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Takashi Sato from Ai Solutions.

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Everything posted by Takashi Sato from Ai Solutions.

  1. Thad Could you try uninstall/install again? after that,if you are still getting error, please delete ai_*.ft files one by one to know which chook cause this error. bacause mastercam.exe looks for *.ft files on start up, read them and load res_dll and func_dlls, if there is not *.ft file, chook dll will not be loaded in memory. quote: I can probably work it in. Send me the chooks and codes Could you send me your sim number? so I can send you back . Thanks
  2. Hi Thad Could you try this new one? I'm sorry for problems. http://www.ai-sols.co.jp/eng/download/AI_Utility_1_05_en.exe And do you have same spare time to evaluate the other chooks? I'm working at translation of japanese text to english. I can send you a chook and the 30 days trial code if you want.
  3. Hello guys I'm going to write update/bugfix logs of my chooks in this thread. You can also read about my chooks here. Ai Utility Introduction Well, another bug is reported regarding ai_bkcolor.dll, I'm trying to fix it now., and I will upload new one tomorrow. Sorry for inconvenience. if you find any bugs, please report the problem here, and stop using this utility until I fix them. Any requests/suggestions/bug reports are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  4. VBScript Data Types http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....f3644960e72.asp And Level is 32-bit integer. HTH
  5. Hello range of a signed 16-bit integer is -32768 to 32767. I think it is just out of range. 2^16 = 65536 65536/2 = 32768 // ask for an integer number – note that the passed value will be the default value Bool askNumber( String, (Input: Prompt area text) Integer, (Input: Lower bound on number) Integer, (Input: Upper bound on number) Integer (Input/Output: the number) )
  6. OK I'll do it. and I have to make version checking feature to see if they are changed/fixed/updated. Thank you. OT: I've also started learning C# ( nethook )from this month. I made a nethook last weekend at home. (nethookBuilder.zip on ftp.. it is a C# & VB.Net Compile utility, You can make nethook without visual studio. when lerning C#, I've noticed there is Compiler function in .Net framework. Please dont ask me about this nethook and C# language, coz I'm just started learning it. And I'll be going busy from this week....
  7. Hi I made a chook 'delblankent.dll' in 5 mins. it delets all blank ents, but you cant delete blank entities which are refered by the other ents. plz look at cadcam's FTP Site HTH code: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int m_main (int not_used) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); ent e; DB_LIST_ENT_PTR dPtr, foundPtr; MC_BOOL succf; MC_BOOL tp_ref_warn=false; dPtr=db_start; do { get_raw_ent(false,&dPtr, &foundPtr, &e , 0 , ALL_ENTITIES_MASK, &succf ); if(succf&&e.eptr&&e.sel&BLANK_BIT) { delete_ent(e.eptr,true,false,true,&tp_ref_warn,false); } } while(succf); return MC_NOERROR|MC_UNLOADAPP; }
  8. Hello I've uploaded my chook Utility on our web site. the latest version is 1.03. 1. XMenu got the ability to run VBScript. Menu text format is... "menu text" RunVBS "file name of .vbs" "VBS RunCommand.vbs" RunVBS "vbRunCommand.vbs" 2. some little fixes about uninitailizing the chooks. Thanks http://www.ai-sols.co.jp/eng/download/AI_Utility_1_03_en.exe Should I open my own thread??
  9. I think the SDK is not on X install CD. plz ask your mastercam reseller for the SDK for X-MR2.
  10. In chook sdk, there is a function like below. code: /** * @par Purpose: * projects a 3D position onto a surface entity * @param[in] *psf The pointer to the surface * @param[in] view_n The view number for projecting (-1 => normal to surface) * @param[in] allow_extend Allow solution to be found on linear extensions of the surface edges? * @param[in] ptest The 3D position to project * @param[in] uv_in An initial guess uv value for solution * @param[out] uv The uv parameters on the surface corresponding to the solution * @param[out] pproj The 3D position on the surface * @return TRUE if the projection was successful */ DllImpExp MC_BOOL project_pt_onto_surf ( surf_type *psf, short view_n, MC_BOOL allow_extend, p_3d ptest, p_2d uv_in, p_2d uv, p_3d pproj);
  11. just a guess http://www.google.com/search?q=welding+a3+temperature or you may see 'a=3' in the drawing.
  12. I dont know code: “NOTE: Welding pins position 5 and 6 are weld with a=3 Ich kann nicht spreche deutsch und englisch.
  13. Hi Thad. Thank you for suggestion. I'll do it tomorrow. and I have to make download.htm file too. quote: Ai_McxViewerExt.dll .mcx file thumbnail preview in right-click popup menu. it is a shell-extention dll, and InstallShield should unload the dll file by command 'regsvr32 /u Ai_McxViewerExt.dll' before uninstalling/deleting it. (I'll check InstallShield project file too. I have not done any change to Ai_McxViewerExt.dll, it is the same file, so it will not be a big problem. Thank you for the report. Any requests/suggestions/bug reports are welcome. Thanks and happy birthday to me lol
  14. Hello a little bug was reported and I fixed the bug. if you are already using this utility, please download the file again and re-install. Sorry for inconvenience. :reported bug: when clicked 'Relative' icon, the Ribbonbar disappeared User reported bug fixed! http://www.ai-sols.co.jp/eng/download/AI_Utility_1_00_en.exe
  15. I found the way to call c++ function. it seems OK. thanks code: public override MC_RETURN Run(int param) { run_FT_command("Mastercam","OMOnNCIDump"); return MC_RETURN.MC_NOERROR; }
  16. if your toolpath is 5ax flowline,how about changing the distance values of cut/stepover control?
  17. Hello I'm new to nethook. and this is my first nethook dll. I want call FT commands from Nethook, but I could not find function like post_FT_command() in chook. Currectly I use this code below, Is there any easier way to call them?? thanks C# code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Mastercam; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ClassLibrary { public class ClassLibrary : CMCNETApp { [DllImport("Mastercam.exe")]//FUNC_DLL public static extern int OMOnNCIDump(int param);//FUNC_NAME [DllImport("Mastercam.exe")]//FUNC_DLL public static extern int OnCPlaneTop(int param); public override MC_RETURN Run(int param) { MessageBox.Show("Hello from Mastercam!"); MessageBox.Show("OnCPlaneTop"); OnCPlaneTop(0); MessageBox.Show("Dump NCI!"); OMOnNCIDump(0); return MC_RETURN.MC_ERROR; } } }
  18. When this problem happens, all tolerance values are going crazy.
  19. hi, sorry,I dont have english books.. but there are a lot of online tutorials and samples.. and MS Visual Studio comes with large document of MSDN. You need the basic knowledge of C/C++ and MFC to start. MFC is necessary for making dialogs. first,you have to decide what you want to make/do with chook. http://www.google.com/search?q=C%2B%2B+tutorial http://www.google.com/search?q=MFC+tutorial http://www.google.com/search?q=STL+Standard+Template+Library for code samples http://www.codeproject.com/ http://www.google.com/search?q=code+samples+c%2B%2B http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/default.aspx?siteid=1
  20. HI I did some update to my chook, as you requested. ftp://mastercam:[email protected]/Ma...ity_1_00_en.exe quote: Did you see my question above about rotating about the current WCS This request seems hard to accomplish, I need more time to think of it. Pease wait for a while... I don't have the right to modify the file on our web site right now.. So, I put it on cadcam's ftp.. I will update the file on our web site next week. thanks
  21. I have questions regarding XMenu chook. there are hidden commands in .ft file would it be better not to hide them? FUNCTION CPP "m_mainmenu" HIDDEN INLINE END_FUNCTION FUNCTION CPP "m_backup" HIDDEN INLINE END_FUNCTION and would it be better to add "&Back" and "&Mainmenu" to the bottom of XMenu? thanks
  22. OK,I will think of it, when I get bored at my current work.. thanks Do you know resource hacker? it's free.

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