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Computer Locking Up


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Hi everyone,


When I have both Mastercam And Solidworks open on my computer it runs just fine for a short period of time and then just locks up and does nothing. It even takes forever for the task manager to end tasks. Any thoughts why this keeps happening? Here's what I'm using....


Mastercam 9.1 MRO304

Solidworks 2004

The computer is a "Dell" (dude , I got a Dell smile.gif ) , XP Pro SP2 , Pentium 4 , with 1.0 GB ram


Thanks in advance for any help. cheers.gifcheers.gif



p.s. Can someone send me a post for a Haas mill??? Just kidding , but go ahead light em' up. flame.gif

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How's this for uselessness. Find out which video card you have....from Mastercam biggrin.gif





'// Author: Chris Bellini [email protected]

'// Date: 13/10/2004 4:30 PM

'// File Name: show_videocard.vbs


'// Description: Display the name of the video adapter


'// Comments: cvb (10/13/2004): more to come






' call the main subroutine

Call Main()


' Purpose: the main subroutine

Sub Main()

Const DEF_LOCAL_COMPUTER = "rootcimv2" ' local computer WMI

Dim objWMIService ' WMI object

Dim colItems ' collection object



' set the WMI object to the local machine

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & DEF_LOCAL_COMPUTER)


' query video card and store in a collection object

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_VideoController")


' loop through the querey results and display them

For Each objItem in colItems

ShowString objItem.Name



' cleanup

Set objWMIService = Nothing

Set colItems = Nothing

End Sub

Too much fun, sorry wink.gif


Good card. Do you have the latest drivers from nVIDIA's website installed?

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My computer crashes (Honestly) at least once a day... mad.gif I have tried various allocations running just MC. headscratch.gif It only locks up on File-Get not all the time. headscratch.gif It's just something I deal with. Some of the other Mold Makers don't have any problems. rtfaq.gif My computer is very much so up to date. idea.gif Sometimes with Solid works (2004) sometimes not. confused.gif

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I also get at least 1 crash a day, normally more like 2-4, been like that for me for me on two different computers, never have been able to figure out why. Sometime during file save, which is by far the worst time to crash. It is frustrating but life goes on. Anyone else have stability issues, or is it just me and chip?

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I also get at least 1 crash a day, normally more like 2-4, been like that for me for me on two different computers, never have been able to figure out why. Sometime during file save, which is by far the worst time to crash.

Must be the power in Oregon!!! biggrin.gif


Funny, I have exactly the same problem, sometimes once a day, sometimes 10 or 12!!

It's never consistent, but always Mastercam.

The hard drive will go crazy like it's using it for memory and then, CRASH!! bonk.gif

Thank goodness for file salvage in Novell!


P4 2.8ghz, 1gb ram, Nvidia Quadro4 750 GXL

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Are you sure that stand-alone Mastercam performs all this steps OK without hanging on ?

Have you checked it ?

Will Solidworks alone work OK ?

Build modest size 3d model in MC (say 300-500 surfaces , open middle size Solidwork file ,shade it ,do not minimize the window ,now open full screen Mastercam ,shade your surfaces and press end button

Will your puter hang on ?

Leave it for 10 -20 minutes .

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