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O/T..taxes and Indians


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who ran it down?...the indians...or the polititians we selected to represent us?

The people that live there. That's who ran them down. I complain about my taxes and the cost of living, but I do not let the roof over my head crumble. If it's broke I fix it. I take responsibility for my actions, and not of what our ancestors did to their ancestors. Everyone has a choice, and you make the decision of how you will live. This country offers opportunities to everyone equally. Do I have a guilty conscience about our country's history? Hell no!! Is our history any worse than some other country's? I don't think so. What's next? Maybe we should pass around a basket and take up a collection for pain & suffering? Or should we just wait for the lawyers to figure out what that amount is?

I am not racist in any way.Nobody handed anything to me for free. I worked for it, and I'm damn proud of where I am in life.



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Somthing a little different here but think of this.

Every year more people are introduced to the workforce than there is retiring, and everyone "almost" is getting raises of somesort. So when you get a raise Uncle Sam gets a raise and same thing for overtime, he to gets a little O.T. for no work at all. So why in the hell are they constantly saying we need more or we can not balance the budget. My idea would be to give them 15% base and say, here..........make do with what you got!

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share of the country's debt?..the did not expend that money...we did.

For the last time...


THEY are part of WE!!


What part of "They live in this country too" did you NOT understand?


Don't forget, there's MILLIONS of people in this country that live MUCH worse than most indians do! But they pay thier taxes just the same.


Well, I'm sorry Carlos. You're sitting here with your head in the sand and your xxxx in the air, living in the past with ignorance as your guide.


You obviously haven't read (understood?) anything I've said, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time trying to get you to look around and see what's happening in the real world.


You continue on calling people names with your little un-happy thoughts about something you know nothing about and keep pushing towards total and comlpete blindness. Hopefully some day you'll get a smack upside the head that will make you open your eyes.



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polotitions have very VERY little say as to what goes on at indian reservations.

what i am saying is, the are running down what goes outside the reservation....and we are outside the reservation, so why we need to get in ther and tru to screw them up?

up here in newhampshire, we do not have state tax, we have a deficit, we dont go and tell the indians we want your money?...like robk said, "but I do not let the roof over my head crumble. If it's broke I fix it. I take responsibility for my actions"

"I am not racist in any way.Nobody handed anything to me for free. I worked for it, and I'm damn proud of where I am in life"...that is a damm good answer...

you are the one missing the point....you just look at what indians have, look at what you have and dont let a stupid polititian take it from you and waisted....clean house i said....your house first then we work on others...but until then...is up to you...NOT THE INDIANS!!!!


again,new hampshire state free tax, massachussetes people come here for every little thing they can get, we happy, bring your money...we need it...massachussets gov, dont like it...they hava more deficit then we do,who knows, but you see massachussets saying, we have too pay them taxes cause they use our stores?...I'LL BE DAMN!!!...they are the ones comming here...make it easyer for them there so the money stays there, now they have 2 days in a yera where the buy anything and dont pay taxes...good for them!!!!

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i said they or we cause for some reason we never hear how good we just helped the indians and built a 100 floors buildings , malls etc...now the goverment (WE, cause we selected them) needs money?...lets get it from the indians....like chad just said


Every year more people are introduced to the workforce than there is retiring, and everyone "almost" is getting raises of somesort. So when you get a raise Uncle Sam gets a raise and same thing for overtime, he to gets a little O.T. for no work at all. So why in the hell are they constantly saying we need more or we can not balance the budget. My idea would be to give them 15% base and say, here..........make do with what you got!

talking about free loaders, lets free load from the indians wink.gif

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our mistake = polititiaons that are running our bank accts down to the bone, with all the luxury and plasure, giving money to other countrys and not taking care of the things we need here at home.

5000 dollars toilets,300 dollars haircuts,expensive toys, limos for kids taht can take the bus just like you and i.

so on...so on...etc...etc...got it?

the reason you want them to pay taxes is:

so you may have that hummer that the indian next door is driving. why he should buy it for you?...when you can tell your senators ,congress man, to stop waisting your money cause you want a hummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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man...are you reading at all?

Well, if I can expect your reading capabilities to be up there with your writing capabilities, I should have never replied to you in the first place.. Do you know how long it takes for me to decipher what you write? rolleyes.gif


It's like a guessing game.



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it's friday, i feel like i dunno, talking, want a drink. i have like 4 medical tests done, 2 more 2go next week..pressure, xtress...and this really helps, keep me away from thinking about them.


and i do really really really dislike to say,that the missfortune of some, blame of others.


take a step back, analyze why its happenning...then do something.

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the reason you want them to pay taxes is:

so you may have that hummer that the indian next door is driving. why he should buy it for you?...when you can tell your senators ,congress man, to stop waisting your money cause you want a hummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, NO!


The reason I want them to pay taxes is because


a)I pay taxes and I'm tired of supporting everyone else that doesn't! It's not for hummers, it's for more fire trucks, better roads and better ammenities FOR EVERYONE!


You make is sound like I want them taxed and the money to go directly to me. I can afford my own hummer, I don't need to have someone else pay for it. But I don't want to pay for someone else to get one WHEN THEY CAN AFFORD IT THEMSELVES.


B) Because they are not as poverty stricken as you think they are.


c) Because ANYONE that doesn't pay taxes that is CAPABLE of paying taxes is a burden on society.


No, there are no hard feelings, I just hope you go back in a few days and read some of what I said, then do some research on the subject to see it for yourself.



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I think all of you are taking extreme views.

My wife is half Cherokee her mother was born on the reservation, in N.C. and we were married ther. so I have seen the resevation close up not just driving though. So for those of you who want to try and understand, what this country did a hundred years ago, was almost destroy an entire culture, not a European culture, a tribal culture so unless your Indian you wouldnt have a clue. and there are alot of Indians who do not live on the reservation. pay ther taxes and have jobs just like everyone else. And the casinos are a tribal business, "note I said business" just like any business it is run for profit. and although all in the tribe benefit. they are by no means rich, or liven large. So I think your all a little ignorant of the facts. and BTW my Wife and daughters have not used any of so called Indian programs because in my Wife's eyes those are for the people who need assistence.

To coin a phrase


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I am not sure about the differences between our countries when it comes to how we dealt with the Indian issue. I believe Massacre, deciept and starvation were some of the tactics used a few hundred years ago. Both countries treated the natives terribly.


I don't know about in the USA., but in Canada we made treaties with the Indians, one nation with the other. I believe we need to honor past agreements between nations or all present and future agreements won't mean squat. In Canada the agreements included hunting and fishing rights, land for reservations and the right to not be forced to pay taxes. Right from day one the natives have known they got screwed but what could they do other than to try to get more from the deals.


At one point the Canadian government took the youth out of their homes and put them into residential schools where the "caregivers" tried to beat their heritage out of them. They were forced to pray to a God they didn't know. Oh, did I mention sexual and physical abuces ran rampant in these schools?


White scientists came to their lands and stole their heritage in the form of totem poles, artifacts and the bones of their ancestors. Yes, the bones of their ancestors, by the hundreds.

Now I know none of us personally did this to these people but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. People complain about the indians being lazy, welfare drunks who don't keep their houses up (in canada the band, not the resident ownes the house) one moment and then complain about the casino revenues and not paying taxes the next. In then scheme of things, there aren't that many who fall under the tax free umbrella and since their forebearers donated the land for both our great countries, let's not get all tied up in knots about this.


This is my informed, non-ignorant opinion of the issue and I for one am OK with the tax free status that reservation indians have.


Racisim is the forming of an opinion of a group, race, creed or religion of peoples based on a small stereotypical sampling of the group. In many ways we all have racist tendancies. We don't like to admit it but there there. Myself included.


Sorry for the long rant but I turned 45 yesterday and I'm all F...ed up about getting older.




First of all, thanks for the e-mail yeaterday.




This is not an attack on you. I just find the statment a little simplistic.



This country offers opportunities to everyone equally.

Do you really believe this? eek.gif I know we would all like to believe this true.




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+1000 fboike and phil. cheers.gifcheers.gifcheers.gif


we do stereotype all the time, because of one, we end up judging a whole group.


we dont know until we ive in someones else shoes.


reck, fire trucks and all of that is great...sell a couple of fightings jets and you will have fire trucks in every county if california...may be 2 0r 3 per.

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This is not an attack on you. I just find the statment a little simplistic.





This country offers opportunities to everyone equally.



Do you really believe this? I know we would all like to believe this true.

You are right... I probably should have left out the equally part...But this is the land of opportunities and being an American Indian in this day and age gives you more of an advantage in the states...


Phil, I'm not taking this in a bad way. I'm not offended and hopefully I'm not offending you.



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