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o/t July 1st Canada Day


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Just want to wish a Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians on the forum, et specialment pour nos ami de Quebec. I hope you all have a safe and fun loooong weekend (for those taking monday off as well).


Don't let a few west nile laden mosquitos interupt the high fever and coughing as the Alberta prime beef is sizzling away on the fosil fuel burning bar-b-q. Since it's no longer a criminal offence, smoke em if you got em. Man, I remember when we used to be able to live by the Aussie motto: No worries mate.


(PhilCott's feable attempt at satire)


Best to you all,


Phil cheers.gif


[ 06-27-2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: PhilCott ]

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Just another long weekend that I did not get. frown.gif

I know it's a sin not to take the holiday when it's granted but I look upon the whole event as the opportunity to gain a day for the delivery the customer really needs. (this happens every single time and I really do appreciate the one day grace attached to it).



PhilCott's feable attempt at satire

Well composed thread Philcott biggrin.gif now how about an avatar to go along with this new found articulation smile.gif




Regards, Jack

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Happy Canada day Eh.

Hey Phil at least you don't have to wear your SARS mask while you are BBQing.Hope everyone has a good and safe long weekend.It should be pretty quiet in here next week with the July 4th long weekend in the States.



cheers.gif Noel

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criminal offense to burn fosil-fuel?!?! Even in a bbq?

When the weather's hot and the air quality is poor due to smog, BBQ is discouraged since it apparently contributes to the poor air quality problem.


The "smoke 'em if you got em" that he's refering to the decriminalization of weed possession in Canada. If you are caught posessing under 30 grams in Toronto or 15 grams anywhere else in the country, you only receive a fine ($125 I think) and nothing goes on your criminal record.

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Thanks, Bullines. I guess if you have 2 out of 5 houses BBQing, it could contribute to smog. How about LPG or wood?


Why don't they just tax it, (the weed), instead of imposing fines? They'll get more money for it, and less "criminals"


'Rekd teh You'd think a long-haired white boy would have caught on to the "Burn 'em if you got 'em" comment.. :/


[ 06-30-2003, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Rekd ]

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Herein lies the problem: Yes you can light one up in front of a policeman and gain nothing more than a harassing stare. He can shake you down for nothing and gain even less for doing so. smile.gif


I might stand corrected but I do believe there are people in New York State that were sentenced for fifteen or twenty years for simple possession. Imagine how these people feel about justice? frown.gif


Another consideration is how would U.S. Customs or INS react to a Canadian charged with a misdemeanor infraction as opposed to a criminal offense? – Since this is not considered as criminal activity then who is to know? (It sort of presents a double edged sword when you consider it).


Was it not the Olympic gold winning, Canadian snowboard freestyle champion Russ Bagliatti that was refused entry at the U.S. border for the winter games in Salt Lake City for alleged marijuana use?



BTW - I noticed that Rekd made it past 1000 posts. biggrin.gif




Regards, Jack


[ 06-30-2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Jack Mitchell ]

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Don't get me started. wink.gif I was looking for the quote about how prohibition laws can be more injurous to the individual than the thing they prohibit, but instead I found this....



Americas' at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, and it's too early to shoot the xxxx. -Claire Wolfe

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Hi everyone,


Just got back from a weekend of lacrosse tournaments, camping, swimming in the rivers and fishing for large salmon. The boys didn't do too well in the tournament but scored lots of goals and got to make some huge, flattening checks. I caught two Chinook salmon, (US fishermen call them Kings) one 36, and one 27lbs. What a rush that is when you get the first flash of silver and you can tell it's around three feet long.




Since when did anyone in BC give that a second thought?

I don't believe they ever did either.




Hey I thought it was pretty good

Thanks man.




Just another long weekend that I did not get.

Take the time to smell the roses Jack. We all work hard and it's good to re-charge the batteries in what ever manner you choose.


ps. I'm working on the avater.


Noel, My reference to high fever and cough was the SAR's reference. Can't believe the Feds think a Rolling Stones concert will make all things better. But, Hey, any reason to see the Stones is a good reason. Are you going to go??



criminal offense to burn fosil-fuel?!?! Even in a bbq?

'Rekd, 'Rekd, 'Rekd, Come on long-haired white boy you are quicker than that. tongue.gif




If you are caught posessing under 30 grams in Toronto or 15 grams anywhere else in the country

There's Toronto getting the bigger piece of pie again. Next thing you know, idiots from the big city who never shoot or hunt or protect livestock, will be making firearms legislation costing ONE BILLION DOLLARS and trying to make criminals out of previously law abiding, tax paying regular folk.



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While on the Canada subject....I work with a guy who is from Toronto. He goes back a couple of times a year to get some "real beer", he calls it. He give me one of them big 'ol cans of Molson one time to try. WHOO HOO, talk about stout! Pretty darn good though. Happy Canada Day fellows!


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I love your music

We have a long line of comedians as well. Here are a few,


Aykroyd, Dan

Candy, John

Carrey, Jim

Chong, Thomas

Foley, David

Green, Tom

Hartman, Phil

Leacock, Stephen

Levy, Eugene

Little, Rich

McCulloch, Bruce

McDonald, Kevin

MacDonald, Norm

McKinney, Mark

Mandel, Howie

Martin, Andrea

Michaels, Lorne (ok not a comedian but look what he has done)

Moranis, Rick

Myers, Mike

O'Hara, Catherine:

Short, Martin

Shuster, Frank

Smith, Steve "The Red Green Show"

Steinberg, David

Wayne, Johnny



Don't know what makes us so funny. Must be our politicians. biggrin.gif



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Can't believe the Feds think a Rolling Stones concert will make all things better. But, Hey, any reason to see the Stones is a good reason.

I'd also go to see the Flaming Lips, who were just recently added to the concert bill. Fight SARS with rawk! Or something like that wink.gif

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We used to get the Red Green show down here on one of the cable channels. That is FUNNY stuff. Haven't been able to find it at the rental store or on TV lately. frown.gif Was it Second City TV that gave us half of that list of comedians Phil? Used to like Martin Short as Johnny Nucleus-sp?. And what the heck is a Tuke? confused.gif


[ 07-02-2003, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: A-ron ]

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Hey, what's with the gay marriages and new "drug shooting gallery" laws you guyz want to pass up there. Pretty soon we're gonna have to seal off the border...

My take on 'us guys':


Weed laws - Let the law worry about real criminals and not pot heads.


Gay marriages - It's a forward-thinking country that we live in and homophobia is a sorely outdated trait, much like racism.


Seal the border if you will. It would be a detriment to both countries.


PS: Congrats to Van City on getting the 2010 Winter Olympics! cheers.gif

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Don’t want to turn this thread into another political rant but gay marriage is about as progressive in theory as the hollow earth theory. Cananda is great for it’s natural beauty and traditions and diverse culture but you’ve been fortunate enough to this point to no yet get overrun by the lawyers representing special interest groups. Maybe it’s the shear number of people here vs. Canada but these whackos here in S.F. want tolerance and diversity then go parading through the streets in nun’s habits with their testicles hanging out. Would you want to expose your youngins to this stuff? If that is progress then leave me far behind PLEASE!


My 2 cents, but back to Canada...Wish I could get up there again sometime, beautiful country.


[ 07-02-2003, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: A-ron ]

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It was second city where a lot of the comedians first made their marks. Remember Martin Short's caracter Ed Grimly (I must say)? John Candy as Johnny LaRue. My favourites were Bob and Doug McKenzie and Joe (USA home boy) Flarhety's "Count Floyd" with Monster Chiller Theater.


I've been wearing toques all my life and when you walk to school in -30F weather you make sure you always know where it is.



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