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Everything posted by Mjölnir

  1. quote: Apple is now recommending users to run an Anti-virus program. Bull poop. Apple retracted that claim which inadvertently got posted to one of their forums. Apple Says Macs Are Safe, No Antivirus Needed Again. I very highly suggest you feel free to learn something about that of which you speak instead of ignorantly posting links that somehow makes you think you're smart. And besides, who you do think I'm going to take advise from about the software I'm going to run on my two new iMacs anyway? Friends and family who have used Macs every single day for many years? Or somebody who obviously knows nothing at all about Macs on a forum for Microsoft Windows specific CAD/CAM software, that somebody being you?
  2. quote: Apache which is an open source Linux OS.For your information: Apache is an HTTP server and it's hardly Linux centric. It even runs on Microsoft Windows. The pic that makes up my sig below is being served up by an Apache HTTP server running on *FreeBSD*. Anyway, it's not Apache or the operating systems which are the main targets of black hats attacking web sites. In most cases it's poorly written PHP scripts and suchlike which are the cause of the problem, not the underlying OS or server software. And page / swap files don't slow a computer down. If your machines are heavily swaping / paging to disk, you need more physical memory.
  3. quote: you might wanna read this, there are many viruses targeting MacsJust because you read it on a web site doesn't make it true. There aren't any Mac OS X viruses in the wild, at this point in time, period. The only good reason to run AV software on a Mac right now is to help protect Windows computers sharing files with Macs. Suggest feel free to learn a bit about the subject at hand instead of just ignorantly Googleing things up and posting them as if they have any basis of actual fact.
  4. quote: People are people, and when the target is worthwhile it will be hacked. It's only a matter of time.Since you are able to predict the future with absolute certainty, when am I going to win the lottery? Or better yet! When is Mastercam's surfacing going to be a good as Cimatron's? quote: old news OS X hackedSecurity flaws can be found in any operating system. No where do they get fixed faster than in open source software however. And security flaws aren't viruses. There hasn't been any need for anti-virus software on Macs for around 8 years or so. On Windows, it's mandatory.
  5. quote: Once OS X(sp?) and the other os's becmoe worthwhile targets they will become hacked.That's only speculation and has yet to be seen. While it's true social engineering has played a large part in this, Microsoft Windows total lack of any security by default for the better part of an entire decade has contributed much more to the problem. How many people here run thier Windows computers with administrator privleges? Now, how many Linux or BSD users login and use thier computers as root? See the difference?
  6. quote: My point is that he should lose the game since he stole an cheated Apple out of what was really intellectually theirs. How did that get forgotten?What's the matter? You don't appreciate all the spam and malware being distributed from botnets running on millions of compomised Microsoft Windows computers around the world today? Compomised Windows computers where half baked security was bolted on as an afterthought instead of being designed in from the ground up like it is on decent OSen? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  7. quote: Doug teh 35 year old youngster. My first puter had windows os First computer I used was in high school where it was nothing more than a terminal from which we dialed the mainframe at a local univeristy with a standard rotary telephone which the handset then got placed into a 150 baud accoustic coupler to complete the connection. Our programs were then uploaded from the cards we punched them on and the results were either printed on the terminal or the teletype printer. And I'm not as old as you might think, either.
  8. Parallels Desktop for Mac will run MS Windows in a VM on OS X. But running software in a virtual machine comes with some performance hit therefore you're always better off, in the case of CAD/CAM applications which are heavily CPU and GPU intensive anyway, running your applications in the native environment for which they are written. OS X does come with Bootcamp installed by default. Since Macs now use Intel CPUs Bootcamp allows Microsoft Windows to easily be installed side by side with OS X. However, I can not imagine myself ever doing such a thing because that strikes me as downright sacrilegious. [ 12-15-2008, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Anubis ]
  9. quote: KDE4I never did like KDE, it tries too much to imitate Microsoft Windows. I always prefered GNOME but never understood why until I bought my first Mac a few months ago.
  10. I've been using Linux since the mid 1990's, long before the general populace ever even heard of it and currently run Ubuntu Linux on a computer at home once in a while. On the desktop Linux is a toy for us hobbyists at best. On servers it's a fragmented mess with the zillions of different incompatable distributions available. If you want UNIX done right on the desktop look no further than Mac OS X, the current version being Leopard. OS X is built on the open source Darwin Mach Unix kenrel, and open source FreeBSD userland. Sitting on top of the certified by the Open Group UNIX on Mac's is the extemely well designed and superbley elegant Aqua graphical interface. I've got two shiny new iMacs at home I wish I could run ALL the software I need on. If it weren't for CAD/CAM software (Cimatron and Mastercam) I'd have no reason at all to use Windows. If Mastercam were to be ported to another platform *I'd* like to see it run on a Mac. This could become a reality if the current trend of Microsoft losing market share to Apple keeps up. (thanks to Vista) We'll see what happens when Windows 7 hits the market. On servers, the BSD's (Free / Open & Net) smoke Linux for hardware support, performace and stability. Plus they are extremely well organized and documented. But that's the scope of an entirely different subject.
  11. quote: level manager alt zI concur. Using hot keys is far faster than leaving a window open all the time on another monitor. Except I've got the Color menu mapped to Alt-Z and Level Mangler to Alt-L. Goes back to the days when I used Cadkey as a front end to Mastercam.
  12. quote: Why would you keep the level manager open? +1 I don't see a good reason to leave it open all the time. gcode, calculable field / 64bit. Good luck!
  13. "linky" ...which shows the solutions to problems more often than not can be found by *searching* the forum. There is quite a diverse range of experience here from total n00bz to battle hardened veterans. If you're having a problem, self induced or otherwise, certainly someone else has had the same thing happen to them and it has been talked about. With that said, I'm still working on trying to reproduce the calculable field errors that happen after a period of time on 64bit platforms. At first I thought it went away in X3 MU1 but it eventually showed its ugly mug. The last time I emailed QC about it they said only four people reported it and for the life of me I haven't been able to repoduce it because it's so random.
  14. Is a matter of perspective perhaps. Since I started my Cimatron E 8.5 training over the Thanksgiving weekend I find it mildly amusing.
  15. Chris, I'll send a file to qc soon. Tardmill, suggest look at the emoticon at the end of my statement about a lawsuit then rub your two brain cells together to help re-interpret its meaning. Doug, I agree a class action suit against CNC Software is not necessary. For a fraction of the cost of initiating such an action multiple seats of new software and training can be purchased. Mastercam is saved by its competition.
  16. This info was documented in X2-MR2 in the 'What's New' .htm file. Nothing at all for X3 or X3-MU1 in the 'What's New' .pdf files or any other document. Having this information would be incredibly helpful as it would aid greatly in determining which version of Mastercam to use for the particular type of work at hand since all versions as of late are severely broken in one way or another.
  17. http://www.mastercam.com/Support/Downloads...X3/Default.aspx
  18. You know how I feel about blogs. How about a class action lawsuit instead? Edited for the masses: I don't do blogs! Never have, doubtfull I ever will. It's Usenet or bust for me.
  19. I just got a reply from QC. This was logged back on 09/22/08 as CNC 00039309. So let me get this straight. These features worked fine in X3, I used them all the time. Somewhere in the development of X3-MU1 they got broke and it was reported, verified and logged. Then MU1 got released anyway knowing full well it was going to break systems. Man, if I wrote what was on my mind right now I'd get booted from the forum in a heart beat so I'll just say this: Wow! Just effing Wow!!
  20. I looked in the right places then, the information just isn't there. This time. Thanks Thad.
  21. Standard Pocket High Speed Parameters Trochoidal cuts = Off Corner Smoothing Radius = anything Toolpath corners are sharp. 2D High Speed Area Mill Smoothing Radius = anything No toolpath. WTF gives here? Anybody else seeing this?
  22. I'd like to see a list of bugs which were fixed like we used to get in the past, not a list of the bugs I find. Tool renumbering problem? Not something I ever need to do so I don't know.
  23. In the days of yore a list of bugs which were fixed used to be included with each Mastercam update. After installing X3-MU1 just a little while ago, thank you very much by the way!, I did a quick browse of the Mcam directory tree and only found the .pdf file which describes enhancements made to the software. Am I missing something or are fixed bugs just no longer documented? [ 12-03-2008, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Anubis ]
  24. I have my systems configured to not send files to the recycle bin when deleted yet when a file is deleted from within a open/save dialog box in Mastercam that setting is ignored and the files are sent to the recycle bin anyway. I haven't decided if that's a bug or an intended feature so I never sent it to qc. I'd also hate to be the person responsible for holding up X3 MR1 any longer. And I agree, it'd be handy have non-default options stick when they're set.
  25. quote: Lets just try to keep this a helpful threadI agree. People who claim to really care about the forum out of one side of their mouths are in fact vandalizing it out the other side and it's counter productive. Posting frivolous nonsense is what the off topic forum was created for I thought. Personally, I don't understand what all the hoopla about lead ins and outs is about. I'd like to see some better control in surface paths but when I can't get a surface path to do what I want falling back to projecting 2D paths on to surfaces often gets me close. Mastercam - The Swiss Army Knife of CAM - it doesn't excel at any one particular thing but is able to always get the job done.

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