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Posts posted by petro7

  1. Here is a program from the post!!!!

    N100 O0 (T )

    N102 (DATE=DD-MM-YY - 08 Aug 07 TIME=HH:MM - 11:24 )

    N104 ( T-1 3/4 BALL ENDMILL | D1 | H1 | DIA.- .75 )

    N106 ( T-2 5/8 BALL ENDMILL | D2 | H2 | DIA.- .625 )

    N108 (Stock Size = X0. Y0. Z0. )

    N110 (Stock Origin = X0. Y0. Z0. )

    N112 ( Zero = At Center, Z at Top )


    N116 G0 X.0765 Y.2572

    N144 G1 Z-.2321 F50.

    N146 X-.4327 Y.2202 Z-.1289 F25.

    N148 X-.4336 Y.2082 Z-.1421

    N150 X.0751 Y.2432 Z-.2437

    N152 X.0747 Y.2335 Z-.2513

    N154 X-.4332 Y.2007 Z-.15

    N156 X-.4328 Y.1929 Z-.1576

    N158 X.0744 Y.2237 Z-.2586

    N160 X.0741 Y.2136 Z-.2655

    N162 X-.4324 Y.1848 Z-.1648

    N164 X-.432 Y.1765 Z-.1718

    N166 X.0738 Y.2033 Z-.2721

    N168 X.0735 Y.1928 Z-.2784

    N170 X-.4317 Y.1678 Z-.1784

    N172 X-.4314 Y.159 Z-.1847

    N174 X.0732 Y.1821 Z-.2844

    N176 X.0729 Y.1712 Z-.29

    N178 X-.4311 Y.1498 Z-.1906

    N180 X-.4308 Y.1405 Z-.1962

    N182 X.0727 Y.1602 Z-.2953

    N184 X.0724 Y.1489 Z-.3002

    N186 X-.4305 Y.131 Z-.2015

    N188 X-.4303 Y.1212 Z-.2063

    N190 X.0722 Y.1376 Z-.3047

    N192 X.072 Y.1261 Z-.3089

    N194 X-.4301 Y.1113 Z-.2108

    N196 X-.4298 Y.1012 Z-.2149

    N198 X.0719 Y.1145 Z-.3127

    N200 X.0717 Y.1027 Z-.3162

    N202 X-.4297 Y.091 Z-.2186

    N204 X-.4295 Y.0806 Z-.2219

    N206 X.0716 Y.0909 Z-.3193

    N208 X.0714 Y.0789 Z-.322

    N210 X-.4294 Y.0701 Z-.2248

    N212 X-.4292 Y.0595 Z-.2273

    N214 X.0713 Y.0669 Z-.3243

    N216 X.0712 Y.0549 Z-.3262

    N218 X-.4291 Y.0488 Z-.2294

    N220 Y.038 Z-.2311

    N222 X.0712 Y.0427 Z-.3278

    N224 X.0711 Y.0305 Z-.3289

    N226 X-.429 Y.0272 Z-.2323

    N228 Y.0163 Z-.2332

    N230 X.0711 Y.0183 Z-.3297

    N232 Y.0061 Z-.3301

    N234 X-.4289 Y.0054 Z-.2336

    N236 Y-.0054

    N238 X.0711 Y-.0061 Z-.3301

    N240 Y-.0183 Z-.3297

    N242 X-.429 Y-.0163 Z-.2332

    N244 Y-.0272 Z-.2323

    N246 X.0711 Y-.0305 Z-.3289

    N248 X.0712 Y-.0427 Z-.3278

    N250 X-.4291 Y-.038 Z-.2311

    N252 Y-.0488 Z-.2294

    N254 X.0712 Y-.0549 Z-.3262

    N256 X.0713 Y-.0669 Z-.3243

    N258 X-.4292 Y-.0595 Z-.2273

    N260 X-.4294 Y-.0701 Z-.2248

    N262 X.0714 Y-.0789 Z-.322

    N264 X.0716 Y-.0909 Z-.3193

    N266 X-.4295 Y-.0806 Z-.2219

    N268 X-.4297 Y-.091 Z-.2186

    N270 X.0717 Y-.1027 Z-.3162

    N272 X.0719 Y-.1145 Z-.3127

    N274 X-.4298 Y-.1012 Z-.2149

    N276 X-.4301 Y-.1113 Z-.2108

    N278 X.072 Y-.1261 Z-.3089

    N280 X.0722 Y-.1376 Z-.3047

    N282 X-.4303 Y-.1212 Z-.2063

    N284 X-.4305 Y-.131 Z-.2015

    N286 X.0724 Y-.1489 Z-.3002

    N288 X.0727 Y-.1602 Z-.2953

    N290 X-.4308 Y-.1405 Z-.1962

    N292 X-.4311 Y-.1498 Z-.1906

    N294 X.0729 Y-.1712 Z-.29

    N296 X.0732 Y-.1821 Z-.2844

    N298 X-.4314 Y-.159 Z-.1847

    N300 X-.4317 Y-.1678 Z-.1784

    N302 X.0735 Y-.1928 Z-.2784

    N304 X.0738 Y-.2033 Z-.2721

    N306 X-.432 Y-.1765 Z-.1718

    N308 X-.4324 Y-.1848 Z-.1648

    N310 X.0741 Y-.2136 Z-.2655

    N312 X.0744 Y-.2237 Z-.2586

    N314 X-.4328 Y-.1929 Z-.1576

    N316 X-.4332 Y-.2007 Z-.15

    N318 X.0747 Y-.2335 Z-.2513

    N320 X.0751 Y-.2432 Z-.2437

    N322 X-.4336 Y-.2082 Z-.1421

    N324 X-.4327 Y-.2202 Z-.1289

    N326 X.0765 Y-.2572 Z-.2321

    N328 G0 Z0.

    N330 G0 X0. Y.211

    N332 Z.25

    N334 G1 Z-.1302 F50.

    N336 X-5. F35.

    N338 Y.1871

    N340 Z-.1546 F50.

    N342 X0. F35.

    N344 Y.1604

    N346 Z-.176 F50.

    N348 X-5. F35.

    N350 Y.1313

    N352 Z-.1939 F50.

    N354 X0. F35.

    N356 Y.1003

    N358 Z-.2082 F50.

    N360 X-5. F35.

    N362 Y.0677

    N364 Z-.2185 F50.

    N366 X0. F35.

    N368 Y.0341

    N370 Z-.2247 F50.

    N372 X-5. F35.

    N374 Y0.

    N376 Z-.2268 F50.

    N378 X0. F35.

    N380 Z-.2247

    N382 Y-.0341 F50.

    N384 X-5. F35.

    N386 Z-.2185

    N388 Y-.0677 F50.

    N390 X0. F35.

    N392 Z-.2082

    N394 Y-.1003 F50.

    N396 X-5. F35.

    N398 Z-.1939

    N400 Y-.1313 F50.

    N402 X0. F35.

    N404 Z-.176

    N406 Y-.1604 F50.

    N408 X-5. F35.

    N410 Z-.1546

    N412 Y-.1871 F50.

    N414 X0. F35.

    N416 Z-.1302

    N418 Y-.211 F50.

    N420 X-5. F35.

    N422 G0 Z.25

    N424 G0 X-5.0765 Y-.2572

    N426 Z0.

    N428 G1 Z-.2321 F50.

    N430 X-4.5673 Y-.2202 Z-.1289 F25.

    N432 X-4.5664 Y-.2082 Z-.1421

    N434 X-5.0751 Y-.2432 Z-.2437

    N436 X-5.0747 Y-.2335 Z-.2513

    N438 X-4.5668 Y-.2007 Z-.15

    N440 X-4.5672 Y-.1929 Z-.1576

    N442 X-5.0744 Y-.2237 Z-.2586

    N444 X-5.0741 Y-.2136 Z-.2655

    N446 X-4.5676 Y-.1848 Z-.1648

    N448 X-4.568 Y-.1765 Z-.1718

    N450 X-5.0738 Y-.2033 Z-.2721

    N452 X-5.0735 Y-.1928 Z-.2784

    N454 X-4.5683 Y-.1678 Z-.1784

    N456 X-4.5686 Y-.159 Z-.1847

    N458 X-5.0732 Y-.1821 Z-.2844

    N460 X-5.0729 Y-.1712 Z-.29

    N462 X-4.5689 Y-.1498 Z-.1906

    N464 X-4.5692 Y-.1405 Z-.1962

    N466 X-5.0727 Y-.1602 Z-.2953

    N468 X-5.0724 Y-.1489 Z-.3002

    N470 X-4.5695 Y-.131 Z-.2015

    N472 X-4.5697 Y-.1212 Z-.2063

    N474 X-5.0722 Y-.1376 Z-.3047

    N476 X-5.072 Y-.1261 Z-.3089

    N478 X-4.5699 Y-.1113 Z-.2108

    N480 X-4.5702 Y-.1012 Z-.2149

    N482 X-5.0719 Y-.1145 Z-.3127

    N484 X-5.0717 Y-.1027 Z-.3162

    N486 X-4.5703 Y-.091 Z-.2186

    N488 X-4.5705 Y-.0806 Z-.2219

    N490 X-5.0716 Y-.0909 Z-.3193

    N492 X-5.0714 Y-.0789 Z-.322

    N494 X-4.5706 Y-.0701 Z-.2248

    N496 X-4.5708 Y-.0595 Z-.2273

    N498 X-5.0713 Y-.0669 Z-.3243

    N500 X-5.0712 Y-.0549 Z-.3262

    N502 X-4.5709 Y-.0488 Z-.2294

    N504 Y-.038 Z-.2311

    N506 X-5.0712 Y-.0427 Z-.3278

    N508 X-5.0711 Y-.0305 Z-.3289

    N510 X-4.571 Y-.0272 Z-.2323

    N512 Y-.0163 Z-.2332

    N514 X-5.0711 Y-.0183 Z-.3297

    N516 Y-.0061 Z-.3301

    N518 X-4.5711 Y-.0054 Z-.2336

    N520 Y.0054

    N522 X-5.0711 Y.0061 Z-.3301

    N524 Y.0183 Z-.3297

    N526 X-4.571 Y.0163 Z-.2332

    N528 Y.0272 Z-.2323

    N530 X-5.0711 Y.0305 Z-.3289

    N532 X-5.0712 Y.0427 Z-.3278

    N534 X-4.5709 Y.038 Z-.2311

    N536 Y.0488 Z-.2294

    N538 X-5.0712 Y.0549 Z-.3262

    N540 X-5.0713 Y.0669 Z-.3243

    N542 X-4.5708 Y.0595 Z-.2273

    N544 X-4.5706 Y.0701 Z-.2248

    N546 X-5.0714 Y.0789 Z-.322

    N548 X-5.0716 Y.0909 Z-.3193

    N550 X-4.5705 Y.0806 Z-.2219

    N552 X-4.5703 Y.091 Z-.2186

    N554 X-5.0717 Y.1027 Z-.3162

    N556 X-5.0719 Y.1145 Z-.3127

    N558 X-4.5702 Y.1012 Z-.2149

    N560 X-4.5699 Y.1113 Z-.2108

    N562 X-5.072 Y.1261 Z-.3089

    N564 X-5.0722 Y.1376 Z-.3047

    N566 X-4.5697 Y.1212 Z-.2063

    N568 X-4.5695 Y.131 Z-.2015

    N570 X-5.0724 Y.1489 Z-.3002

    N572 X-5.0727 Y.1602 Z-.2953

    N574 X-4.5692 Y.1405 Z-.1962

    N576 X-4.5689 Y.1498 Z-.1906

    N578 X-5.0729 Y.1712 Z-.29

    N580 X-5.0732 Y.1821 Z-.2844

    N582 X-4.5686 Y.159 Z-.1847

    N584 X-4.5683 Y.1678 Z-.1784

    N586 X-5.0735 Y.1928 Z-.2784

    N588 X-5.0738 Y.2033 Z-.2721

    N590 X-4.568 Y.1765 Z-.1718

    N592 X-4.5676 Y.1848 Z-.1648

    N594 X-5.0741 Y.2136 Z-.2655

    N596 X-5.0744 Y.2237 Z-.2586

    N598 X-4.5672 Y.1929 Z-.1576

    N600 X-4.5668 Y.2007 Z-.15

    N602 X-5.0747 Y.2335 Z-.2513

    N604 X-5.0751 Y.2432 Z-.2437

    N606 X-4.5664 Y.2082 Z-.1421

    N608 X-4.5673 Y.2202 Z-.1289

    N610 X-5.0765 Y.2572 Z-.2321

    N612 G0 Z0.

    N614 M17


    N618 G0 X0. Y.2583

    N648 G1 Z-.1085 F50.

    N650 X-5.

    N652 Y.2482

    N654 Z-.1196

    N656 X0.

    N658 Y.2377

    N660 Z-.1303

    N662 X-5.

    N664 Y.2267

    N666 Z-.1406

    N668 X0.

    N670 Y.2152

    N672 Z-.1503

    N674 X-5.

    N676 Y.2034

    N678 Z-.1596

    N680 X0.

    N682 Y.1911

    N684 Z-.1682

    N686 X-5.

    N688 Y.1785

    N690 Z-.1764

    N692 X0.

    N694 Y.1655

    N696 Z-.184

    N698 X-5.

    N700 Y.1522

    N702 Z-.191

    N704 X0.

    N706 Y.1386

    N708 Z-.1974

    N710 X-5.

    N712 Y.1248

    N714 Z-.2032

    N716 X0.

    N718 Y.1107

    N720 Z-.2084

    N722 X-5.

    N724 Y.0964

    N726 Z-.2129

    N728 X0.

    N730 Y.0819

    N732 Z-.2169

    N734 X-5.

    N736 Y.0672

    N738 Z-.2202

    N740 X0.

    N742 Y.0524

    N744 Z-.2228

    N746 X-5.

    N748 Y.0375

    N750 Z-.2248

    N752 X0.

    N754 Y.0225

    N756 Z-.2261

    N758 X-5.

    N760 Y.0075

    N762 Z-.2268

    N764 X0.

    N766 Y-.0075

    N768 X-5.

    N770 Z-.2261

    N772 Y-.0225

    N774 X0.

    N776 Z-.2248

    N778 Y-.0375

    N780 X-5.

    N782 Z-.2228

    N784 Y-.0524

    N786 X0.

    N788 Z-.2202

    N790 Y-.0672

    N792 X-5.

    N794 Z-.2169

    N796 Y-.0819

    N798 X0.

    N800 Z-.2129

    N802 Y-.0964

    N804 X-5.

    N806 Z-.2084

    N808 Y-.1107

    N810 X0.

    N812 Z-.2032

    N814 Y-.1248

    N816 X-5.

    N818 Z-.1974

    N820 Y-.1386

    N822 X0.

    N824 Z-.191

    N826 Y-.1522

    N828 X-5.

    N830 Z-.184

    N832 Y-.1655

    N834 X0.

    N836 Z-.1764

    N838 Y-.1785

    N840 X-5.

    N842 Z-.1682

    N844 Y-.1911

    N846 X0.

    N848 Z-.1596

    N850 Y-.2034

    N852 X-5.

    N854 Z-.1503

    N856 Y-.2152

    N858 X0.

    N860 Z-.1406

    N862 Y-.2267

    N864 X-5.

    N866 Z-.1303

    N868 Y-.2377

    N870 X0.

    N872 Z-.1196

    N874 Y-.2482

    N876 X-5.

    N878 Z-.1085

    N880 Y-.2583

    N882 X0.

    N884 G0 Z.25

    N886 M17

    N888 M30

    N890 (MAIN PROGRAM T )

    N118 G90G80G17G8

    N120 T1 M06 ( 3/4 BALL ENDMILL )

    N122 S6000 M3

    N124 G0 G90 X.0765 Y.2572 E1

    N126 H1 Z0. M8

    N128 E1

    N130 L101

    N132 E2

    N134 L101

    N136 E3

    N138 L101

    N140 E4

    N142 L101

    N620 G0G28G91Z0H0D0

    N622 M1

    N624 T2 M06 ( 5/8 BALL ENDMILL )

    N626 S6000 M3

    N628 G0 G90 X0. Y.2583 E1

    N630 H2 Z.25 M8

    N632 E1

    N634 L201

    N636 E2

    N638 L201

    N640 E3

    N642 L201

    N644 E4

    N646 L201

    N892 G0G91G28Z0H0D0

    N894 G0G90X0Y9.E0

    N896 M2

  2. Thanks for all the ideas guys, I refixtured the part and ran a profile toolpath around the part which only add 5min. the burrs are now gone. the 1/4 inch pin holes we use for aligning, I tapped them 5/16 unc. 1" deep and threaded bolts in from the bottom to pull the part down on the fixture. which then eliminates the top plate, this was ok with engineering. this makes our operator life much easier. Thanks again the more ideas the better.

  3. Hardmill


    We use the six holes for alignment, we put pins down thru the holes into our fixture. a shoulderbolt would be good except the wall thickness is only .05 between the big hole and small hole. no room for the head.


    With in a Thou.


    our top plate that holds down.




    Do you mean put a ring around the outside plus the inside. then drop the part down inside the two rings.I may give that a try. Just worried about chip evac. no thru spindle coolant.

  4. We tried holding in soft jaws, to much cutting pressure, the piece kept moving. helix boring took 3 times longer. we are using a dremel right now while the machine is running. I am going to order a carbide reamer an run that down after the drill and see if that takes care of most of the burr. thanks for all the reply, all your ideas definitely help. just have to keep playing with different machining methods.

  5. The drill we use is size , then we would have to refixture the part, which would not be easy to hold. we have tried alot of different machining methods and found this to be the best. we have had a few different tool reps in over the years, and this seems to be their solution. I was just hoping there was a good deburring method other than tying up a maching center.

  6. When we remove the top plate the legs are no longer in a consistant position. so when you mill around you touch in some places and miss in others.

  7. Thanks for all the info guy's, I can try different machining methods, we have tested alot of different cutting tools, and have found the sandvik drill to work the best. we deburr while the machine is running so no time is really lost.someone has to be there just in case. I guess I was just hoping for a magical way of deburring, because deburring sucks.

  8. the burrs are quite large we use a carbide burr to remove the large burrs, then a stone to smooth out the part. there are 100 pcs. I have no idea what a hl -30 extrude hone is. this job is on going every couple months.

  9. the piece is 5 inch o.d 4.inch id 1.7 high. we hold it with a top plate, so we can not mill around the edges. by the time all the counterbore are done the upright legs have moved, so when you mill round them you touch in some places and miss the others.

  10. Not m/c related although I used mastercam to make the burrs. We are looking for a tumbler to deburrs 316ss bearing cages we machine. the burrs are fairly large and take about 1 hr per part to deburr, I am not familar with tumbler so I don't know if this is feasable. there is no way to deburrs with a machining process. right now we have time to deburr between parts , but it is very teadious. any info will be appreciated.

  11. Has anyone compared the Kyocera mec series cutters against the Sandvik 390 series. We use all sandvik here. Just want to see if there is something better.



  12. thanks for the replies. I am using a belkin model f5u409. on mt laptop it say this device is working correctly, but when I hook it to the machines it says cannot communicate.I also bought another model same result. I will keep trying.

  13. I bought two different usb to serial adaters, no luck with either one to communiate with my machines from my laptop. I did a search on this forum and it seems to be a problem. Jimmy Wakeford. said to shut off FiFo in windows xp, but I don,t know what that is. any help would be apprieciated.

  14. Is there a way to tell mc9 that I am tyring to put a slot in a round part on the arc. I have it done now but waste alot of time cutting air. any help would be appreicated. hopefully my explanation is not to confusing.



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