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  1. Hi everyone, I was exploring mastercam 3D mill and wire and I notice that you can save cut parameter in 3D mill but can't in wire cut. Can anyone explain why you can't save parameter in wire cut? Thank you.
  2. Version 1.0.0

    This is an eBook. It requires an internet connection to access. Published by In-House Solutions Inc. IBSN: 978-1-77146-801-5 The Mastercam 2019 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $39.99
  3. Im farely new to Wire EDM and there is this job that requires 4 axis programming. Im not really sure how to start programming it. Can anyone help?
  4. Version 1.0.0

    The Mastercam 2018 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $39.99
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The Mastercam 2018 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This sample is in color as it appears in the eBooks version. The print version is grey scale. The Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
  8. Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial Metric SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Metric)  
  9. Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial SAMPLE (PDF) View File Details coming soon Submitter DanielGingras Submitted 06/07/2017 Category Training Tutorials (Imperial)  
  10. The Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $39.99
  11. The Mastercam 2017 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $39.99
  12. Version 1.2

    This Practical set of training tutorials cover 2D & 3D Geometry, Wirepath Creation such as Contour, Multiple Contours, 4-Axis Wirepath, and No Core Wirepath. Each tutorial walks you through Geometry Creation to G-Code Generation. Six mechanical parts projects provide step-by-step instructions for Mastercam Wire. Each section contains screen shots and windows/menus for Start, Thread, Cut, and Work (STCW) Parameters, Wire Parameters, Lead In/Out, Contour Parameters, Tabs, and more.
    From $30
  13. Version 1.2

    The Mastercam X5 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning Mastercam Wire. This practical set of tutorials focuses on 2D & 3D geometry, Wirepath creation such as Contour Wirepath (open contour, multiple contours, die and taper angle), 4-Axis Wirepath and No Core Wirepath. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation right through to G-Code generation. Additionally, the Wire Tutorial includes 6 mechanical part projects providing step-by-step instruction for Mastercam Wire, with each section containing screen shots and windows/menus for Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads, Taper, and more.
    From $30
  14. Version 1.2

    The Mastercam X6 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The 6 new tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, Dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $30
  15. Version v1.3

    The Mastercam X7 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The 6 new tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, Dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $30
  16. Version v1.3

    The Mastercam X7 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The 6 new tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, Dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $30
  17. Version 1.3

    This is an electronic only purchase downloadable in PDF format. The print version is available here. Published by In-House Solutions Inc. IBSN: 978-1-77146-152-8 The Mastercam X8 Wire Training Tutorial (Metric) provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, Dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper. Note: The X8 HLE requires 64bit versions of Windows 7 or newer. More about system requirements can be found here.
    From $30
  18. Version 1.0

    The Mastercam X9 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $30
  19. Version 1.0

    The Mastercam X9 Wire Training Tutorial provides users with an excellent resource for learning how to use Mastercam to program Wire EDM machines. The tutorials focus on 2D & 3D Geometry creation and Wirepath creation such as Contour, 4-Axis and No Core. Open contours, Multiple contours, dies and Taper angle projects are covered in detail. Each tutorial guides users from geometry creation through to G-Code generation. Additionally, each tutorial includes description of the parameters used in the different dialog boxes such as the Wire/Power, Cut Parameters, Compensation, Stops, Leads and Taper.
    From $30
  20. Morning everyone, I've been having some serious issues with my wire machine/control definition in 2017, not sure if it's just me or if anyone else has had similar issues. It all started a few months ago - I went into 2017 to do some wire work (I had done previous wire work in '17 with no issues) and when I went to create a new contour it was giving me options for "Agie Contour", not the usual wire contour options I had before. It should be noted that the MD/CD, post, etc, are all for a Mitsubishi machine, not an Agie. For whatever reason, the machine think it's an Agie now and even after being on the phone for over an hour with our reseller trying to resolve the issue, it still will not work. This is just a brief summary of the issue, I know, and I can provide images of everything if anyone needs it. Just wondering if, based on my explanation, there is something silly I'm missing. Another thing to note is that I can go into a different mcam file that worked before, and everything still works as it should. I can go into X9 and everything still works as it should (I've been using X9 to get around this issue but it really needs to be fixed for 2017). I tried migrating my MD/CD from X9 to rule out any issues with corruption of the 2017 defs but that didn't work either. Hopefully someone has some insight. I really appreciate it, you guys have all been really great helping out.
  21. Version 1.0


    This is a sample PDF. For more information on this title, visit the store or download the file above. The following sample is presented in colour as it would appear in the eBook version of this title. Print versions are printed greyscale.
  22. Version 1.0


    This is a sample PDF. For more information on this title, visit the store or download the file above. The following sample is presented in colour as it would appear in the eBook version of this title. Print versions are printed greyscale.
  23. 525 downloads

    This is a sample PDF. For more information on this title, visit the store or download the file above. The following sample is presented in colour as it would appear in the eBook version of this title. Print versions are printed greyscale.
  24. 145 downloads

    This is the official Mastercam X8 Wire brochure.
  25. I got this part handed to me today. I've wired this part before, but now they added the 2x 3/64 chamfers. Not sure how to go about this. Is it even possible to wire? Using Mastercam 6x, i know, i'm behind. Wire EDM is Mits FX20. Any help is appreciated. wirepart.pdf

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