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O/T Winning Back America

Jack Mitchell

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You just had to know that this was coming. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I first read some of Dean’s articles about a year ago on www.commondreams.org. I sort of felt that he was a little bit too far left to ever become a serious Democratic contender. I admired his ability to conjure his own speeches without the millions required for the finest of speech writers – this might not be the case today.


“Out of nowhere, the former governor of Vermont has surged to front runner status thanks to his blistering attacks on President Bush, the U.S. war in Iraq and the co-optive Democratic Party establishment. His take-no-prisoners, scorched-earth style have made Dean a hero to the left wing of the American politic. The big question is whether Howard and the Deaniacs can hang on.

Primary and caucus season kicks off tomorrow in Iowa; next week, New Hampshire. It seems the only thing that can stop Howard Dean from capturing the Democratic title is Howard Dean’s machine-gun mouth. In the past six months, he has accused Bush of having prior warning of the Sept. 11 attacks. He has questioned the guilt of Osama bin Laden. He has lashed out at Bill Clinton for selling out the Democratic Party. He has spoken of his desire to gain the vote of the Confederate flag-loving Southerners. But perhaps the most political-career-killing statement of all: He absolutely promises to raise taxes.”



This thread title is the same as the recent book published by Howard Dean; I won’t bother with David Corn's hot-seller but will leave it to others to point out details. Like him or not, he raises many interesting points and shoots from the hip with all the finesse of a pitbull.


Quotes were published in the January 18th edition of the Toronto Sun written by Bill Pierce. I am sure that James Carroll of the Boston Globe might have an opinion as well but I haven’t looked there recently. None-the-less, I’ll be glued to CNN for the weeks to come.


I was totally unaware that "It's been almost impossible to escape the more than 23,000 television ads Democratic presidential candidates already have run in Iowa, with thousands more in the run-up to the caucuses."




Regards, Jack


[ 01-18-2004, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Jack Mitchell ]

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I've got to admit, I at least admire Dean's ability to speak what he really thinks. I disagree with much of what he says, but at least I find his candor refreshing.


But overall the Democratic party has gone wacko. It should be renamed the American Socialist Democratic Party. All that's left are the extreme, free market loathing, "blame America first, always and only" crowd.


I think the Democratic party has ceased to be a National party. For all practical purposes, it is dead. All the screaming, ranting and raving of the Dems are their frustrated death throes.


In the future the battle will be between the Republicans and the Libertarians.


Let me repeat that; In the future the two major parties in the United States will be the Republicans and the Libertarians. The arguements will be between the moderate conservatives and the extreme conservatives.


That model will rule in this country for at least 50 years. I've studied politics for as long as I can remember, and I not often wrong.


The pendulem has swung from the liberal (quasi-socialist) extreme emerging from the great depression to the Conservatives.


[ 01-18-2004, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Charles Davis ]

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During the Clinton Administration, there was a

right wing lunatic fringe muttering darkly about

drug dealing, murder for hire and all sorts of

things in Clinton's past.


Fast forward to the Bush Administration and we've got another lunatic fringe muttering about Bush's dark history. He knew 9/11 was going to happen, but he didn't stop it because ....

His grandfather was in a secret pact with the Nazis ete etc etc etc.


The difference between then and now, is that the current lunatic fringe are mainstream Democrats.


My mother is a life long Democrat who hates GW Bush with such passion that it affects her health.

She has a terrible problem and I'm ashamed to say that I laugh at her predicament. She doesn't know who to vote for this election. She will not vote for Bush and the entire crop of Democratic nominees are unacceptable to her. She's already decided that she's going to have to sit this one out.


The Democratic nominees, in their pandering to

the far left wing of their party, have manged to offend about 80% of the population. They will pay for it in November.


At this point I don't think any of them can beat Bush. About the only thing that might do him in is a horribly successful terrorist strike in the late summer or early fall.


The last thing our enemies want is 4 more years

of George Bush. Who ever wins the Democratic nomination will have the full backing of our enemies. They will do everything possible to make sure our next president is a democrat.


Its going to be a very interesting election

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The thing I can't understand about the Democratic candidates is their pledge to repeal the Bush tax cut. Can't the general public understand that this is the same as raising taxes. When was the last time someone got elected after promising to take more of your money?

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They plan to take the money from the minority

who work hard and are "wealthly" and give it to

the majority who do not.

The Democrats definition of wealthy would probably

include just about everyone on this forum.

California has taken this to extremes.

State government employees get 100% medical insurance for life, and can now retire at 90%

pay after 30 years. Some county deputies can retire at 100% pay after 23 years. Of course all

us saps in the private sector are suppossed to

happily accept 30-40% tax burdens to pay for it.

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The Dems don't want solutions to problems, they want unsolved problems they can beat the Reps over the head with every four years.


The Dems don't want harmony, they want to divide people into hundreds of sub-classes they can play off of each other.


The Dems don't want prosperity, they want a large percentage of the public to be dependent on them for handouts because it increases their power and influence.


The only think the Dems have to offer is fear itself (to paraphase a Roosevelt saying). All the new ideas, the creativity, and positive vision of the future is with the Reps. America is a naturally optimistic society.


In regards to a terrorist attack changing the election: I think we all assume this will happen again. I think in many ways that is already built into the economy. For all I know, that could have the opposite result.


If any terrorist thinks they can break us, then is shows how ignorant they are of our culture. We were very restrained after 911; which I think proved Bush's ability to keep his head together during the most trying circumstances.


If we get hit again like that or with a WMD, who knows what will happen. We still have thousands of warheads on ICBM's that can be anywhere in the world in about 30 minutes.


If you think Afghanistan and Iraq were displays of our might, think again. You haven't seen anything yet. That was like pinky wrestling compared to what we have the power to do. Wise people would have learned not to f%^$ with us. We will not tolerate attacks on our civillians and homeland.

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In the future the battle will be between the Republicans and the Libertarians.

You've nailed that one Charles! I think that Lieberman could seperate some of the right leaning centrists from voting Republican if he played that rift correctly. (Especially with the way the party's nominee suddenly shifts to the center as election time comes closer.)



I would rather see Bush win myself. Dean and the rest of the six or seven candidates left who cite all of Bush's flaws never bring up the fact that Bush not only brought many Middle East tyrants to the well but has managed to make them drink from it too! -Syria is suddenly cooperative, Libya has abandoned all WMD programs, Saddam is a historical footnote, Iran suddenly agrees to let nuclear inspectors in, N Korea has backed away from the their nuclear blackmail approach to dealing with the U.S., there hasn't been a domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil since Bush set to work on the problem, the economy is looking up from a recesion which he inherited, and the Dow average is looking good.


On top of all that the left has been ranting lately about there not being enough focus or action on homeland security out of one side of their mouth while the other side bitches about Ashcroft and the Dept of Homeland Security being far too powerful and all the constitutional abuses that are occurring... Well, which is it? confused.gif


None in the race for the Dem nomination are ready for prime time if they are going to try to sell the whole sky is falling routine to the average American voter who can see through this B.S.

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On top of all that the left has been ranting lately about there not being enough focus or action on homeland security out of one side of their mouth while the other side bitches about Ashcroft and the Dept of Homeland Security being far too powerful and all the constitutional abuses that are occurring... Well, which is it?

What the left really means is that they want more money for "first reponders". In this case, "first

responders = union firefighters and police. Nonunion first reponders like military personnel

don't need any more money.

Union firefighters and police are forced to contribute union dues which are then contributed to the Democratic party, therefore, more money for

"first reponders=more money in the Democratic

warchest. All at the taxpayers expense mad.gif

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Governor Arnold is pitch perfect. The guy is (gasp) doing exactly what he said he'd do. I think there is a new optimism in the State. The guy's a natural leader.


The Dem legislature is trying to block him, because their worst fear is he'll actually solve the problems and take away the trough from their special interest groups.





On top of all that the left has been ranting lately about there not being enough focus or action on homeland security out of one side of their mouth while the other side bitches about Ashcroft and the Dept of Homeland Security being far too powerful and all the constitutional abuses that are occurring... Well, which is it?




That is a brilliant observation. The Dems rely on the stupidity of the masses. But with the Internet and diverse media, they can't speak out of both sides of their faces anymore and get by with it.


The Dems have been taken over by niche special interests. Most of what they do is political and contrived to win elections, not do what's best for the country.

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Well, Arnold re-stated the obvious problems with the California budget, which included 45 percent spending increases in a period where we had an income increase of 25 percent. Wish I could shuffle my finances like that. But in reality I'd be homeless if I did. Of course Senate President Pro Tem John Burton stated almost word for word what I and others in the CA recall thread predicted they would say a few months ago about depriving starving babies, the blind and disabled, women, and the elderly all suffering disproportionately with the budget cuts. All the emotional keywords were thrown out there with the faithful and blindly loyal bleeding hearts hinging on every manipulative word.


Thank god the registration fees hit close enough to home to smack some sense into these idiots!!!

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A-Ron, you sure called it right.


I think that during the 1980's and 90's, the optimistic, creative people were too busy starting businesses and hiring people to run for political office or even pay much attention to who was running the CA state legislature.


The whiney looser's who couldn't even make it during boom time snuck into the legislature by pandering to the teachers unions and other special interests.


Now that we've recalled the Governor, we need to clean house in the legislature.

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