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Tom Mortensen - CIMCO Development

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Everything posted by Tom Mortensen - CIMCO Development

  1. Try to un-check the "Share settings between all users" in the setup (the first setting on the first setup page). /Tom
  2. Try to go into the setup and un-check "Share settings between all users" (very first option on the first page). Ps. There is no difference between V5 and V6 is this respect, they use the same manifest etc. so the problem should also occur on V5. /Tom
  3. Hi, Edit V6 should work with UAC in Win7 without showing the admin dialog. Can you do a search for CIMCO.INI and let me know in which folders it shows up? Ps. I developed V6 on Win7 x64 with UAC. /Tom
  4. Hi All, Christian mentioned the FIFO buffer, that is the number one problem when dripfeeding. It is paramount that you turn the FIFO "to low" or disable it (depending on the COM port), otherwise dripfeeding will not work on 90% of the controls out there today. For standard build-in COM ports you can disable the FIFO from the Device manager (look for the Advanced button under port settings). With third party devices such as Moxa you might have to look around. When somebody says "Use Windows 9x" the reason is that their software doesn't work correctly on newer operating systems, and not that Window 9x is better at sending data (quite the opposite actually). When somebody says, "use a different piece of software" the again they are wrong most of the time. The problem is in the driver/hardware. This is what you should do: 1) Make sure the FIFO is off. If you can’t figure out how (it is not always easy/possible), contact me on the e-mail address below. 2) Use hardware handshake if at all possible. Hardware handshake works a lot better than software handshake with most drivers/hardware. 3) Use as short a cable as possible during testing. A short cable is anything less than 5m (15 Feet for the metric impaired). 4) Insert a delay after each line. CIMCO Edit and DNC-Max supports this. I suggest you try with 50ms. This will slow down the communication, and you could experience “jerking moves”, however if it works then you know it is a buffer overflow, and we can work from there. Notice a 50ms line delay at 9600 baud on an average 3D program is going to slow the transfer rate down by a factor > 3 (the effective baud rate becomes somewhere around 3000 baud). 5) If you are still having problems, go to 4800 with the same delay (effective speed, around 2100 baud). Once you have tried this you can post the result here or send me an e-mail, and we can take it from there. Best regards Tom Mortensen CIMCO Integration / Development tom at cimco-software.com Ps. I wrote the serial code in both DNC-Max and CIMCO Edit, and I am consulted on a regular basis by most of the major serial hardware vendors on how to make serial hardware work with DNC – because it is not that easy!
  5. Hi, The file compare has two modes. 1) One that shows all the differences at the same time. In this mode you can synchronize changes between the two sides, but you cannot freely edit the text. 2) "Classic V4 mode" that only shows one difference at the time, but you can freely modify the text. To change back to the old mode, remove the check from "Show all differences" on the file compare configuration page. Best regards Tom Mortensen CIMCO Integration - Development
  6. Hi Jeff, By default it will remember the last folder, but be aware that this is on a "per port" basis (every time you send to "Port A", it will remember the last directory used when sending a file to "Port A"). However there are several options that can change this behavior: In the client: 1) Don't check "Setup/Configure Client/Always start in 'root' directory" 2) "Port/Configure Port/Directories/Advanced Directories" - Don't check any of the $SENDROOT options. Best regards Tom Mortensen CIMCO Integration - Development
  7. Hi, Could you please provide additional information regarding the crash. 1) Does et happen when you launch the editor, or at random when working with the editor. 2) Does it happen when you launch the editor outside Mastercam (i.e. double click on the editor executable CIMCOEdit.exe in the CEdit folder). If not, does it crash as soon as you open a file. If the crash is related to the graphics driver, I would suspect that the editor can start, but you might be unable to open any files. Here are some possible causes: A) Driver bug The part of the program that interacts with the display driver (the rendering), has not changed for years, and if the crash is caused by the rendering process, I think the problem is with the display driver. All programs interact with the display driver in a different way, and it might be some little detail that does not work correctly in you current driver, and that we just happen to use. Other programs might still work, however, please keep in mind that NVidia most likely test their drivers with a large number of the most common application (Word, Adobe, ...), however it is unlikely that they test is with CIMCO Edit I would think that your driver rollback should have solved the problem, but something could have escaped the rollback process. Incompatible system dll's. CIMCO Edit depends on a few generic dll's (like MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.dLL), and if an update has installed an older version of any ofthese dll's, it is possible that this could cause a problem. The easiest way to test this, is to reboot the system and start the editor outside Mastercam (as described above). It is important that this is done right after a reboot to minimize the chance that some other application has loaded a "bad" version of the system dll's To make this check absolutely fool proof, it is necessary to remove the following dll's from the Windows directory and all subdirectories (System32): Mfc42.dll, Msvcp60.dll, Msvcrt.dll However do not delete them, but move them to a temporary directory, since other applications might depend on them. If you are unable to move one or more of these files, it is because they are already in use. I would not recommend this "procedure" unless you understand the consequences. If the problem is related to the Mastercam installation, downloading and installing our standalone version could help. After installing the stand alone version, just copy your Mastercam OEM keyfile (from Mcam9CommonEditorsCeditCNCEdit4License.key to C:CIMCOCIMCOEdit4license.key). If the standalone version works, we have a starting point for locating the problem. Againg, please test right after a reboot. C) Bug in CIMCO Edit. If the problem is related to a bug in CIMCO Edit, something on your system (and maybe lots of other systems) is causing a problem for the Editor. If this is the case, a little more history on which versions you have successfully been running, and which updates you have applied since then would help to narrow it down. We have received a few reports of other problems related to the latest Mastercam update, but have been unable to reproduce the problem. Best regards Tom Mortensen CIMCO Integration - Development Ps. kwolf is right, versions 4.33.11-4.33.12 would crash when running renum/find ranges/printing/... and should be avoided. PPs. I am the primary developer on CIMCO Edit.
  8. Hi all, Re: Line numbers Make sure you have selected either the Default or the Generic ISO machine type from the drop down on the 'File toolbar', assuming that you use block numbers starting with N (i.e. N0100). You can also check the block number configuration on the "Setup machine type/Block numbers" dialog (Select "Setup/Machine templates" from the menu and switch to the "Block numbers" tab). Re: Crash after re-installing The most common cause of this problem is trying to re-install the program while it is still running. Make sure the program is not running and re-install it. If your problems persist, I will need to take a closer look at your configuration files. Re: Missing options from latest release. As mentioned by Ying Yang, we included the "Math option" by mistake in the vanilla v9 release. Our marketing people are currently discussing if we should put it back in (because of your posting). Best regards Tom Mortensen CIMCO Integration - Development

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