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O/T California's "Girlie men" are outraged


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Oh-Oh, hew we go again . . .


This is from the Demoncratic viewpoint.



(CBS/AP) Democrats aren't amused by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's use of the mocking term "girlie men" to describe some lawmakers, although a spokesman for the governor said no apology would be forthcoming.


Schwarzenegger dished out the insult at a rally Saturday as he claimed Democrats were delaying the budget by catering to special interests. Democrats protested that the remark was sexist and homophobic.


"If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers … if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men,'" Schwarzenegger said to the cheering crowd at a mall food court in Ontario.


The governor lifted the term from a long-running "Saturday Night Live" skit in which two pompous, Schwarzenegger-worshipping weightlifters repeatedly use it to mock those who don't meet their standards of physical perfection.


Democrats said Schwarzenegger's remarks were insulting to women and gays and distracted from budget negotiations. State Sen. Sheila Kuehl said the governor had resorted to "blatant homophobia."


"It uses an image that is associated with gay men in an insulting way, and it was supposed to be an insult. That's very troubling that he would use such a homophobic way of trying to put down legislative leadership," said Kuehl, one of five members of the Legislature's five-member Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus.


Schwarzenegger's criticism of Democrats stems in part from their support of one bill prohibiting schools from contracting services with private companies, and another giving workers authority to sue their employers to enforce labor laws. Each side accuses the other of caving in to special interests.


At a rally Sunday in Stockton, the governor gave a speech almost identical to the one he delivered in Ontario but without the "girlie men" remark. Spokesman Rob Stutzman said the line was dropped because Schwarzenegger had already sent the message he wanted to send, not because he regretted his remarks.


"It's a forceful way of making the point to regular Californians that legislators are wimps when they let special interests push them around," Stutzman said. "If they complain too much about this, I guess they're making the governor's point."


Assemblyman Mark Leno, a San Francisco Democrat who is chairman of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus, said he was glad Schwarzenegger didn't repeat the "girlie men" remark Sunday, saying it was "as misogynist as it is anti-gay."


"To disparage a group of law abiding tax paying citizens is just wrong," Leno said.


Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, a Democrat, said that while he wasn't upset by the remark, his 13-year-old daughter was.


"She's a young girl who knows the governor and really likes him a lot and didn't find the term to be a positive term, and finds it to be derogatory," Nunez said. "It was no question a very, very insensitive comment to make. I personally am not intimidated or threatened by it, but I think it really is beneath Gov. Schwarzenegger."


Schwarzenegger has been engaged in a tough fight with Democratic legislators over how to repair California's budget. He has also taken a tough line on same-sex marriage after Gavin Newsome, the mayor of San Francisco, authorized weddings for gays and lesbians.


Just thought this was humorous . . . funny . . .










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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

That was hilarious. I find it amusing that Sheila Kuel would say


...trying to put down legislative leadership...

I'm trying to find a leader in in the legislature. Who the heck is she talking about? ...Legislative Leadership. The whole stinking place is a mess BOTH sides of the aisle are pathetic leaders... more like a bunch of sheep they are...

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


...Used properly, it is devastating...

ANYTHING that gets the sheep, errrrr voters in California to take a critical look the their legislators and the "job" (and I use that term VERY loosely) they are doing, is probably a good thing regardless if it offends people.

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ANYTHING that gets the sheep, errrrr voters in California to take a critical look the their legislators

It like what John and Ken is doing on whith their Republican Sacrifice. They are encouraging the Republican to vote one of their own out of office and a "protest" for their non-support for their parties' platform. We need politicans who will "take a stand" on what they believe.


Way to go Arnold . . .






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The "John and Ken" show on KFI 640 AM radio.


Look here and see what is happening. People are voting to see which candidate will be the "sacrifice"


Right now, David Dreier, district 26 has 52.37% of the vote. The second place is Chris Cos with 13.35% of the vote. I do believe the David Dreier will have his people turn on him.


Very exciting times we live in, don't you think?




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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

I was in his district when I first got married. I'd sacrifice him in a heartbeat. Since he took his stand on China's MFN status I've wanted him gone. I've got lots of friends that live in that area. I'll tell them.


James the tar and feather him...

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"If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers … if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men,'"


Of course, lost in all of the furor over the 'girlie men' comment is the fact that the first half of the statement has no validity to it whatsoever. It's garbage rhetoric, and the 'girlie men' comment serves only to distract the media and the populace from questioning the core of the comment itself. Sounds like it worked, too. And if you don't have the guts to agree with me, I call you girlie men. biggrin.gif

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I'm still trying to figure out how it was invalid.

Yep why is it when you start callign the ketelle balck it gets mad all the time. Is the guy perfect by no means but funny how you seem to always get the half truths from the media everytime when soemthing like this happens. headscratch.gifheadscratch.gifheadscratch.gif


Trth is out there and it is up to the people that want to hear it to hear it. So now that cuased a 2 week delay in the budget so forget the little guy forget people who may be effected by the govermant shutting down if this drags out. They all had their feeling hur so now they need 2 weeks golfing and going to the islands or soemthing or our tax dollars to feel better about. Yeah I say grow the hell up do you job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

Where else but the California Legislature can you get paid to not do your job??? headscratch.gif Oh, I forgot, they are not getting paid... right now, they get it back retroactive once they sign the budget. rolleyes.gif Ooooooo that's punishment.

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I'm still trying to figure out how it was invalid


The statement has no validity because he has based it on a huge assumption, that those legislators who are opposing the Governor's current budget proposal are not representing those who elected them. Of course, Democratic lawmakers are elected by Democrats. So when they try to prevent the Governor from commodifying public education, or from gutting worker's rights, then they are representing their constituents, and not what they would call 'special interests.'


The simple reality is that 'special interest' is a term that is always applied to the other side. Depending on your viewpoint, special interests are either the big corporations or the unions, industries or environmentalists, public employees or the private sector. Democrats are backed by special intersts, Republicans are backed by special interests, Arnold is backed by special interests. But, by itself, the term means absolutely nothing.

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Oh well, the gay community is offended by the "girlie men" comment.


It's from a Saturday Night skit, as you are all aware of. If memory serves me correctly, wasn't girlie men directed at pencil necks and out of shape men? So does that mean ALL thin built and overweight men are gay? Or maybe everything was taken out of context? And also, how does that offend women?


Give Arnold a break!


Arnold for President!! [gotta be an American-born citizen? Damn, he would be that strong leader we need when Bush's term of office is over. Strong leaders are what Al Quida fears most].

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