

  9. gcode: Feature recognition will never replace an NC programmer. We both know that. The point of feature recognition is to create a beter integration between engineering & NC programming. Getting rid of the "us" vs "them" approach that most companies have.


    The idea is to find the things on the model, that you have to create manually now with the system you have. It also passes the information like tap & drill sizes & depths. The time you spend creating curves to create a pocket boundry is wasted motion. Especially when you get the same part back with an engineering change. Right now you have to start over.


    Quality feature recognition, recognizes that a cavity is a pocket. It lets you grab the feature and drop a toolpath on it.


    Mike Mattera

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