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Everything posted by kwolf

  1. Thanks Jay, And again another question: We use Predator Virtual CNC 3.4x as verification with MC 8.11 predator interface, is there an update for version 9 of Mastercam? KWOLF
  2. Hi Jay, I didn't think anyone except PDG could answer but if you know the difference I'm happy to hear it from you. Thanks again, KWOLF
  3. It's better to know if PDG tells us what's the date of main executables or something so users can distinguish between betas and official releases. Thanks, KWOLF
  4. Hi all, I imported a solid from SolidWorks (sldprt) and tried a finish parallel on it but the software showed a message " All boundaries of a surface degenerate (it will not be fixed)" . What should I do? My config is: Mastercam Mill 8.11 Level 3 + solid with October patches. And another question : In converting solid to surface sometimes the software states that it can not convert solid face to trimmed srf do you want to put it to new level? I answer yes as always . But does it generate error in machining or not? Sometimes there are many srfs in this level. Thanks, Kevin
  5. kwolf


    Roughing surfaces.
  6. kwolf


    Thanks Jay, I just want to drill after roughing operation . Is there any easier approach to do so than backplotting and saving geo 'coz my roughing op is usually very big and with numerous plunging points. Thanks again, Kevin
  7. Hi, I want to drill where the previous roughing operation have plunged to stock. What should I do? Thanks, Kevin
  8. Is there such a filter/c-hook in V9? I hope Jay or James know.
  9. Hi, I need a filter tool for splitting toolpath (especially useful for any finish strategy or even imported nci) with respect to slope angle of tool motion. Anyone has such a tool? Any idea? Thanks
  10. Thanks Sooo , waiting for V9 . And I stick to surfaces with edges when importing solids as usual . Kevin Wolf
  11. We have Mastercam v8.11 level 3
  12. Hi, I want to machine some faces of a solid and at the same time want to set some other faces of the solid as the check surfaces , but the software automatically convert the check surfaces to drive status because they belong to same solid(s). What can I do? Is there a way in v8.11 to set check srfs of the same solid as drive srfs? Thanks
  13. Gstephens, Thanks again. I completely got the idea about parting line. But what I want to know is , is there a way to expand toolpath to parting lines other than 45 degree? The software calculates parting lines to -45 and 45 only. If you look at picture you will see that by setting start angle to 45 or 60 , these two parting lines be the same (always 45 with respect to cut dir). And if you even set the start angle to 80 and end angle to 90 , again you limit your toolpath to those two parting lines. Is there a parameter to control angle of parting line ? Again thanks in advance, Kevin
  14. Well I guess the toolpath must always between -45 to +45 to cut direction and the height/depth of cut controlled by setting start and end angles in toolpath parameters. Am I right?
  15. Okay I got the idea. Thanks alot. But let me add some comment , if you have set any angle other than 45 ,for example 60 to 90 , you just limit your toolpath in Z direction and again those 2 virtual constant lines exist. I upload "steep-parallel.jpg" to pictures folder. Can someone tell me why toolpaths limited between these two constant lines? Thanks
  16. Hi, I have a question about Parallel Steep Finish. Consider a semi-sphere with radius of 100 for simplicity and want to finish it in x direction using steep angle from 45 to 90 degrees. What I expect (when viewed from top) is a doughnut boundary around sphere from z=0 to z=70.7 but what I get are two separated regions of that doughnut. In general even by choosing from 0 degree to 90 degrees you have 2 separated boundaries limited between two lines "y=x" and "y=-x" (when viewed from top). It seems these 2 boundaries always lie between these two lines no matter what the starting and ending angles are. Tell me why I don't get doughnut and why it's limited between two constant lines. BTW I get what I want with shallow finish by setting angles from 45 to 90.
  17. Hi, Happy new year to all. I want to know about C-HOOk in Mastercam V9. We have some C-Hook files for version 8.11 like moldplus, catia read/write , pvcnc interface ,.. and want to know V9 can work with them or not? Do these C-Hooks have incompatibilities with V9? They all were written for V8 or V8.1 . Maybe PDG can tell something about it. Thanks
  18. Hi, I used predator v3.4 before and I think predator is easier to use than vericut, however there was not machine simulation . With their new version , they are supporting machine simulation and I want to know it is still easier to use than vericut? We use Vericut 5 now and I think it's a bit slower in verifying especially when using solid verify. And how about defining new machines and controllers? Besides in vericut there's no direct interface for Mastercam yet.In earlier version ,PVCNC has interface for Mastercam . What new interfaces added to V4? Regards Kevin Wolf
  19. Hypermill from Openmind software (germany),it's very powerfull and I heard they developed cam for catia too. I don't think CAMWorks is a weak competitor.It has automatic feature recognition, and in latest version it supports machining in assembly mode, it supports clamp definition .It has powerfull simulation .Besides many users find desingning in SW much easier than any other software and the software itself is very easy to use.But I don't think they have any 4 or 5 axis machining available. BTW does anyone works with Anvil? How about VX Vision? I heard VX Vision is an ideal CAMD .
  20. Hi, I'm having problems using mastercam's generic post MPDIA11B.PST for deckel dialog 11 (old machines). Does anyone have a working post for this machine? In some cases when post processing an operation having arc movements, the distance between center to 2 endpoints are not equal and cause an error when machining.This difference does not exceed more than 1E-5 mm.I tried to increase number of digits (with fmt command) to 5 decimal places but the problem still occurs.It seems this problem more likely occurs when downloading v8.21 of dll files. Is there any option in mastercam itself or post processor files to be changed (atol ltol ..)? Or better does anyone have a working post for this machine? I'm tired of editing the post. Thanks
  21. Hi Bullines, And how about performance? Is it degraded on the same machine or not especially on old machines PIII 450Mhz , 256 Mb RAM and 128 Mb RAM? Thanks
  22. Hi Razor, 1. if you can't do anything with surfaces in Mastercam try using rhino3d v2. A NURBS modeler for creating and editing surfaces.Even it has the capabilities to create organic surfaces.you can get a free 25 save evaluation version at www.rhino3d.com . 2. you can use make surface from solid face option in mastercam. hope it helps [ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: kwolf ]
  23. Hi , there's are options "% of material cutting speed" and "% of mtl feed per tooth" .The first when multiplied by your raw spindle speed results in final spindle speed and again the second ... Besides, every mtl has its own base cutting speed which must be multiplied by the % of operation type speed in the material library Well I hope this helps

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