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Everything posted by Rick46

  1. Every time I open a MC X with no part in it I go to the machine type select control definition manager and from there I go directly to my operation defaults for I want my defaults the saem on the machines I use. well soon as I slect the operation defaults tab I get the error that states error. warning .. error opening C:mcacxmillpostsnone.pst .. why is this doing this and then when I make changes it says focus being lost from operation defaults page. changes to this page must be saved locally. do you wish to save this file. Now why would it ask me If I want to save it it the focus on it is being lost.. I have also crashed MC X out to the point it says contract expired no valid sim found error opening all other kinds of files then it eventually shuts down..I dont think all the bugs have been worked out of X just yet...nice looking interface but much more cifficulties and problems I have ever ran into with a upgrade of MC since version 7.. and yes I have the manual here right by myside reading it step by step to do what Im trying to do and I get errors everytime I do something so then I wonder if it corrupting stuff or working right at all...
  2. went to machine type, machine manager. then chose my control from the selection box on right side, then I went to the edit control definition tab to edit my operation defaults library file for I have one I have manually created myself by making a copy of the original inch defaults then making my changes to the one I renamed and I want use it and make more changes but it dosent want to retain them for me.. I get the message posted previously about the saving issue.. thanks,,,
  3. quote: go up to the top toolbar and choose machinetype/machine definition mgr. what you were doing was trying to change from op mgr right? Ok I did this and went to my control definition then to my operation defaults.. once changes are made it says ghanges cannot be saved here must be saved locally.. I just want to set up one default operation file for all machines I am using so that all my settings in the tool paths I use are defaulted to these values when I go to write a new toolpath on any new file.. thnaks ....
  4. ok so how do I go about changing this globally ?? I thought I was making some headway yesterday but seems I was doing as you said and saving it per part only.. I have had so many errors this morning.. error none post not found. your copy of MC has expired , invalid etc.. its driving me nuts... I love the new look but I feel like Im setting up Win NT for the first time ever..lol... p.s thanks for the image shack tip.. didnt know about that....
  5. I can change most settings from this page machine definition manager from inside the properties page on left of screen without getting any errors but when I change the operation defaults I get this error but it still saves them... is this normal??? thnaks,,,well I dont know how to attach the image but I did upload the pic of my screen to the ftp site.. its just called ssave if anyone cares to look at it and give me some insight on it thanks....
  6. not anytime soon.. but in probabbly few months ot so it will be gone...once I get tex down pat and they get HSM working in version 10 I will most likely uninstall it...
  7. that works.. guess when I uninstall version 9 I will have to reinstall cimco in my MCX directory..thanks guys..
  8. I assume the new post editor is the version MC x editor.. Im having issues when posting to my machine through dnc mode .. I get port curently in use on both machines I have set up but on one it will send the program although I get the port currently in use error.. I dont have this issue with Cimco edit when sending programs..Im using milltronics partner series machines and had to set up my own machine post profiles same settings as in Cimco edit... I can always send them with old editor I guess but just trying utilize all of version X's capabilities.. thanks..
  9. ok .. I need to import my tool from my personal library by using the selest library tool option below the tool manager box.. I did it this way and it worked any ways .. correct me if this wrong.. and thanks for the reply...
  10. actually I dont know but most likely the material library because its not importing the tool or feeds and speeds that I select. update I just cheked and it is getting its feeds from tool selection...
  11. when creating toolpath I go to import a tool fro, ,y personal tool library and all I get is a 1/2 endmill every time with some whacked feeds and speeds.. can some one temm me why this is doing this.. Is there a bug in the tool conversion from 9 to X and IM going to have to recreate my tool library I had defined for myself.. thanks.... By the way I have had to do this with the DF9 and OP9 files.. conversion process has failed me on those as well...
  12. oh well if all else fails I will go back in and re establish the settigns manually. I hate doing things manually....lolololol.. thanks for your reply...
  13. I did the proper conversion of the DF9 OP file from 9 to X and the tool TL9 tool file configuration settings. recognized the tools no problem but in all my tool paths it failed to import my preset depth cuts, clearance heights, etc, etc...... anyone maybe tell me why ?? there are selected in my current machine definition profile. thanks...
  14. EMI Electro Magnetic Interferance.. same can be cause by flourecent lighting...
  15. found some info on this page about RS 232 lengths.. interesting reads.. might give you some general idea on lenghts and baud rates to use... http://www.vutrax.co.uk/rs232.htm
  16. do you have the optimize cut order checked ?? If not this will cause lots of retracts in a toolpath as well..
  17. not to hijack this thread but I hae a topper machine with a Fanuc 18i-M controller and am interested in setting up something like this to take advantage of drag and drop of files.. anyone out there maybe have any insight they could give me in my situation... thanks...
  18. well I know in windows 2000 or XP Pro page file it requires a minimum amount if you are using single partition but it can be disabled if you have more than one drive in your system or partition on your current drive but you do have to have one somewhere cause it is used mainly for memory purposes but also by the OS as well...... NOTE: Microsoft does not recommend setting Paging=NO as a Long-term solution because this may adversely affect the performance of Windows dont know about linux OS and page files...
  19. page file is needed by the OS as well other than just swaping stuff out of memory to make room for other things...I dont think you can actually disable the page file come to think of it never tried but dont know for sure.. I do know its used by the OS as well so dont make it to small. needs to be 1.5 times abount of total ram you have in your system..if you have 1MB of RAM a total of 1534MB page file is needed and so forth as your RAM sizes increase to get optimum performance... update.. yeah just done some checking there is a minumum amout that the page file must be set at or your gonna have errors...etc...
  20. definately stay away from the onboard video.. get a after market PCI express video card Nvidia mid grade to higher grade depending on your budget... We have a system here using onboard video and it leaves traces of geometry from the previous view froze to the screen when you zoom in on something or rotate something,.. A simple refresh does away with it but it just drives me nuts when you get a good system and use the crappy onboard accessories in a high end graphics software.. just my ywo cents... HTH
  21. well Im by no means trying to stir the pot but this is a first for our retailer to call and make mention of this to us.. last time he was in to see how things were going he couldnt tell us for sure when it would be out so Im just going by what I was told today..only time will tell for sure...
  22. Our retailer called this morning and said to expect it by mid next month... they will get there final version sometime in next week or so and have to have multiple copies made to be distrubted to all there customers... so its coming guys...
  23. leaving operation manager open or file get box will stop mastercam from using 100% of all the processers resources in turn allowing it to cool off.. way mastercam is setup it uses 100% of processor resource when its just siting there idle. I think there has been mention of this being adressed in mastercam X but cant remember for sure...
  24. yeah the transform-toolpath-mirror option is buggy. the reverse toolpath option in particular, used it so as to make my tool path climb cut which it did but it starts at bottom of detail and works way up instead of starting at top and going down like original path..

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