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Michael Reynolds

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Everything posted by Michael Reynolds

  1. The thing is, I've been using me all along, with no problems (so far). This problem just started to happen after I downloaded the newest nvidia driver Doe!!!!! Thanks all (I'll keep on trying) Mike R.
  2. Thanks Estop, worked like a charm! The only thing is, when I'm in mcam, I can't see the cursor when it's in the graphics background (which is mcam's default - black). BTW, I'm running on a 1.2gig athlon with 312 megs of ram, nvidia gforce2 (64 meg), on windows ME. Any suggetions? Thanks! Mike R. [This message has been edited by Michael Reynolds (edited 06-19-2001).]
  3. I've gone too far already...the old card is gone. Am I now screwed? (figuratively (SP) speaking))? Thanks James! Mike R.
  4. Hi Jay! My LIFE sucks, but my job is great! Anyway, I wasn't smart enough to get rid of the old driver before installing the new one, but I did get rid of the old one (after the fact...). What should I do now, o wise one? BTW, we'll be making a decision about the editor thang within a couple of months...I think it's gonna be between predator and cimco...I'll keep you informed. Thanks Jay! Mike R.
  5. Since I changed video cards, a message pops up upon booting the 'puter, it says "you are using selective startup for trouble shooting". What do I need to do? Thanks all!!!!!! Mike R.
  6. Hey James & Multiax, whatever you do, don't SPEAK LESS!! Both of your comments and suggestions have helped me (and I'm sure ALOT of individuals on this forum) GREATLY!! On the subject of video cards (which seems to be a touchy subject), I bought a 64 meg Radeon card to help display/rotate/whatever, with mcam solids/surfaces, and it seemed to work REALLY well, but I followed a thread on this forum about video cards in which ALL the replies were against the radeon. So... I nixed the radeon, and bought an nvidia 64 meg card to replace it. The radeon was much superior to the nvidia (which is currently on my system). The system didn't crash 'er nothin'. Here's the point...I love this forum, and I check out ALL posts & their replies. If I act on someones reply or post, and it works, that's GREAT! If it doesn't work, I still know that the person who posted was replying with their best intentions... Sooooo...Can't we all just get along? Mike R.
  7. In versions past, I used to be able to delete all drafting dimensions in one shot, by doing a "delete/all/drafting/dimensions". Is this function still there, but hidden somewhere? thanks all! Mike R.
  8. How does one get in touch with a mcam user's group on the east coast?? Mike R.
  9. Hi all! A local company is donating two Kryle 500b vmc's to our school, and I was wondering if anyone would know the approximate footprint of these things. (I have to do a lab layout before they "throw them to the floor"... Thanks everyone! Mike R.
  10. Just a note about the far reaching values of this forum. My nephew lives in Ontario Canada (I live in Corning NY). He's doing a research project about CadCAM (what it's for, who uses it & why). So, I saw a posting from TOOLDEV, and noticed that he lives close to my nephew, so I asked TOOLDEV if he could help my nephew with his project in some way. He said "sure". You all might say "so what...". THAT'S MARKETING!!!!! Not to mention helping young (he's in 8th grade) students to think about machining/cadcam as a career... Sooo, this forum is helping to develop more than the skills of current programmers, but also forming the career directions of some of our youth!!!!! (THAT'S COOL!!!!!) Thanks to TOOLDEV, as well as EVERYONE that contributes to this forum... Mike R.
  11. Hey Tooldev, how far is New Market from Pepherlaw Ontario? (I think I misspelled that)... Thanks! Mike R.
  12. I teach at a community college in upstate NY, and I've never heard of anyone at our school selling bootleg copies of mcam. If I did, the person would not only be kicked out of the class, but may also be subject to getting a call from our local mcam dealers. I have heard of students selling bootleg copies of AutoCAD....but not in MY class... Mike R.
  13. If you were to break this problem down into two opposing right triangles, where the the intersection of the 12' ladder and the 6' height met, the opposite side of that triangle would be "W", then where the 10' ladder met the 6' height, the opposite side would be "Z", the equation would be the following: Z+W=(12W)/(SQUARE ROOT OF 36+Wsquared) Does THAT help..... Mike R.
  14. 2 hours? I've been agonizing over it since it was posted. Called everyone and their brother!!! Thanks fer the insite on IMHO, bertau, but what's LOL? The ignorant one, Mike R.
  15. Gotcha...But actually all I want to do is to be able to verify an NC program (with cycles) graphically (& inexpensively...) Thanks Charles! Mike R. [This message has been edited by Michael Reynolds (edited 06-09-2001).]
  16. Eric, Try screen/configure/nc settings/"Number of places after decimal point for nci files" to 3. Hope this helps Mike R.
  17. I was told by a friend of mine (at mastercam.edu) that it's possible to take an nc program and reverse post it (reformat) to an nci, then back plot it. How is that done>?? BTW, that math problem is DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks all!! Mike R.
  18. Hey there, scratch my last message, stupid mistake. This is driving me nuts, though. It better not be a TRICK question......!!! Mike R.
  19. Hey Simtech, is the answer 93 inches?? Mike R.
  20. Coooooooolll....You peoples is my new best freinds! Thanks for all your help! Mike R.
  21. Hi again. Bertau, I tried to find a way to get the countour "ramp" selectable, but it wasn't happenen'. Is it because it's a 3d curve? If i just create a flat 2d circle, then break it into 4 arcs, it becomes selectable, but that would mean I'd have to do 4 tool paths? Zaat right? Thanks all!!!! Mike R.
  22. How is that done? And can it do multiple depths of cut? Thanks fer gittin back to me!! Mike R.
  23. Hi again all! I was reading a thread about breaking up g1 x,y & z moves into g2/3 moves, which would severly cut down program lengths. My partner and I are working on a fly fishing reel as a class project in one of the cnc courses, and one of the assy parts has 4 helical contours (used the thelix c-hook). It could be programed by using g2/3 xyzijk, but mcam spits it out as a &*()*) load of xyz moves. I tried the filter/create arcs, but when I reposted, it didn't change. It's at the bottom of the following web page.. http://cadfree.corning-cc.edu/~reynolds/mastercam_parts.htm Any ideas? Thanks all! Mike R.
  24. Bullines, Do you use Cimco editor? I downloaded it and tried it with some mcam generated code, and it worked fine (but it didn't show toolchanges). Then when I wrote a simple profile, spot, peck drill program, it stoped for no reason. Then I got it to run, but it seemed to ignore the G81/G83 cycles, and treat the code like it was milling. I know the code was right. Any ideas? This looks like a good (hopefully inexpensive) nc verification program - looks like just what we need, but I wonder whats up with it stopping? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks! Mike R. [This message has been edited by Michael Reynolds (edited 06-06-2001).]

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