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Machine Simulation - MASTERCAM 2019-2020

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Good day!!
I created a model of the machine myself, which I was looking for, but now I have questions, please tell me, can someone share the scheme / configuration of the machine like the Okuma MCR-A5CII machine or from this model line or with similar kinematics of the machine, where in addition to the linear Z axis, there is a linear W axis in the form of traverses, I'm trying to create my own machine configuration of this machine model in Mastercam, but apparently something is not working correctly, so I would like to see a structure with such kinematics on a similar machine?
In my case, I'm trying to create a configuration where the XYZ and W + 2 axes are rotating CB axes, the problem is in the W axis, this axis works correctly when moving manually, but it is ignored during simulation, only the Z axis moves, that's where I have a problem until I figured it out, can someone tell me who has ever create a configuration of such a machine?

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19 hours ago, cnc nemo said:

In my case, I'm trying to create a configuration where the XYZ and W + 2 axes are rotating CB axes, the problem is in the W axis, this axis works correctly when moving manually, but it is ignored during simulation, only the Z axis moves, that's where I have a problem until I figured it out, can someone tell me who has ever create a configuration of such a machine?

Is your Machine Definition created correctly? Does it show this axis combination? 

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Here is a short video of the machine and moving the axes manually, I will attach the file of the machine, maybe someone will have the desire and time to look at the machine and fix the MachSim file, what I am trying to do in the 2020 version, but I have not yet figured out why and what I am doing wrong, if not if it were (6 W axes), then I think there would be no problems, help someone, I really wanted to understand such kinematics and how is it implemented in Mastercam?

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I'm not familiar with ziptogo conversion, apparently I need to get acquainted, if there is a link, please share it, I'll see how it's done? As for the postprocessor for this model, there is no one, so far I'm just trying to create a machine model myself for a simulation machine in Mastercam.

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7 hours ago, cnc nemo said:

I'm not familiar with ziptogo conversion, apparently I need to get acquainted, if there is a link, please share it, I'll see how it's done? As for the postprocessor for this model, there is no one, so far I'm just trying to create a machine model myself for a simulation machine in Mastercam.

Should be on your file tab.



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8 hours ago, cnc nemo said:

I'm not familiar with ziptogo conversion, apparently I need to get acquainted, if there is a link, please share it, I'll see how it's done? As for the postprocessor for this model, there is no one, so far I'm just trying to create a machine model myself for a simulation machine in Mastercam.

Without a post processor this is pointless IMHO. 


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Maybe there is no point without a postprocessor, but now my goal is to understand exactly how to create a machine and what is the correct structure with such kinematics with so many axes and how it should be implemented in Mastercam, otherwise with 5 axes everything is more or less clear, and then questions arise, I hope they will help to understand here... Thanks for the link to Zip2Go!

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On 7/12/2023 at 12:40 PM, cnc nemo said:

how it should be implemented in Mastercam

The Machsim is more or less just bling unless you have a kinematic aware post processor from Postability or In-House Solutions. Then you have to license the Module Works module for the full Machsim.

Having a tested Post Processor, a matching Machine Definition and Control Definition (these are not part of your Machsim file) are the first steps in Mastercam. The post processor translates the NCI file that Mastercam creates in the background into G-Code for the specific Machine/ Control. The Machsim that you can build and or comes with Mastercam is only verifying the NCI code not the actual G-Code that the machine will interpret. This is why there is a need for verification software such as Vericut or Camplete.

I can show you files that verify fine in Mastercam and on a Machsim but in Vericut it shows the collision as it is verifying the actual G-Code.

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You say everything correctly, but I don't have a machine and I don't have the task to go through all the stages, I would like to start by understanding the creation of a machine with similar kinematics in Mastercam, so that at least everything works correctly in Mastercam, if I haven't figured out at this stage where I'm going to the postprocessor to the machine, but I want to figure it out while it doesn't work out on my own, so I'm turning to the community / colleagues, I hope they will respond here or on other forums...

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9 minutes ago, cnc nemo said:

You say everything correctly, but I don't have a machine and I don't have the task to go through all the stages, I would like to start by understanding the creation of a machine with similar kinematics in Mastercam, so that at least everything works correctly in Mastercam, if I haven't figured out at this stage where I'm going to the postprocessor to the machine, but I want to figure it out while it doesn't work out on my own, so I'm turning to the community / colleagues, I hope they will respond here or on other forums...

Without a valid Ziptogo file no one will touch this since it reeks of piracy IMHO.


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Thank you all for the help that no one responded in the entire Mastercam community, I thought there were colleagues in mind, like a small request, to correct me in creating my machine configuration, I had to figure it out on my own and still created my machine working in Mastercam, all the best, I hope you will do much more for others...



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