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Disclaimer/Info: MC 2022, with a native solid made by extruding wireframes. Using the Move command to select the faces.
Trying to use Move to rotate the outer vertical faces of the pocket shown in (fig. 1) to make a little room for the part in the jaw. The corner rads and back face will locate it enough, so I don't want contact on the sides.
When I select the faces I want to rotate (fig. 2), I get a gnomon to specify the origin of the transform. Unlike other transforms, the first movement of the grey dot where the axes meet applies a transform op to the faces (fig.3) - I would expect this action to only move the gnomon to my desired center of rotation/transform, and then be able to rotate the selection.
Is there a way to move the gnomon to a point without moving my geo? Or are my CAD expectations showing through for this tool?
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